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  1. Sparren

    Dinner 2017 (Part 4)

    Boeuf Bourgogne with lots of red wine! Meat has been heavily seared in an iron skillet adding lots of maillard taste.
  2. Sparren

    Dinner 2017 (Part 4)

    Very nice! I will try to reproduce this one day!
  3. Sparren

    Dinner 2017 (Part 4)

    Birthday dinner for my GF last saturday. For starter deepfried sweetbreads, with mushrooms, soyabeans and trufflesauce. Main course entrecôte from rubia gallega, sv 54c and fried in a grillpan. Toped with deep fried pulled beef and sauce with tamarind, star anise, palm suger and lime.
  4. Sparren

    Dinner 2017 (Part 3)

    Asian beef sallad with Japanese Wagyu.
  5. Today Egg Benedict! [Host's note: this topic has been split, partly to ease the load on our servers but mainly because it stopped being 2016!. The discussion continues here.]
  6. Chorizo soup topped with avocado, lime, jalapeño, red onion and cilentro. Hot and nice when it's getting cold outside.
  7. Thanks, I did a test run today and it worked very well. Vodka/lime this time.
  8. I visited The Fat Duck a couple of weeks ago and would like to try the liquid nitrogen poached meringue at home. Is there any risk that not evaporated liquid nitrogen could be captured inside the meringue causing damage? Is a glass jar suitable for containing the LN in while poaching? I have recipe for the green tea and lime but if anyone has recipe for the new ones (pina colada, vodka lima, campari soda, paloma) that are on the menu now I would appreciate it
  9. Sparren

    Dinner 2016 (Part 5)

    Bi Bim Bap
  10. Sparren

    Dinner 2016 (Part 5)

    Thanks Smithy I'm not sure of the origin off the name but I think it's never folded since it,s topped with horseraddish and eggyolk. I believe it's more has to do with betting. I will try to look ut up
  11. Sparren

    Dinner 2016 (Part 5)

    Yesterday I made Bookmakers Toast for dinner. My favorite toast!
  12. A week ago I recieved my centrifuge, A Pro-Xtract3R capaple of 4 * 750ml at 4000rpm. However when running it for 1-2 hours I have several times got a "drive error" message and the unit shuts down. The manufacturer claims that this is beacuse i'm overloading the unit and that the buckets should only be filled with 2/3 of their volume if the contens density equals water (500gr). This is not specified anywhere in the documentation. Has anyone heard of similar limitations on other fuges?
  13. Sparren

    Dinner 2016 (Part 4)

    Grilled flank with strawberries mushrooms, jalapeno, lime, etc.
  14. The Lauda MC250 is able to provide cooling medium at -10. To me that sounds good enough. I have read that the temperature difference between the water bath and the cooling liquid should be at least 40c. If I understand things correctly that means a will have a decent yield with whater bath temperature of 30c and above as long as the Lauda cooler is able to hold -10c. The specification says it´s cooling capacity at -10c is 90w but I'm not sure how to calculate if that is enough?
  15. Sparren

    Dinner 2016 (Part 4)

    Saturday dinner rack of lamb from the grill, potato wedges, sallad and a sauce with garlic, black pepper, lemon and mint.
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