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Everything posted by mckayinutah

  1. mckayinutah


    Now that I think about, I like Wendy's way better. ALWAYS LEARNING SOMETHING NEW Jason
  2. mckayinutah


    Tedwin, Spread your tuile batter over the template that you have cut out ( a mask in this case ) Bake your tuiles about 2/3 rds of the way. Take out of the oven and cut out your holes for the eyes with a cookie cutter or some other thing that will cut the tuile batter. Hoefully the tuile will be baked enough to remove a small portion. Return to the oven to bake until desired color is reached. HTH Jason
  3. Ted, No, I did not see that. I wrote the question after looking at the dessert on the Citarella website, not having the Food Arts issue in front of me. Went home and took another look and saw that there was orange zest in it, my bad. Although , I would unfortunately be a little weary with that dessert presented in front of me if I was told there was a vanilla gelee and all I saw was a gelee that was orange in color. I would expect a vanilla gelee to be pretty clear with black specks, but then again, that's just me. Thanks again, Jason
  4. I was wondering what makes the vanilla gelee ORANGE in color Jason P.S. - Chef Yosses, I hear that they are changing the name of the restaurant and was wondering if you would indulge us on what you think it should be called. Thanks
  5. Great stuff Neil Like many have said, I too am envious of what you were able to learn from your school, as when I went to culinary school ( in the early 90's ) we had exactly 3 days of sugar work, in which a day and a half was spent on casting sugar, the other half spent on pulled sugar, with 1 sugar station and 1 instructor trying to help 25 students as they tried not to burn the day lights out of their hands I too wish you luck with your interview at the Bellagio. My wife and I went with a few friends to Vegas this past November and had the opportunity to eat at their buffet, which was well worth it. Being a pastry chef I was sure to try every dessert they had, and I got weird stares from my fellow diners as I took 3 trips to the dessert station, trying at least 1 of everything if not 2 of some things. A question I have, which may or may not tie into other topics that are posted on this site, what type of establishment do you feel you would ultimately like to be in? From past posts, I know Wendy ( Sinclair ) likes country clubs, Bripastryguy is at home as an owner, and I feel I would be best at a small resort/hotel or independent restaurant, but you definitely have the hands-on skills for almost any type of place that you choose. I say that this may tie into to past topics, because as I have read on this site, the role of a pastry chef in a country club or restaurant situation is very shaky, as many don't even employ PC's full-time, but there seems to be various opportunities in larger venues ( Bellagio for example ) and I was just wondering if that has an influence on where you see yourself in the future. I personally have looked beyond the realization that maybe restaurants are not stable enough for me, and I have begun the process of introducing myself to more experienced projects, such as sugar and chocolate work, as I believe they are an important part in obtaining a higher position in a hotel/resort ( places that I feel there are more jobs for PC's ) I was just curious Thank you and good luck, Jason ( Mckayinutah )
  6. Wilton is a good place to start, but I have found that the amount of servings that they suggest is a little on the high side ( 100 servings for a 16" cake is hard to fathom - I would say closer to 80 is more like it), but you can get a good estimate from them. You may also want to go the sheetcake route. Create a cake that looks and tastes great, but make it only for about 200 people and then make additional sheetcakes that are identical on flavor and appearance to serve after the " main" wedding cake has been cut and served. This is done quite often for many reasons: 1st, it enables you to make a wedding cake that can be done efficiently ( imagine trying to do a wedding cake for 1000 people with only 3 or 4 layers ) You can create a cake that looks stunning, and have sheetcakes ( which I feel are easier to do ), in the back kitchen or some other spot unseen by guests, which can be cut quite easily by a member of the kitchen staff ( or family ) 2nd -it is easier to make sheetcakes like I have already mentioned. Nobody usually sees a wedding cake being disassembled, that is usually done behind closed doors, so the wedding guests will be no more the wiser for having not seen the cakes ( and/or sheetcakes ) being cut away from the action. You can make a great looking cake that doesn't have to be 5' tall and have to feed everone, you can make a smaller cake with sheetcakes to serve in additional to the original cake. good luck, Jason
