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Wendy DeBord

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Everything posted by Wendy DeBord

  1. Ah, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. But I do know- that you know what I mean. I've seen your work. Theres always this decision...........more times then not, I cave in and just give people what they want or what they expect. BUT- If I'm ever going to get better I need to not give them what they expect-instead I need to think like the better pc's and give them something better then they dreamed of. Find my artistic self instead of following the norm.
  2. JF I like that idea with the marshmellows-thats not been over done at all! It could be pretty fun............hum: ribbons by layering it in one pan, or braiding strands...........na-need a cooler application-must think on this for a bit. Comeundone: how do you serve ice cream balls at a grazing buffet? I was looking at a photo of a cake done by Elegant cheesecakes and they had one cake wrapped in r,w &b edible ribbon, very simple and elegant. In the back of my brain I'm trying to think of how to incorporate that. Possibly doing that (r, w & B ribbon) in chocolate plastic or colored white chocolate and using that as my garnish on any petite four. I still keep running piping out stars in colored chocolates thru my brain, cause it's so easy then sticking them into pastries-but thats probably been done a zillion times too. Maybe if I greatly vary the sizes of my stars or how I place them using the whole tray as a canvas. I could put some on wires as a center of interest..............cliche'. If I had the ingredients. I'd make joconde sheets in red and white and blue and white-but I don't have any almond flour. Hum..........I could use a petite four sponge and roll it with colored preserves or mousse, slice it and dip bottom half in colored chocolate. The hard part is how to make it elegant and not too busy............. This post has been edited.
  3. This is edible fine ART! Completely orginal and perfectly done. As always I'm amazed by the skill and knowledge this dynamic duo posess. Their regular presence here at e-gullet is truely a gift to all of us.
  4. I have a political fund raiser next week at my work with red white and blue as the 'theme'. It's so close to the fourth that while I'm thinking of one event I should plan for both. Next weeks fund raiser is primarilly a coctail party. But as things go- people turn to the pc for visually themed displays so they've included a pastry table too.(I have no complaints with that-it pays my salary). Mini pastries would be the most appropriate for this event. I can think of several cliche' items but I thought it might be interesting to inquire if any of you might have some fresh ideas on the theme. I'd imagine these political people have already seen all the standard stuff over the years..........so I'm wondering if any of you have seen or thought of something cleaver on this topic? Do any of you do a themed dessert for the fourth? Getting some height on the table using this theme is another challenge.... and of course, time is sparse. So any thoughts?
  5. I'm not at all familar with bean pies. Are they Southern? What are their origins? This reminds me of a mock apple pie concept-except the beans have more nutritional value then a ritz cracker. Is there a similarity? Are the beans just a blank medium for your to flavor?
  6. KatieM-thats exactly what I experience. It's rubbery with weird tunneling-I can't serve that and call it a cake, to me- a cake has to have some crumb. It doesn't even pass for a flourless cake.......I need to look at a mock up of a balanced cake recipe and do some comparing, Brauns is definately out of balance. Try the Wooley recipe, it's definately superior to the Braun. I could never go back and serve the Braun recipe and hold my head up. It's all a learning curve-when you find/learn better, you do better. Clarks recipe will get you the raves too! I think the only attraction to Brauns is it's a blackout cake, very dark and richly flavored with cocoa-but it just can't be called a cake.
  7. The differences would be minute- frozen whites work well. Mktye-give it a day or two and photo's will work just fine again-we had a big system upgrade this past weekend that takes some time to finish.
  8. I think there are several items that will work in this situation. These are some items that don't spoil quickly: pound cakes, 1-2-3-4 cakes flavored, fruit breads, there are lighter fruit cakes too-in addition to what we think of as traditional fruit cake with candied fruits, bundt cakes. The French have several simple cakes like financiers and tea cakes that should travel well. Other items that should handle the heat with-out too much problem: shortbread cookies, biscotti, mandelbrat, graham crackers (homemade), several other cookies-like sinckerdoodles, chinese almond cookies, sable bretons. Tea cakes, possibly angel food cakes too, etc.... Several chocolate cakes should work well too. There are chocolate pound cakes, bundts, simple cakes (Herme' and Payard have a couple nice looking ones) that should fit your needs. I'm not familar with the Lawson cake your mentioning. As far as high butter content spoiling faster-I don't have a great answer for that, I suspect that isn't so-don't forget it's being baked/absorbed and made into another item-think about shortbread cookies they hold for a long time.
  9. Perhaps I'm using the wrong description:tunneling? I've never gotten this type of result that I'm labeling 'tunneling' from something over mixed. Over mixed results I've seen are: dense, tightly crumbed cakes or that seem stale, dry and tasteless even though they are freshly baked.
  10. If it's working again, then your on the right track! I never found putting less in the pan of these "problem recipes" had any positive effect for me. They still came out the same way. This would happen with the Spago chocolate cake roll in a sheet pan or a thicker round. But if yours is working-thats great. It's only happens to me in very wet cake recipes.... Just the other day I made the old tunnel of fudge cake and noticed the one striking thing about it, it doesn't have any soda or powder to give it rise. And it does not have any tunneling I've seen in these other cakes. It's also filled to a rather high level in the pan about 2/3's to 3/4's. So what gives the tunneling effect? The air bubbles rise straight up in air shafts or tunnels. The cake batter does not honeycomb into well structured cake.
