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Posts posted by jackmash

  1. On 11/15/2018 at 8:22 PM, gfron1 said:

    Right, I think making sure we're using the term espresso correctly is important. In the coffee shop world there are distinct formulas (google them), and I can tell you from experience that the key factors are: grind, volume of ground, tamping strength, water flow/pressure and water volume. If you aren't controlling those you aren't really making espresso.


    Here's my explanatory story. I hate coffee, but last year I opened a daytime cafe with espresso. We had a fancy espresso machine. Because I was now doing 5 am shifts I started drinking copious amounts of espresso. Always bitter, always nasty, always supporting my hating of coffee. I switched our beans to Ethiopian and backed the roast way off (technically it was the development phase), two things that should have helped with bitterness. But still I kept drinking nasty coffee (customers really loved the changes). I can't remember why but I brought my roasting mentor in for a coffee checkup, and he watched as I pushed the "chef shot" button which pulled a quad shot, and he noted that I used about 40% too many grounds. So I dialed back on the grounds and used the 2 oz button (1 oz is standard but I don't know any coffee shop that doesn't do a 2 oz draw). And guess what...I like my coffee now! 


    Second thought, at home i do Aeropress (I promise I really do hate coffee despite how much I drink), and most believe that Aeropress makes coffee less acidic and less bitter.


    My advice regardless of what you are technically making is to try less grounds, less water and steep a bit less. Think Americano for your final drink - top off your espresso with hot water to get the desired volume.


    Give that a try and see what happens.


    Thank you for this awesome reply. It is true that every good coffee maker of today had a "bitter" past lol. I usually use one shot for my coffee (1 shot = 1 ounce). But, I am just experimenting these days to find the right formula. I guess what I am lacking is in the mixing department. 

  2. I usually take 30 gms of coffee beans (ground) and a cup of water (200 ml) with a temperature of 90 degrees C to make my Espresso. But the thing is, the bitterness is so strong and the taste of the espresso is way off. I have experimented with different combinations. For example, I tried with 25, even 22 gms of coffee beans. But, I always missed out the ideal combo. I usually stir it for 20 seconds, not more. And, I use the frothing wand that is common in espresso machines to steam my milk. I don't know how long we are supposed to steam though. But, for me, it won't take more than 10 seconds. I don't know when I will be able to make an ideal espresso. Can someone please help?

  3. Hello guys,

    I am with my family, planning to visit Algonquin Park next weekend. We are a group of two adults and three kids. We are planning a small hiking along the trails of the Algonquin Park and a little fishing in the evening on a small canoe which we will be hiring once we get there. I heard, there are plenty of services providers in and around the park. So getting a canoe for rent won't be a problem I guess. We are hunting for a few fine dining places in Ontario. The one we found out while searching on the internet has some good reviews but, we like to know what you guys think about them and their service. I and my wife, we both are big foodies and, even our kids love to enjoy their meals. Since we will be away from home, we will need something that cheers up the occasion and gives us some great memories to cherish. This picnic comes after a very long time. So, if you can suggest me a few exceptional dining places in Ontario, we will be really thankful to you.

  4. Hello members,

    I am jack and I run a small recreation business in Ontario. Hiking, outdoor camping and angling are hobbies. Whenever I camp outdoor, I try to cook my meals myself. I can confidently say that I am an exceptional cook when it comes to seafood. 

    I am really glad to be a part of this forum. I have to learn a lot from you guys and I am really looking forward to it. 

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