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Posts posted by dumpling

  1. Monday

    Vietnamese spring rolls with nac mam, lettuce and mint

    Grilled Chicken wings with JJ's rub

    Fried rice with roast pork, shrimp, egg, scallion, peas, little chicken broth and

    sea salt

    stir fried baby bok choy with garlic

    baby carrots

  2. Sunday dinner

    Chicken in red wine casserole- chicken pieces dipped in milk, floured and fried. Then cooked in casserole with chicken broth, sherry, marsala, mushrooms, Mission figlets, shallots and lots of Music garlic. Served over buttered spaetzle. :wub:

    Accompanied with buttered brussels sprouts, and butternut squash with butter, sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg.

    Leftover Russian-made birthday cake(kind of like a Black Forest cake).

    Just got some new Thai cookbooks and a book of recipes of all the countries of the former USSR. Way neat books. So may see some of their stuff floating in on this thread in the future.

  3. Tom ka gai with some nice straw mushrooms

    Thai garlic and basil rice

    Sauteed in EVOO: Roast chicken with peas, straw mushrooms, Music garlic, and scallions

    Fried shrimp and lap cheong dumplings with lots of nice garlic from HVGarlic Festival courtesy of alanz and family. :wub:

  4. The subway stops right at Brighton 6th where I was. I think it was the Q and the R.

    The boardwalk would be two blocks away. It's right around the corner from the first cafe I went to. It stops at the corner of Brighton 6th and Brighton Beach Avenue I believe.

    My friend travels back and forth to Jersey every week by bus and subway from there.

    I drove in from New Jersey. About an hour. Not bad parking.

  5. Went to Brighton Beach for the first time ever last week. Really is a visit to another country. In Chinatown, you can sort of get that feel, but there are so many tourists speaking English. Here in BB, everyone was speaking Russian except for the people who I was with who were speaking Georgian.

    We walked the boardwalk which was lovely and then scoped the shops. M&I International was on of the biggest shops and had all manner of groceries-panoply of sausages, cooked meats, smoked fish.

    There was a fruit store that had starfruit! and gooseberries! and mini kiwi fruit! as well as all manner of other fruit.

    We ate at a new little place called Cafe Euroasia on Brighton 6th a couple of blocks away from the boardwalk. The owner offered us some of her pelmeni with pumpkin-ravioli/dumpling like things filled with minced pumpkin, onions and black pepper while we waited for our food. It was nice, nothing to write home about. Everything else they made was very good and worth a trip back for. I wanted

    Georgian dishes because I'd never had any before. French fries with onions and mushrooms seemed a simple yet quite tasty dish that I couldn't seem to stop eating even as I was thinking of all the carbs in the back of my head. Then we had a pork shashlik and lamb shaslik(shish kebab) with a beautiful engaging I'm still thinking about it kind of a sauce on the side. The kebabs themselves were juicy and nicely done on their own.

    We also had 3 hachapuri(forgive the potential spelling error). If you took a crossaint, made it flatterinto an octagonal shape and put cheese in it that would be like a hachpuri.

    A very nice filling dinner for three people for something like $15 or $20 total.

    After walking around in the afternoon, we wandered into Gina's Cafe on Brighton Beach avenue. We opted for the solyanka, a spicy soup with mixed meat. Again great choice. Service was a bit diffident but the soup was worth it although the place was more expensive than Cafe Euroasia.

    Quite a fun day trip to take for a little bit of Russia and Georgia.

    Other places people would recommend there?

  6. Hey Varmint, glad you got back safe and hope you and Mrs V. had a great time to remember.

    Tell Paige thanks for coming and we enjoyed having him.

    Next time you're back, we'll have to do the dim sum /congee thing.

    Were you there when we saw the name of the barbershop, MEI DICK? Else was amused by that.

    Well there's a great little congee/roast meat place called BIG WONG. Mighty tasty stuff.

    Now you can say you have had Peking duck. That was actually the best one I've had in a while. I get it at the Peking duck house in Closter in New Jersey and while it's good there, this one was a finer taste.

    The beef was a pan fried steak in pepper sauce

  7. Hey everyone. Just really got back in. Had stopped home briefly. Then went out again and had sushi with friends and picked up garlic from those who went to the garlic festival. Thank you garlic people! Sorry you couldn't come to the lunch.