  11. Last friday at work I had to put together a chocolate mousse cake (b-day cake) as a last minute request. All I had on hand in the freezer were some of the cakes I tested from the best chocolate cake thread. Well when I leveled these (I didn't have them labeled but I believe they were from a larger batch-Karens) anyway when I cut into them I could see white lumps. The cakes were overly dense-had some tunneling too. So I'm thinking it's clumps of either baking powder or soda that didn't dissolve and therefore didn't work to give the cake consistant rise. I do periodically sift my soda because it tends to clump up. But I never sift my powder because I keep it sealed tightly. Occasionally when I level off my measuring spoon against the lid of my b.powder I'll see a lump, something that doesn't show up when I don't level against another object. I'm really thinking this is from a leavening problem. I think it seems the most logical over other suggested posiblities. Also, this has been a incredibly rainie spring where I live and the humity levels are just horrible-which would lead to new clumping.
  12. I have the most sucess brushing them with egg wash and sprinkling the seeds on as soon as I've shaped them. They only take a couple minutes to proof. When I wait until their proofed the pressure of the brush deflates some of my rise unevenly. Last week I used a wagner power sprayer to egg wash for the first time in my life-I sure do like that tool/toy!
  13. Thanks-I learned a few things the hard way on this one.....next time/next time.
  14. I've added powdered flavors to xxxsugar before. A. Uster sells several flavors of dried fruit powder. But that isn't so cheap...and I used alot to get a clearer flavor. Same with using them in meringues-takes alot. For my sweet shortbreads I cusinart peel in with my sugar and love how it turns out (lemon & orange and then proceed as usual). You could do that with just about anything..........unless you want it colorless? If it's too moist you could let it dry out and re-grind it. I'd prefer to use fresh instead of dried herbs, etc.... you can dry out your 'infused' sugars. I gotta ask-what are you dreaming of for your finished product? Something cool?
  15. oh you guys...........you all make it look so simple. I just can't find the right words like you all can. I can't do this, plain and simple I just don't have this ability. It's very frustrating for me. Right this second you have me thinking I should scrap this whole thing and just focus on what I do have some ability in.........and focus on my presentation tray..............I've got to think on this........find away for a person who doesn't write well to get around this. Is there any source (book/magazine) that shows tons of desserts menus, so I could "steal" phrases and descriptions?
  16. Welcome KatieM! Thanks for the input everyone. Oh Chefpeon.........that first cake would be soooo much easier and better to do then anything I've thought of...........if you don't mind I'd like to follow that and do similar? That's a really great way to handle this!!! I love it-got to bring my copy of the Bake House cookbook with me to work today. You saved me alot of time and frustration, thank-you!!
  17. Ah..........I don't have an answer for you BUT I have had the same darn thing happen to me. I can't bake Margret Brauns black out cake (even with adjustments which were needed because there was a mistake in the published recipe) or one of my old favorites the chocolate cake from the Spago book. Not being able to bake the Spago cake really miffs me. Same experiences.........I didn't change any ingredients, nothing different other then it won't bake correctly. I used to make the Spago cake all the time, then one day it stopped turning out. That's what lead me onto the search for the perfect chocolate cake recipe. Both those cakes are very very moist cakes...............but I'm stumped as to why they suddenly won't work for me (but everything else does).
  18. I have a request for a b-day cake shaped like a martini for a 21st b-day. I can do a 3d lying down, but I have no intention of doing a standing glass for this. Anyway..........I can't get a good visual in my head for this. Have any of you done similar? If so: How did you handle the glass verses the clear liquid inside the glass with frosting? Or have any of you seen a photo of similar at any cake decorators site? Thanks.
  19. Ah well, I've gotten tripped up again yesterday. My mistake of not keeping exact records might be coming back to haunt me. Yesterday someone requested a dessert I did a while ago.........and of course I don't remember exactly what I did. I'm guilty of not being very formal in this position (being a part time empoyee), now it's time to get my act together (since they hired me full time). I started thinking of catagories and it's very simple- basicly going off my recipe file. ....but geeze I've got ALOT of catagories. The only constant I have to follow is having 1 chocolate dessert on the menu. This weeks menu: 1. Assorted cookie basket 2. Frozen vanilla bean souffle 3. Oreo crumb chocolate torte 4. Exotic curd fruit tart So I break that into these catagories: Cookies Souffle Chocolate Tart But then I revert to being dumb.........or a horrible writer I should say. Cookies Wendys assorted cookies of the day. Souffle' A frozen vanilla bean souffle' served on caramel and chocolate sauces. Roasted salted pecans and cookie tuile accompany. Chocolate Multi layered torte. Chocolate cookie base, flourless chocolate cake, vanilla cheesecake, chocolate cookie top, whipped cream and dusted with oreo cookies. Tart Sweet cookie crust filled with an exotic fruit curd. Finished with pineapple, kiwi, coconut and manderin oranges. NOW see I HATE HATE how I describe items! Even though I'm now listing a catagory I still have the same poorly written descriptions-it puts me back to square one-hating writing descriptions. I can't figure out the 'linking' words and how to write them gracefully and naturally. Linking words: with, finished with, accompanied by, etc..... How do I tell them how the dessert is completed? Do I just stick with the main item? But then the finishing components make or break the item. I have to make it sound simplier, less "gourmet".........if I just tell them a frozen vanilla bean souffle they won't sell, but if I tell them it's similar but lighter then ice cream and it's got ice cream sauces and toasted nuts-well THAT sells it to this clientele. Help..........jeeze I still don't get it.........................feeling really dumb/frustrated........
