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Everything posted by MaryIsobel

  1. I wondered about that and now that we have a source, that will be easily done. Thanks so much - you are a wealth of information.
  2. Having just bought a small (cooking for two) air fryer, I am beginning to experiment. Before the following fish, I had only cooked some store-bought jalapeno poppers and eggrolls when we had an impromptu gathering for which I had little time to prepare. Despite the fact that my daughter's boyfriend blistered his lip badly from digging in too soon, both appies turned out very well. (Not blaming the burned lip on the air fryer!) Since we have a plethora of cod, I decided to try fish sticks just for fun. they turned out really well. Just the normal flour, egg, seasoned panko treatment. 8 minutes on each side at 400 degrees.
  3. this is what I am going to attempt tonight. Happy to hear that they turned out tender and juicy. I was looking for thicker chops, but the only ones I could find were about 3/4".
  4. Thank you so much! I don't know why I couldn't find that myself. You've helped me to save and continue to use what must surely qualify as a family heirloom!
  5. Here are photos of the lid. The number I found on the pot is 017CQA16H 0375
  6. My inherited Presto pressure canner is at least 60 years old and badly in need of a new sealing ring and also the little rubber ring (technically speaking) that goes around the pressure reslease valve. I have tried searching by model number and gasket size (13") I'm not having any luck. It is cast aluminum and solid as the day it was manufactured, so getting rid of it due to the need of a couple of parts seems ridiculous. Any ideas? Granted, I am not the best internet searcher...
  7. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2021

    We love gumbo and I make it much more frequently since discovering the oven roux method. Yours looks amazing and has given me a craving.
  8. A little Fruit Fresh or citric acid will help prevent browning.
  9. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2021

    That looks absolutely amazing!
  10. MaryIsobel

    Fish and Seafood

    I'm on the west coast of BC, Canada, about 300 feet above sea level. These are the instructions I use. I know you are a well seasoned "preserver." I just can't stress enough that a pressure canner must be used - I just get scared thinking that someone will try to water bath. Not you though - just a disclaimer! I don't use olive oil or peppercorns, just fish and salt. Skin on is fine, it all blends in once canned, but my husband is a master filleter/skinner, but I don't worry about bones. Add the salmon pieces to half-pint jars. If you are using skin-on salmon, make sure to put the skin side towards the outside. Then, top with canning salt, 2 peppercorns per jar, and oil if using. Do not add water, the fish will release its own liquid. Next, wipe the rims of the jars with a clean, damp towel. Then, top with a lid and seal it finger-tight. Place the liner on the bottom of the pressure cooker, and add a few inches of water. Add the jars to the pressure canner and process for 110 minutes at 10 PSI, or according to your pressure cooker’s instructions. Turn off heat, and allow the pressure indicator to drop down naturally. Open the lid, remove the jars and allow to cool to room temp.
  11. MaryIsobel

    Fish and Seafood

    I pressure can it with nothing other than a half teaspoon of salt per 4 oz jar (this is about the same amount as you would get in a purchased can of salmon) - the fish gives off enough liquid/oil. It must be pressure canned - as with all meat or meat containing products. Some leave the skin on, I don't. Bones are fine and turn soft and calcium rich once canned. Friend of mine cans the skin and scraps for dog food. My husband and I have a deal - he catches and cleans, I process. It is leaps and bounds above commercially canned salmon. My late friend had a connection for fresh caught tuna and we would get together and can that as well. Absolutely no comparison to what I grew up knowing as canned tuna.
  12. MaryIsobel


    Well now I am anxious to try stromboli again - little to warm right now but soon. I wish I had "known" you when we were in Costa Rica last year, it would have been fun to connect!
  13. MaryIsobel

    Fish and Seafood

    I know many will consider my dissing of salmon as sacrilege, but after years of having abundant sockeye and coho, thanks to a fishing-for-fun husband, I have finally accepted that I don't really like salmon any way other than cold smoked. Now that, I love. I just don't think it is one of the best fish out there and even when barely cooked to a safe temperture, I still find it dry and "fishy." Halibut, ling cod, sablefish - I could eat several times a week. I have made a salmon/corn chowder when corn is fresh and abundant and we like that. Now salmon goes in the smoker, either traditionally smoked or cold smoked. And horror of horrors, I have been known to can both sockeye and coho, as we do enjoy a salmon sandwich now and again and my 94 year old dad thinks that a plate of sliced garden tomatoes topped with a can of sockeye is a meal straight from heaven so I am happy to oblige. I will probably have my coastal BC residency revoked after this post...
  14. MaryIsobel


    Thank you - the rolling tips are helpful - my efforts usually involve sort of a fold and flop method!
  15. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2021

    That looks delicious - do you roll it up like a jelly roll? I havent made it in a while, and like most things I make, I think I tend to overstuff it. I love how the middle of your bread is fully cooked!
  16. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2021

    Winwin salad tonight. Fridge cleanout and no cooking in the heat; win win. There is lettuce under there somewhere.
  17. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2021

    My kind of hot day meal!
  18. When I make twice baked potatoes, I always make at least a dozen because they freeze well. When I mash the innards, I just use sour cream and butter - no milk or cream. Add whatever cheese we have on hand and some green onions. I guess bacon is an option too, but I don't use it. Freeze them on a cookie sheet until they're solid, then store in a container or ziplock.
  19. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2021

    Sablefish is tied with halibut for my favourite fish. My husband normally catches a lot of salmon, but after 30 years of a freezer full of salmon, I am over it. Thankfully, he has taken to smoking most of it. Now that, I like!
  20. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2021

    I love the flavour profiles of the dishes that you post!
  21. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2021

    Frozen meatballs are one of the few prepared foods that I buy. Meatball subs, spaghetti and meatballs, "stroganoff" meatballs, all lifesavers on "those days."
  22. MaryIsobel

    Breakfast 2021

    That looks delectable! Cross rib is my go-to for pot roast.
  23. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2021

    Charlie is a lucky fellow. Your cooking is so diverse - love the rangoon eggrolls!
  24. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2021

    For someone who isn't inspired to cook - you do a wonderful job! I tried a new recipe for bone-in, skin-on chicken breast last night and that is about as inspired as I have been for two weeks. Fortunately for me, my husband doesn't have a big appetite when it's hot, so we are both content with salads and sandwiches type meals. Reubens tonight.
  25. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2021

    Thanks, must have misread. If that's the four pound price that's great. I am just used to the frustration of living north of the 49th as far as availabilty to ship to Canada and sometimes outrageous shipping rates, which are sometimes accompanied by crazy tarriffs at the border. I think it's great that they are having trouble keeping up with the demand, as that means that once they get a die and a supplier figured out, it will be a successful business, always nice to see.
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