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Posts posted by dumpling

  1. If anyone has a problem with any particular food just let me know. Elyse do you have a problem with seafood? I can post the menu if that would help. It's pretty well balanced. Nothing strange(for the novices) but interesting enough(for the jaded).

    There are a couple of things in there that require advance ordering that eGullet people had last year and raved about that I thought Varmint might like to try. There would be seafood but also duck, chicken, beef and pork dishes.

    If that's a problem Elyse let me know and I'll see what I can do.

  2. Okay guys, setting the final details on the dinner.

    Looks like we're going to get a deal on a really lovely meal(with the help of Ed).

    Just to let everyone know it will run between 30-36.50 per not counting tip and drinks, if everyone can handle that.

    Dean, hope you have enough room for Blue Hill. Should be enough time in between. You can walk some off around Chinatown. I remember everything you ate with Fat Guy-you have prodigious ability.

    Right now we have a hard number of eleven(if we let sheribabee come, come), with 5 maybes. We need to give the restaurant a firm number in the next day or so, so all you maybes please let me know. We're working off a 10 per table


    People who will be coming so far:

    (question mark denotes maybe)

    Varmint  and  Mrs Varmint(2)

    Jumping Dumpling and friends(3)

    SuzanneF and HWOE(2)

    JosephB (1)?




    Katie Loeb(1)



    Got everyone as of this moment. HWOE, Lauren, no Donna.

    I'm glad that my jumping was so amusing. Next time I'll sell tickets.

    We may also have eatingwitheddie.


    People who will be coming so far:

    (question mark denotes maybe)

    Varmint  and  Mrs Varmint(2)

    Dumpling and friends(3)

    SuzanneF(1) ?

    JosephB and wife(2)?




    Katie Loeb(1)


    Will those who are maybes just PM or post to let me know if you will be coming.

    JosephB, you are coming aren't you?

    Y'all gotta come now because Elyse and her pie will be there :rolleyes:

    We'll have to ask her to leave some as an offering at the Buddist temple in honor of the day.

    :hmmm: Naah, let's eat it all and to heck with the ancestors.

  5. If they don't let us have it at the restaurant we can always go down the street to the Buddhist temple, toss out the monks and eat there. Or to be fair and to act equally toward all religions, go across the street to the Transfiguration Church and take over.

  6. My fish was yummy. An added benefit was getting to tease dumpling with my fish head puppet, as jhlurie dubbed it. :laugh:

    And despite that I was nice and didn't blow up your jello mold. And then you tease me with the pig head? You are asking for it, but good! (But you brought my pocketbook back so maybe I have to let you go).

    The green curry was really quite good.

  7. I just got home about a half hour ago and I'm very glad I didn't try to make the trip last night.  I had a great time meeting you all and wish I didn't live so far away.  Many thanks to our hosts and all of those who helped organize things.

    I think it was one of my ABTs that did Jason's stomach in.  He was the only one who complained about them being too hot. 

    The food was exceptional and I was sad to see so much thrown out.  My biggest regret was being too full to sample any of the cheese.  I thought about buying some unsampled, but decided I was too full to even think about food or make any decisions about what to buy.  If we do this again next year, I will attack the cheese first.

    Time to go feed my starter.


    Man, those ABTs were great Jim! Really popping with flavor. I didn't find them too hot.

  8. Yes, I made sure Rachel did it in the correct order of the electromagnetic spectrum.

    Um, sorry to out-geek you, Jason, but that would be the visual spectrum.

    Stick to law Dean.

    The visual spectrum is a part of the electomagnetic spectrum, so Jason was right. more

    Yes, the visual spectrum is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, but what was displayed was only the visual part. Thus, I'd argue that I'm more precise here.

    And I do have a Ph.D. in Biochemistry!!

    Dean- told my Mom you were a lawyer and had a Phd in BioChemistry and that I was having lunch with you on Saturday. She said, "Sounds like a smart man. What's he doing having lunch with you? " :laugh::laugh: She operates under the delusion that she's funny. But she's a Phd in Mathematics(my Dad too). So axiomatically, they're crazy. I wanted some greater sanity. That's why I went into law (J.D.- Justifiably Damaged). :blink:

  9. Hey everyone - really great day. Actually got a burst of energy after I got back in and ate some of Curdnerd's bread-the baguette. Gave me a shot of energy that I'm still running on.

    Nice to see everyone. Hope to get a chance to talk more at next event with everyone(adults too). Thanks for the trampoline ride, Curdnerd and family; boy, that Jacob can bounce!

    Sabq-nice kid you got there.

    And little Sophia was cute as the dickens(and threw me in a takedown move, all 30 pounds of her).

    Jason- great pics!

    Tommy- Get your paws off my money, you capitalist running dog!

    Rachel- I was good and didn't blow up the jello mold and what a hit it was.

    Thanks for saving my purse and my money from that fiend tommy. He'll stop at nothing.

    Thanks so much.

    Found Herb's vodka. That was pretty intense.

    Hey Curdnerd, that baguette was good!

    Great food, fine pig, good day.

  10. Relax and count backward from 300 as you breath in through your nose bringing your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Then breath out through your mouth dropping your tongue. Continue to breath in and out that way thinking only positive thoughts, eliminating all negativity from your mind. Thinking of nice soft fluffy clouds(or marshmallows) whatever does it for you.


    People who will be coming so far:

    (question mark denotes maybe)

    Special Honoree - Varmint and Mrs Varmint(2)

    Dumpling and friends(3)

    SuzanneF(1) ?

    JosephB and wife(2)?




    Katie Loeb(1)

    Looking forward to it, Varmint. Because it's a Saturday it may be very busy so I'm provisionally reserving a table for ten and can change if the number changes.

    There is a subway that will take you to Fordham road which would put you about a little bit of a walk to Arthur Avenue. Probably better to get driven or take a cab from the subway. Arthur Avenue is not a bad area but the streets that you might have to walk thru to get there...not a good idea I think.

    I'm not sure of my schedule yet on the 25th but if I can I can drive you over (or you can be Perlowed).

    Will PM you re details of dinner on Saturday.

  12. Made one of my summer favorites to finish up the summer

    Yesterday(Friday) made my cherry cola glazed pork spareribs, mashed potatoes with milk, butter and garlic,buttered corn and a Ceaser salad.


    tom yum goong

    glazed carrots

    french cut green beans in cream of chicken soup with carmelized onions on the top

    roast chicken(rubbed with spices and wine)


    warm chocolate torte in graham cracker pie crust, topped with warm cranberry sauce.

    Hey mikey-here's wishing quick healing to your finger. You got a recipe for the potato omelet-minus the blood? :biggrin:

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