  7. Exactly right
  8. In this day an age, a napoleon can be presented in many fashions. I believe you were expecting a " traditional" napoleon, which would have been comprised of flaky puff pastry and custard, like you had said. Your mocha " naploeon" was a naploeon, which by many is defined as a dessert that is layered. 3 pieces of chocolate separated by mousse or cream or ice cream for that matter could be described as a napoleon, and is on many dessert menus. Sorry you were expecting different. Jason
  9. Dry some brown sugar by leaving out for 1 or 2 days, (spread out on a sheetpan or other shallow pan ), then sift that over each ramekin of brulee and then torch. Jason
  10. Just took a quick glance at the dining issue of Denvers magazine ( 5825 ? some number like that ). Chef Bryan is voted best chef and there is an article on him as well as some insight on some of his future plans for opening up some places. Before going back to Denver, he was Exec. Chef at Bistro Toujours in Park City, Utah and got the restaurant awarded Best Resort dining by the readers of Salt Lake magazine. Unfortunately didn't have a chance to sample his stuff ( he was only in Utah for about a little over a year I think ) but like has been said, I have heard many a good thing about his food. Jason
  11. THE VERDICT: It worked The original meringue recipe was 1 1/3 cups granulated sugar, mixed with 8 egg whites, heated over a double boiler until warm to the touch, then whipped until stiff. Used 1 cup Agave ( 3/4 x original amount of sugar ) Meringue came out tan in color, but that will be alright since I'm folding it into a pumpkin mix. Jason
  12. This just in: my tongue is now somewhat numb. Jason
  13. I just got the Agave from the group that we are doing the banquet for on Saturday. The are a health conscious group, not wanting any sugar or white flour products. They must be some sort of health food company, as the container of Agave is labeled as coming from their company. I will try a sample meringue tomorrow and let all who are interested how it goes. P.S. The Agave looks like honey ( same color ) but is alot thinner ( think olive oil consistency ) The taste is very good and not as sticky as honey, but also not as sweet Now as I sit here with it lingering in my mouth, it has a tingling effect on my tongue and throat. Take care, Jason
  14. Another good source for molds in this country are from Kerekes in NYC. Their website is www.bakedeco.com Went on it the other day and saw the usual shapes, but then was pleased to see a " wavy" shape, which I had never seen before. They carry the full sheet pan sizes as well as the quarter sheets that are so appealing for creating different shapes of the same petit fours. Jason
  15. Hello all, I have a banquet coming up on Saturday for a health group that does not want any sugar used for their meal. They want AGAVE used, which is a sugar substitute ( I have never heard of or seen this before ). I did my homework and found that I will need 3/4 the amount of agave for regular granulated sugar. The group has also agreed to supply me with the agave. The question I have is this: their dessert will be a double decker pumpkin chiffon tart ( a thin layer of traditional pumpkin pie, baked, then topped with a pumpkin chiffon ) The agave should be no problem in the pumpkin pie, but with the pumpkin chiffon, I need to create a meringue to fold in to the pumpkin mixture. How is this Agave going to affect my meringue? It is a basic meringue in which I heat up the egg whites and sugar till warm , then whip to stiff peaks. The banquet is for 600 people, so a lot of agave would need to be used for the meringue. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Jason
  16. Wendy, I made marshmallows for the first time about a month ago for a cooking class. Was very surprised to see that it was actually a cooked sugar syrup not egg whites. I found the recipe in the " Ultimate candy book" by I believe Weinstein. He also has a book on ultimate ice cream, if that sounds more familiar. His recipe is for plain marshmallows, but also includes some variations, like toasted coconut. Haven't ever made marshmallows before, I found the recipe to be very easily done. It is just soaked gelatin, put in a mixing bowl, then the hot sugar syrup is pourd into ( like making Italian meringue ) while the machine is mixing. It goes for about 10 minutes, then is done. Looks like meringue. Let set 10 hours or overnight, then cut. If you want, I can give you the recipe. Just let me know ( these marshmallows are firmer than store bought, but I did get a few marriage proposals from the ladies at the cooking class after they tasted them ) Take care, Jason