    Food coma is right. Man, I can eat with the best of them and I got to the last dish and just couldn't finish my noodles. And then I saw the extra egg white lobster go bye-bye, you know I had to be full to let any lobster be taken off the table.

    I'm glad everyone had a good time. Herb, sorry you didn't come in. Elyse, glad you survived the posisoning. Marcella, you're a sport. Dean and Jason - Happy Birthday and I hope we helped make it good for you. Paige-hope we weren't too crazy for you; we have to go cruising for veggie dinners in Chinatown. It was good to see everyone.

    "Chicken say cheese!"

  8. I'm counting Blondie in for the moment and if you are able to come JosephB, we'll be able to give you some lobster shells :biggrin: 

    Did you really have to post the menu? Torture I tell you.


    Yeah, I'm a real stinker, ain't I ?

    Dumpling is a stinker! Dumpling is a stinker!

  9. For anyone who may be driving in but is unfamiliar with the area:

    There is a parking garage on the Bowery(make a right turn off of Canal before the bridge).

    There is also one on the block just before that if you make a left off Canal.

    If you can find any street parking, God bless you.

    There is a small September 11 exhibition of pictures a few doors down from the restaurant .

    elyse- I could use some starter.

    and PIE can make a good significant other. PIE always has time for you, never gets tired, is continuosly vibrant, delicious and comforting-hey maybe we should throw men over for PIE.


  10. My clutch cable snapped this morning and my clutch pedal went to the floor of my Nissan and didn't come back up 1018.gif, so I'm taking cabs to work and all over town to do work.  I have to be up at the crack of dawn tomorrow to wait for a tow truck and take the car to the transmission shop.  Depending on what the damage is and when the car will be fixed I hope to still make it on Saturday, but it's looking iffy now.  Sorry everyone.  Just when I think I'm catching up, some costly surprise expense rears its ugly head and bites me on the ass.  Typical for the day I've been having... :sad:

    Can you make it up with herbicidal or Lauren?

  11. :biggrin: Spoke to Spencer (the owner) today. Everything is set.

    Thanks for getting back to me JosephB and Blondie. I'm counting Blondie in for the moment and if you are able to come JosephB, we'll be able to give you some lobster shells :biggrin:

    Final Count:

    Varmint and Mrs(and guest?)






    SuzanneF and HWOE

    Elyse(and PIE)



    They need to have a count, especially so everyone can get some of the special seafood soup they're preparing.

    Elyse, I spoke to Spencer and he's making a special version of the soup with vegetables rather than seafood just for you. That way you'll get to have the special broth and the crepe part of the dumpling that is really nice.

    He promised me(on pain of death) there would be enough other things for you to eat in the dinner.


    Dumpling appetizers

    Peking Duck

    Seafood Beggar's Purse Soup

    (special soup for Elyse)

    Lobster in Two Styles

    Pan Fried Steak in special sauce

    Eight Precious Chicken Rice

    Eggplant and Minced pork on E Fu noodles

    Chinese Dessert

    Elyse's PIE

  12. Am going to brunch there on Sunday.  Any recommendations?

    Yes -- change your reservations. Any other restaurant that had mediocre food, terrible service, and ear-splitting noise would have been run out of town by now. Fortunately, AB is a celebrity non-chef (when was the last time AB was in the kitchen at LH?), so the midwestern followers of Food Network flock to his place. This is exactly like Po, which generated undeserved business due to the MB connection.

    There are only two things to recommend LH -- the fries, which are good, and the fact it is pretty cheap (who said sticker-shock -- compared to what, Olive Garden?).

    One to avoid.

    Yes it was loud and dark, but it's not a linen tablecloth kind of a place. I found the service quite appropriate, the food quite good-particularly the steaks and the frites. Our young friend was in heaven over his duck special, an evidence that they can go beyond the steak and fries. I am hardly a "midwestern tourist". Was I intrigued by the Bourdain connection? Sure. But only because I assumed that because of that connection the food would be good and it would not be a linen tablecloth stuck up joint. Because I thought it might have a touch of whimsy and earthiness about it. Not necessarily because he brought it to it, but because that would probably be what would appeal to him to be associated with.

    The prices were quite frankly another appeal and having spent some time in France, I just like the brasserie feel which you get from first sight of the place.

    "One to Avoid"- I think not.

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