I never did the brix measurements. I would reduce the syrup until it was about the same thickness as Karo, poured the same and used it 1:1, adjusting the flavoring when it had a strong spice flavor, generally leaving out the cloves and cinnamon and using ground allspice and black pepper in quick breads, muffins and cupcakes.
I also made my version of Italian meringue with the flavored syrups, making small batches for testing. The orange spice meringue on thin slices of pound cake was a favorite with my clients when I was catering.
I would usually have 1 1/2 gallons of ginger syrup or orange syrup after candying large batches.
This is a photo of one of the last big batches of candied ginger I made. It was actually a 15 quart batch but I still had some in the dehydrator when I filled this Cambro container.
P.S. This ginger was all home grown. I maintained a large patch for years and was able to grow it by carefully keeping it deeply mulched with a couple of feet of straw covered by tarps during the winter with some heater strips that are intended to be used under tile floors.