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Margaret Pilgrim

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Everything posted by Margaret Pilgrim

  1. I would re-hydrate it in the recipe's liquid. I sub green walnut wine for a portion of the liquid to make sublime walnut bread. Might this work for you?
  2. In my ken, they were a mid-Century diner food, aka Salisbury steak A larger than bunned portion of ground beef, oblong, served as part of a main plate, with or without gravy. Well done. Maybe still available as a frozen dinner entree.
  3. Realize that eG has a pretty broad readership. Regional Americans can have limited exposure to what we consider mainstream, or as having mainstream recognition. And some self-proclaimed foodies tend to take pride in not "getting" down-market foods.
  4. Would subbing microplaned lemon zest (maybe Meyer) create the desired flavor?
  5. But weinoo shows us how to achieve this in our own simply equiped kitchens by observation and reflection.
  6. Husband has a favorite phrase. "Some people have done something 200 times and have become expert; others have done it "once" 200 times and learned nothing." Obtuse remain obtuse.
  7. It appears we are pitting why against how. Knowing why doesn't guarantee results. Knowing how comes from expert tutelage and experience.
  8. I'll hang with Il Fornaio and Vetri, thanks..
  9. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Funny this comes up now. We served charred romaine with gribiche as starter at a dinner Tuesday night. My method: halve heads of romaine, run two twines around the halves i.e,, at one end and at the other. Moosh in OO, salt and pepper. Fire up ridged grill pan to smoking, drop in bundles, cut side down, flip when that side is, as Anna instructs, blackened to your style. Plate, remove strings, dress, serve. Take a bow!
  10. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Delivered to door in SF = $38.95/lb.
  11. Margaret Pilgrim

    Lunch 2021

    Dave’s is discounted at several chains. You might check out a Kroger.
  12. This thread proves that we each have individual responses to what we ingest. Me? i grew up on MSG's being used liberally in daily cooking. You? YMMV.
  13. Probably the same drugs your usual chefs are on.
  14. Our garbage service picks up and (supposedly) recycles clean plastic bags and wrapping if collected in a larger plastic "carrier" bag.
  15. Here, it is the mass marketers (Costco, TJ, Smart and Final) that pre-wrap and weigh produce. Otherwise, one can collect produce without using plastic bags, take it to check-out, put it in your own shopping bag or basket. More and more stores are providing compostable produce bags, which you can use at home if your community offers compost pick-up. While i love these philosophically, if you use them to store produce in your fridge, they tend to absorb moisture and prematurely decompose. Most farmer's markets do not provide plastic bags, or scornfully provide them if you request one.
  16. While husband is wont to say "But we just HAD that!'", if I love something i seem able to eat it endlessly. And "pork wreck", what a delicious overdose!
  17. As you know from our previous encounters, I am a peasant cook. Scale only for baking. Rinse rice in a strainer, dump in cocotte. Add water to one knuckle over height of rice. Bring to simmer. Cover. Cook 15 minutes. Heat off for 15 minutes. Fluff. Enjoy.
  18. You're not even in the running. VERY early on in our marriage, I made a liverwurst pizza. Not just a bad flavor concept but the liverwurst turned to sawdust. It has become a touchstone of bad cooking for us. As in, "well, it's not liverwurst pizza..."
  19. Our house daily aperitif: Dom Pierre Sparkling Brut. Vivino's "best value California sparkling". Simple, crisp, refreshing
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