Talking of well done, here is a guide to ordering your steak to your preference, in China (Everyone knows we foreigners only ever eat steak!) Every restaurant selling steaks follows this table.
一分熟 (yī fēn shú) - One point done - Rare
三分熟 (sān fēn shú) - Three points done - Medium Rare
五分熟 (wǔ fēn shú) - Five points done - Medium
七分熟 (qī fēn shú) - Seven points done - Medium Well
全熟 (quán shú) - Cremated. Order the effing chicken instead!
Using this will ensure that the kitchen knows what you want. What you want may well not be what you get, though.
Note: China uses the American system of identifying beef cuts so Europeans etc. may flounder where the nomenclature is different.