8 minutes ago, Anna N said:Thank you. Sorry to have been insistent!
Not necessary at all To try and untangle the web. I was just curious to know if something along the lines of a warm potato salad with bacon was known in Germany. I have a lovely recipe which I’m quite happy with although I haven’t made it for a long time.
Well noted and no worries …
Warm potato salad is quite common. A popular variety in the south is the swabian potato salad, that uses oil, vinegar, (beef) broth, onions, cornichons and mustard as the base dressing. It is served warm (not hot), but is equally delicious the next day (provided you’ve cooked the onions). In a swabian household you would enjoy it in its simple form - a decent recipe can be found here - if you venture south to Bavaria, the addition of fried bacon pieces (think lardons) would be appropriate.
The same salad can be prepared by swapping the cornichons for a larger amount of thinly sliced cucumbers. In this case, the room temperature version is more popular as a light summer dish. In the north (Hamburg) can be augmented by smoked fish, much like the addition of lardons in the bavarian variety.