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Bicycle Lee

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Everything posted by Bicycle Lee

  1. ahhh yes...beet reduction...I almost forgot... this is a great garnish....it looks awesome on a nice white plate...
  2. I was actually referring to Jeffrey C. when I said it wasn't his fault... I do feel that Rocco is to blame...
  3. this whole thread seems silly to me. People die....plain and simple. No diet can change that fact. If the guy were in his early 20's and died of a heart attack, THEN it may be worth a second look, but for Chrissakes the guy was a senior citizen...
  4. chalk up another vote for Lady Baltimore cake
  5. I think beet salad is great... beets seem to go very well with a sweet balsamic dressing (I know it's pedestrian). Just some honey, brown sugar, balsamic, garlic, and EVOO and you're good to go. I was going to suggest beet juice sorbet, but since you don't like beets that might be a stretch....that and beet espuma....
  6. I'm gonna report you.... HEHE
  7. what do you mean "learn to eat at nice places"? You mean food wise? Or manners-wise?
  8. Since I can't get PBR on tap anywhere in this state I always opt for a Bud... but my list has to go: PBR BUD Tecate Rolling Rock Heiniken CL smooth
  9. YES However.... I personally think that if the place is busy and they are not making money then it is not HIS fault...it is his staff's. They are either wasting more than they are making (not very likely) or they are giving away a lot of meals to folks who think they deserve free meals (celebs and other pompous asses). Of course these are not the only two possibilities, but...
  10. and to clarify, I in no way am suggesting that we SHOULD talk about politics...but when analagous to food, or brought up in the context of food, why not say what we think?
  11. Politics.... ZING!
  12. sure...I agree...but then again, who wants to take their young kids to a high end restaurant anyway? The subtleties of fine food are lost on young mouths, IMO. Shit, I hated mushrooms until I was about 17... If I had children I would reserve the fine dining nights for ones where a babysitter and money for chinese takeout were left at home with the kids.
  13. chain restaurants have their place because the pallettes of many (if not most) people are as dull as a butter knife. These people want quantity over quality and they see nothing wrong with simple sustinence being just that. There are fine dining restaurants for people who want to fuel their bodies with something special and there are the Denny's, Applebees, TGIFridays, and so on for those who could care less what goes inot their bodies as long as it is doused in salt and "spice". I'm not implying that I never go to chain restaurants...but if someone asks, "Let's go out and have a nice meal." I'm not one to suggest a chain.
  14. that's why I started this thread. I posted something that made a reference to the instability in this region and it was deleted...if certain people can't accept that other people have differing opinions then....well...you know.... it is a good topic for discussion BECAUSE there are strong opinions on either side. and this site is as close to a dinner table as any message board can be...that's why I say anything goes. it isn't inflammatory to state opinions...being a jerk about someone else's opinion is inflammatory.
  15. bring me back a British girl....hmmm, those accents always get me....
  16. I saw the last five minutes... all I can think is that Rocco should have found someone with a ton of money and no interest in being IN the restaurant itself to flip the bill....that would have saved him IMO.
  17. thai peppers are hotter than szechuan peppercorns... They are not quite as hot as a scotch bonnet but they are hot enough to make you hyperventilate (I passed out once after eating one in one bite). It might be worth your time to make some sriracha too...if you have enough peppers, but then again, chili oil does not require a ton of peppers. Just puree your chilis with some light vinegar, a little garlic and some salt hmmmm...
  18. Just about everything does, no? I haven't heard anything about butter flavorings. Source, please? You're talking about stuff like "Molly McButter" and movie theatre popcorn grease (a/k/a "butter")? somewhere recently I saw an article that outlined a study done on the folks who work in microwave popcorn factories and it showed that being in prolonged contact with the butter flavoring was a high cancer risk. Does it surprise you? I had a buddy who worked at a movie theatre once. He said they were not allowed to call it "butter" they had to add "flavoring" to the end or they could be sued...hehe
  19. Bicycle Lee

    deer burger

    cool...yeah, the woman who gave it to me recommended chili. although the sausage sounds nice too... thanks yall
  20. I have about three pounds of deer burger and I am unsure of what to do with it. Any suggestions?
  21. chopped and formed meat like the McRib that are formed to look like a real cut of meat.... artificial butter flavoring (did you know that it causes cancer?) high-end tex-mex high-end chinese
  22. I wholeheartedly agree with you... and all the people who brought up surgeries, bodily functions and the like: remember, I said tactless and senseless convo aside...
  23. I thought this thread was going to be about those fruit rollups with the tongue tattoos.... but...uhh....yeah get rid of the stickers!
  24. a girl I ended up falling in love with couldn't stand any seafood and didn't have very cultured tastes otherwise. That was pretty rough. I don't know if I could marry someone who didn't enjoy eating (eating in this context meaning sometimes being challenged by what is on the plate).
  25. I post this as a tangent of the Food in Hell thread and also some flagrant e%^&ing that has taken place. What do you like to talk about over dinner with friends, SO's, family, etc...? Are there things you absolutely will not tolerate being uttered at the table? I personally grew up in a house of outspoken folk who loved food almost as much as they love their own opinions. Dinner conversations, IMO should not have boundaries. Of course, if you were at a dinner meeting your girl's parents for the first time you wouldn't breach certain topics, but I'm not talking about lack of tact or common sense. My mother and I argue, rant, rave about things from politics (a current hot topic), drugs, sex, the past...you know, EVERYthing. What do you guys think? Isn't the table a place where we can all meet up and voice our problems, frustrations, elations, and opinions on anything...especially things OTHER than food? IMO a dinner with no stimulating conversation is as close to hell as I dare tread. We ALL have opinions and they are certainly not aligned...does that mean we shouldn't express them over a nosh?
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