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Posts posted by Pickles

  1. Anything savory, containing one or more elements besides broth or stock, and requires eating with a spoon is "soup" to me. Chowder is chowder. Bisque is bisque, etc. I don't call those "soups" but I suppose technically they are.

  2. Pre-packaged tossed salads: They can be one of the biggest sources of food poisoning, because the contents are often contaminated with E. Coli.

    Often contaminated? I just heard that bagged salads are actually safer than buying heads of lettuce, because packaged greens are usually washed in chlorinated water.

    "I actually advise that you transfer the deli meat to a fresh package, and only store up for a week,"

    How about up TO a week. And a WEEK is too long as far as I am concerned. I use deli meats within 2-3 days. Also...be nice if we knew what type of package she recommends. Ziplocks? Foil?

    "Eggs could be a really sickening product,"

    Never heard the word "sickening" used like that before...it's...well it's sickening!

    Oysters: If eaten raw they'll leave you feeling that way.

    Say what? :huh:

  3. I loved baby food, which might not be unusual but I was 12 years old and would buy it with my paper route money.....

    I am in my 40's and I love a jar of chilled apricots, peaches, or plums every now and then. I once saw a chef on TV using jarred baby fruit as a base for a sauce. Why not? :wub:

  4. I worked in a lab with a woman who ate fruitflies during her genetics class. She felt badly that they'd grow these flies up and just kill them after the fly's sex and phenotype were identified, so she ate them, to give them a purpose. She said they tasted like dirt.

    I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall to see that! Oh.... :unsure: .....wait.... :blink:

  5. why do guys think that women like it when they rake their tongue over their teeth or lips?? I

    Madison Avenue must think we like watching an 8" tongue reem around the inside of a a Mike's Hard Limeade bottle, too. Just saw that ad last night, and I wasn't turned on, I was revolted. All this "cracking down" on people like Howard Stern, but oral sex technique (?) can be taught in a liquor ad! Funny, that.... :blink:

  6. Who cares what someone does with their tongue when they eat?

    Hmmm....well....I think table manners have gone to the dogs. I think when you're home, you can eat like a pig if that's your thing. When you're out, I really don't want to see your sweat pants, baseball hat, oily/unbrushed hair and your tongue hanging out like a rabid dog as you chew with your gob open. I also don't like slumping, slurping, chowing down, tooth-picking, nose-honking and any form of flatulance. Add to that shouting "HOW YA DOIN'? :cool:??" like a hog-caller from Butcher Holler when you see a friend at another table across the restaurant. So if you see me, keep these things in mind or I'll have to beat you with my breadsticks until you're silly. :shock:

  7. Hah...well...thanks very much! About the schmaltz thing...I am actually a shiksa but grew up in the Catskills so I know just a bit about jewish food. My mom, another shiksa... makes her chopped liver with .... shhhhhhh.... bacon fat. :::: hiding :::::


  8. You know what's also disgusting? When someone puts a spoonful of food into his or her mouth and pulls the spoon back out with half the food still on it

    Oh, yes...I do that with ice cream when I'm alone and I know what I must look like. :shock: If I do that in front of my Mom (and I am 44 years old..) she practically swats my behind. Somehow...I forgive people doing it with ice cream, but not a spoonful of mashed potato or cottage cheese. A food channel show on ice cream says to enjoy the maximum flavor from it, you scoop it up with your spoon and then put the spoon inside your mouth upside down so all your taste buds get covered. Why limit it to ice cream! Let's start a whole new digusting habit! We'll start with the potatoes.... :laugh:

  9. Honey...please forgive me...please...but it's T-O-N-G-U-E. Not "tounge." All this piercing talk reminds me of some old comedy schtick where the one cowboy shoots another cowboy full of holes, and then he drinks water and suddenly resembles a fountain. :raz: I see these kids drinking soda and I duck...

  10. So, if you have your tongue pierced, and you don't have the little metal piece in, do liquids go through to the other side?