  17. Alicia, The Tree Room at Sundance is probably the best restaurant within reach of Park City, but they have a new Executive Chef , so I would expect the menu to change rather soon ( by Thanksgiving) The new chef is very creative ( he was chef/partner at a place in downtown Salt Lake City that has closed ) so if you go there expect some innovative choices. Take care, Jason
  18. Lesley. You are right. Classic is great when done well. What I meant ( and apparantly didn't express correctly in my writing ) is that if everyone presents truffles in the classic form ( dusted with cocoa ) then that would make truffles " boring ' and therefore not as popular as they should be. Adding different textures I believe creates a sense of originality, for who wants everything to be the same? Creating truffles that are not exactly presented in the classic form , in my opinion, will enable the PC or chocolatier or home cook or whoever, to stand out from the crowd and be noticed. I do agree with you 100% on the crappy chocolate shell truffles. Those are horrendous and I would never even think of doing those. Take care, Jason
  19. Lesley, Who wants to do classic? BORING! variety is the spice of life McKay
  20. Zilla, 45% is very good! ( especially for a new restaurant ) If the percentages stay in that area with that many covers, I would definitely being sitting down with whoever I would need to to see exactly where the pastry program is going. I believe an increase in salary should be your first topic of discussion ( more desserts sold = more profit, which should = more $ for you ) Good luck, Mckay ( JASON McCARTHY )
  21. I never dust my truffles in cocoa. Way too messy. Instead, I roll in tempered chocolate and let set, thus creating a crunch factor in contrast to the smoothness of the truffle itself. I have also dipped in chocolate and pushed around a screen, creating a "spiked" effect. Toasted nuts, coconut, chocolate shavings also work well, although the shelf life is shorter with the toasted stuff. Mckay (JASON McCARTHY )
  22. Zilla, Cocoa Noel also makes a pistole that will cost you maybe a bit less? Italco carrie's the brand. The savings in Labour ( not to mention all the stuff that get's lost on the cutting board) will make it worth it. BTW, are you doing all this stuff solo? No Assistant? No help? Cause 192 on a Satuday night is a hellavu lot of covers ! Glad you're rocking it up! Ted, I can beat this. Worked at a hourly job that did 450 - 500 covers on a Saturday with about 110 -120 desserts sold, no help whatsever on production, but pantry did plate up at night. I also had to make sure I had desserts for Sunday brunch ( another 450 -500 covers) Sunday night dinner ( 125 -150 covers) Monday lunch ( 100 covers) and Monday dinner ( 125- 150 covers), since I was off Sundays and Mondays. I averaged about 25% desserts sales during these service periods. So working 40 hours a week was basically a dream I had while I slept. McKay ( JASON McARTHY )
  23. Unfortunately, if you are not allowed overtime and the work to do takes more than 40 hours a week or 8 hours a day, you are up the creek without a paddle if you don't work off the clock. Been there, done that. McKay ( JASON McCARTHY )
  24. Hello Zilla, Pistoles, or pellets, are basically anywhere from 1/4 " to 1/2 " round ( give or take alittle ) I, like everyone has said, believe these are your best bet, especially if you are going through the large amount of chocolate you say you are going through. A little more expensive, but definitelt worth it in the long run. I am presently using a Callebaut dark chocolate pistole that I love, and I pay about $3.93/pound ( which isn't to shabby for a taste that I like ) You could probably shop around and find some cheaper stuff, but this is about the average cost for Callebaut in pistole form. Good luck, McKay ( JASON McCARTHY )
  25. STEVE, You are absolutely right. I , unfortunately, have a tendency of going off the subject which I shouldn't do. I guess I can relate very well with Wendy in her frustration with the lack of respect of pastry chefs and I tend to voice my opinion on that subject whenever I see I can pipe in, even if that is not the subject at hand. Again, apologizes to all Mckay ( JASON McCARTHY )
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