I do banquet/carving station tenderloins at a charity event every year. Bath at 131F for 3 hours for Tloin. (1 hr/inch) I would do, have done, prime rib 5-6 hours. I would not have bones attached for SV, any value they add would be negligible. Be careful on sear to not overcook the inside. If stored in hot box, ensure the box temp is 130 or less to not overcook the inside. (I won't tell).
A small number of your guests will probably ask for slices that are "more done". Easiest way to accomadate is to divide your 10# into a 5# bag, and two 2 1/2 # bags. At the end of the bath bump it up to 135ish and leave one of the 2 1/2# bags in for another hour. Sear everyone at once.
Pic of inside of tenderloin, 3 hours @ 131F.