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    Erath, LA

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  1. Here's yet another member "coming in from the cold" to pay tribute to a fine fellow. He was quite helpful on my first trip to New York, even though I never met him. All I can do is offer condolences to his loved ones.
  2. I just saw the spot for the movie on Hell's Kitchen. I had to come out of a somewhat self-imposed exile to post on this. I watched the preview with mouth agape, mumbling to myself "They freakin did it." I just had to pipe up on this, knowing the subject had been of great interest in these parts. And I'll be around a little more, as I am no longer traipsing about the bloody country living in hotels and trying to eat economically. Plus I have a local job that allows me to sleep in my own bed each night, while still trying to eat economically.
  3. How about a cinnamon coffee cake with bacon?
  4. Prayers for all of my friends in south LA. New Orleans may be in much better shape than forecast, but Lafayette and areas around it will see significant wind damage. I'm watching WWL and KATC. Technology is a wonderful thing. Nice to get some real-time info. Please be safe. Please be careful.
  5. Yeah, I'm quickly discovering the NYC price point reality. OK, let's bump it a bit, say $100 without a reservation.
  6. Problem with black food coloring is that it also blackens the diner's mouth and teeth. Not appetizing. I wouldn't have a problem with gray, but that's me. You could also layer it with the tan stuff or use it as decoration.
  7. I have just landed a new job that posts me in Manhattan for the next couple of weeks. I know there are a ton of places to eat, and I will not go hungry. I have limited funds (which will be reimbursed) but I really want one truly great meal, without dropping a couple hundred bucks. Where can a guy eat, with no time to make reservations, at a fabulous restaurant in the $50-60 range? I'll know my exact hotel location in the next day or so. First time to NYC... Hell, my first time north of Nashville. Be gentle.
  8. after washing your hands shaking them off works well when your busy ← I was think more of being in a restroom somewhere.
  9. Hydrate. Clean. Keep your head up. Don't get caught up in one task. And finally, don't ask for burn cream.
  10. How do you dry your hands when you aren't wearing an apron? A towel under your apron, tucked into your belt/pants could work. The towel is concealed, but you look like you are molesting yourself when you use it. Otherwise, just find a hidey-hole for a couple of dry ones to wipe after washing. I agree that seeing someone wipe their hands (or knives, or other equipment) on an apron is just wrong. I know it's cloth and started out clean, but it sure can pick up some funky stuff along the way. Break the habit. It's one of the bad ones you have to break. I appreciate the effort in handwashing BTW. It's good to know that someone actually puts some thought into it.
  11. http://www.nola.com/news/index.ssf/2008/03...by_falling.html So a random bullet falls from the sky and hits the man. He shrugs it off and continues cooking. I like the guy. He nearly became the third Louisiana restaurant owner to die in the last few days (see Al Copeland from Popeye's and other places and Miss Goldie from Mulate's) They say things happen in threes, and I hope this one counts. I'd hate to see anything happen to anyone else.
  12. http://www.theadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll.../803260304/1002 Yet another blow to the Louisiana restaurant industry.
  13. http://www.katc.com/Global/story.asp?S=8057418 One more legend goes away.
  14. Wood splits because the grain isn't consistent, especially end-grain boards which can come from any portion of the cross-cut of the tree. Picture looking straight down on a tree stump, and cutting squares out of that. You can see how the grain will be different in each piece, varying from inner rings to near the bark. If the manufacturer is not careful in setting up the grain patterns, the wood's natural expansion and contraction can be stronger than the glue. Wood moves. Quality doors and cabinets take that expansion in mind when engineering and building. I'd use Titebond II instead of Gorilla glue, though. The Titebond is safe for food contact surfaces. Gorilla Glue is overkill for that kind of use. Anything smaller than an entertainment center is too small, especially if the wood is already moving. If there is any kind of gap after clamping, the polyurethane joint is weakened considerably. It's fine for a tight fitting machined joint, not so much if you have to push the wood together. Whereas the Titebond is flexible and can move with the wood, instead of failing. edited to fix a fact.
  15. Lots of NASCAR themes that could be used. I'm a fan myself, living only 20 minutes from Talladega. Dunno if meatball tires will work, and still taste good, but in honor (stretching the word) of Tony Stewart, how about the ever popular Lil Smokies? (Smoke, get it? nevermind.) Or you car recreate that great commercial from a last year where the infamous '79 Daytona fight between Cale and Donnie was made out of cakes and such. THAT would be awesome. A marzipan Richard Petty standing on top of a baby blue Oldmobile cake. I'd make that my Christmas card. edited to fix the Pontiac/Oldmobile issue.
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