    My guess is that it's not a hole you could project a flash-light through and have it show up on the wall...although that may have proved to be hours of fun for someone...somewhere...at some time... :blink: When you remove the ring, the flesh kinda closes up around the hole. ::: shudder ::: I wonder if the oral hygiene of someone with a pierced tongue is better than that of a whole-and-intact tongued-person? I would hate to think of a chunk of food getting stuck in my hole :raz: and not having any sort of floss to excavate it. :sad:

  11. How something tastes is not enough.

    There must be substantially more behind any great dish than the

    illusory fallacy of “if it tastes good, it is good.” A flawed-but-honest

    dish is always superior to something cunningly manipulated to

    “fool the diner” into thinking that it’s good. And with that, I invite

    your comments and disagreements.

    Here's my comment. I disagree. I could care less if a souffle contains rat turds, old socks and ostrich snot. If it's delicious, it's delicious. Why dissect the crap outta things? By the way, I like Miracle Whip, too. Like most things in food, it has its place. If it turns up as an ingredient in a fantastic, ambrosial dish that has... foie gras.. or some other hoity-toity foodstuff in it...who gives a sh*t? I'll take your portion. :raz:

  12. Oh my. First I have the agony of listening to just a plain ol' Fork Scraper. Now I get to add the sound of a tongue-ring (tongue ball??) scraping along the fork with the teeth....as WELL as watching the tongue flapping around like a stunned trout. :blink: Let's not forget The Hunched Front of Notre Dame. He's the guy who HUNCHES over his food and crams it into his face fast as the speed of light. This is to avoid staining the shirt, I guess. On the flip side, we have The Lunched Front of Notre Dame. He forgot to stare at the Hunched Front. :laugh:

  13. There are quite a few things people do when they eat that I doubt they're aware they're doing. In other words, if you eat alone a great deal, and you develop "alone habits" and no one has the heart to tell you you're sticking your tongue out further than Gene Simmons ...you won't know it. Perhaps next time you see this person, you can tap them politely on the shoulder and tell her. Beware that her tongue may whip out and lash you, though! :wink: I personally can't stand "fork scrapers". The people who have to scr-aaaaaaaaaa--pe the fork across their teeth to get the food off. :rolleyes:

  14. If the food is thoroughly cooked, all bacteria will be killed.

    That might be true. It might not. It all depends on the type of bacteria.

    I was referring to the chicken-juice type of bacteria on a basic, garden variety home cutting board. Any raw veg cut on that board *should* be ok to eat if they are cooked. Eat at your own risk, I say. If it gives some people agita, then by all means, toss it out. I don't see myself with all sorts of "spore forming" bacterias, etc. although I am aware of them. Took Serv Safe some years back, and passed. Need a refresher though.

  15. Dunkin' Donuts placed near Police Stations.    :cool:

    Oh my god....I have never heard that one before, I can hardly type cause I am laughing so hard!...just so you know, the whole "cop vs donut shop" thing started out because...

    You DO realize I was being sarcastic, don't you? No need to be rude.... I lived in South Boston for many years. I used to say, if you want to live in the safest possible area, get an apartment above a Dunkin Donuts. That's where ALL the cops were at any given moment. Again...note the smilie: :cool:

  16. My first major drunk episode was a Christmas Dance at college, Sophomore year. Vodka and canned orange juice. Served warm...WAY too much vodka, not enough munchables. The third floor Robinson-Falconio boys (hosts) were heavy-handed, wristed, and elbowed that night as they poured the poison. Semi-woke up in mid-vomit.....(NOT a good thing...) and my room-mate woke me enough to get my head in my shower caddy/bucket to ralph. Next morning....mixture plastered in hair....smelling like death....breath as pleasant as a water buffalo's fart....I wanted to....die. When you're 19 you bounce back fast. A couple cokes and a greasy dining hall sausage and egg brekkie and I was at it again the next night. :rolleyes: Ah....YOOT!! :biggrin:

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