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Trotter's and Trio lately

Steve Plotnicki

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Suvir Suvir Suvir

I cant pay for everyone now can I? In the the 90's maybe I would have but not now...Im buying Mr. Regime because I thought that that would be a very cool thing to do and he reminds me of myself in a way... I enjoy being generous to those in need...but you are not, right? So, get your ass to Chicago and Ill buy the drinks and you can crash at my place! :biggrin:

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Suvir Suvir Suvir

I cant pay for everyone now can I?  In the the 90's maybe I would have but not now...Im buying Mr. Regime because I thought that that would be a very cool thing to do and he reminds me of myself in a way...  I enjoy being generous to those in need...but you are not, right?  So, get your ass to Chicago and Ill buy the drinks and you can crash at my place! :biggrin:

Nope Nope Nope

You invited me and now you have to keep your word. 90's or not. Honor does not change with time.:smile:

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oh boy...

first off you're always invited here, of course

but, that doesnt mean I pay for you to fly out, take a limo to my house and treat yout to Charlie Trotters. CT runs around $300 a person and perhaps i will someday pay for you, most likely some day, but I can't say I will for sure soon. Anyway, its usually more fun when you pay for yourself. ok, maybe not. :laugh:

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oh boy...

first off you're always invited here, of course

but, that doesnt mean I pay for you to fly out, take a limo to my house and treat yout to Charlie Trotters.  CT runs around $300 a person and perhaps i will someday pay for you, most likely some day, but I can't say I will for sure soon.  Anyway, its usually more fun when you pay for yourself.  ok, maybe not. :laugh:

Okay I fly myself out... and you pick me up and treat me to CT and 3 other restaurants of my choice. :wink:

I shall do you that favor. :wink:

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suvir: you should just hit the dog tracks. a lot. then you treat all of us to trotter's for a second and third night and maybe trio too.

awbrig: even if i don't convert to the trotter camp (of which i'm already a closeted member), i'll probably jump ship and join the awbrig brigade. anyone who takes me charlie trotter's is immortalized in my book. and a sidenote: i don't think absolutely fabulous goes over well anywhere.

"Get yourself in trouble."

--Chuck Close

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suvir:  you should just hit the dog tracks.  a lot.  then you treat all of us to trotter's for a second and third night and maybe trio too.

If Awbrig does an eGullet tasting at CT... His treat to any and all eGulleteers wanting to try out CT... I shall treat you, mike and awbrig to CT for a second and third night and also Trio. T hat is my promise. :smile:

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