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Everything posted by MaryIsobel

  1. Can't comment as it is a running joke in our household that we keep the temperature so low that butter on the counter is never soft enough to spread. Having said that, I have often thought lately that butter (Dairyland is the brand I usually buy for everyday) doesn't taste as "buttery" as it used to.
  2. We are looking at the Salmon Arm area for our forever home. My sister is in Blind Bay and the Okanagan is a favourite destination of ours. I was just saying to my husband that we should definitely plan on a few nights in Naramata this year.
  3. I've been retired for exactly one year today. My husband I and became Covid restricted empty nesters shortly thereafter. Obviously our plans to travel extensively have been curtailed, so have to be satisfied with cooking at home. A long anticipated trip to Costa Rica was cut short, so camping in our 5th wheel was our only option. That was also cut short due to dealing with my rapidly declining 93 year old Dad who went from being a vibrant, worldly guy to having to be put in long term care after a number of hospital stays, in a few short months. Also had to cancel a trip to Tuscany that my sister and I had planned. Our whole trip was centered on food and wine. I have enjoyed the blogs on this site so much and get a lot of inspiration from all the fabulous cooks here. I like to bake bread and enjoy looking for something new to cook every night.
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