Er, um, here goes.
1. Chocolate Pop Tarts, cooked just enough for the innards to be gooey and the tops crispy...I tried Amy's organic ones...and they tasted like wallpaper paste
2. Totino's supreme pizza rolls...ditto, gotta go all the way on this
3. Undercooked Ghiradelli Double Chocolate brownies (the interior should be just slightly gooey)
4. Raw Nestle's chocolate chip cookie dough
5. Little Debbies Nutty Buddys
6. Home fried chicken nuggets and spicy curly fries (Arby's rendition is surprisingly good)
7. Fried Mozzarella Sticks
8. Fried Honey Dipped Chicken Wings
9. Popeye's Fried Chicken, especially thighs and fries.
10. McDonalds Sausage Biscuits and Starbucks' Sausage and Egg Sandwich (sans egg)
11. Pork Chops with spicy salt (aka Sichuan salt and pepper pork chops aka fried hunks of pork that are super spicy and yummy)
12. Ginger Beer (I've downgraded from Red's extra to Diet Barett's which is surprisingly good).
Wow, now that I list them out, I feel really dirty. Good thing I only consume the latter two on a semi-regular basis.