  20. The cake was just for show/height/centerpiece not meant to be eaten. I've literally tried tons of recipes for the tiramisu in a torte. My all time favorite recipe I got from Brian (bripastryguy), but I believe he gave it to me in a private message..............hopefully you understand...I'll ask and report back.
  21. In Sherry Yards newest baking book, her chocolate shortbread cookies are very dark and similar. It will get you pretty darn close to the oreo but the people posting before me are right you do need to buy the black cocoa powder to be exact.
  22. If you had the skill/knowledge poured sugar bases would be incredible...as Neil mentioned. But I don't think it's something for a non-professionals to tackle at their own wedding.....so if you have the knowledge I'd go for it. There are alot of companies that make cake stands, but I can't think of one that's unique or stylish. Their mostly made of white plastic. You certainly can make your own out of any materials or existing cake stands. I think the easiest thing to do- is to buy a cheap plastic cake stand and dress it up. You can paint them, spray paint them, wire real plants to them or leaves so you don't actually see the stand. Glue or attach anything you want to it.....beading, ribbons, cover it with gum paste and build more interest in the structure, even gold leaf if you wanted.
  23. I like that method Rachel, it does make the most sense for what I do. I'll give them catagories and then forget 'naming' any specific item.....just give them a description. I'll have to talk with my chef and design something pratical along those lines-I think he'll be williing. THANK-YOU, everyone, -this is a relief and so obvious I'm embarrased I didn't think of it sooner. (I'm good at missing the most obvious answers!) Answers: I don't have a menu or cyle of desserts I rotate. Every week is new, different....no repeats unless requested. Yes, they have to spend so much every month. We have alot of people doing catering off their monthly tab also. So I have a fair amount of b-day cakes and such going out the back door. I do prepare desserts for all events, all rooms including outside-for golf events, breakfast, lunch and dinner... plus 1/2 way house. It's all repeat business, that's why I don't repeat desserts unless requested. Besides I own so damn many baking books I have fun working thru them all. I'm sure we have a certain percentage of members that do eat more toward the end of the month! But we have very good food for a club and they eat here constantly including take-out dinners through-out the week. P.S. Yes, the peanut butter and chocolate cake was JUST and example!
  24. I made: 4 Tiramisu tortas 2 Frangipane fruit tarts 2 Italian cream cake, with fresh strawberries 2 Zuccota 2 Ricotta cheese cakes biscotti amaretti 100* tall fancy bread sticks 10 focacia 4 parm. cheese breads All very wide apealing items.......since my people aren't Italian and wouldn't know other less well known items. I made some masks out of gum paste and painted them (simply,I ran out of time and did them at home late late at night) and placed them on a couple cakes. Then I did a 3 tiered centerpiece cake with masks on it. I had two hours to put the whole cake together and decorate it.....and when I did it-I still didn't have a visual in my head so I sort of just did it with-out any thought. I would have loved to do a more detailed cake, but I just didn't have the time now that I work for this club full time I have alot more responsiblities/work (they are a very busy club)! Don't laugh please. I shouldn't show this to you all but it's reality.........time limits and mentally not having it together. I didn't have time to photograph other cakes, the people were gathering in the room and I needed to disapear. But I had two other masks I put on cakes above.
  25. I'm more then happy not to call them a study of_ or a study in_. That's pretty much why I started this thread..........I'm brain dead on this matter. I can't figure out how to distingish 'this' from 'that' when they are so closely related. How do I help my client recall a memorable/repeatable dessert if I do something so similar that they will become confused? Not repeat flavor combos? Well I do because each time it's different, each time it's done with different components-and if your into desserts it's fun to explore the same topic from different approaches. "anything is ever_really_perfected" well in spight of me saying so earilier I was just trying to point out that it's not a student study-it was a completed taste combo. "Perfected" god no! I'm with you on that point. Naming desserts doesn't reflect me at all. I'm not a person who likes to put names to things, period. I never named a painting I did either. Although I enjoy how other people tie words to items......it feels very uncomfortable, unnatural for me to do this. I wish I had a style that reflects me-but it's a blank so far. I like to talk/communicate-but I don't particularly like words. So I'm still banging my head against the wall. P.S. Yes, desserts are selling well, the attention is sort of becoming embarassing. Everyone wants to meet me, I'm uncomfortable-I'm really a hermit-I like positive feed back-but behind my back, I don't like the spot light.
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