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Margaret Pilgrim

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Posts posted by Margaret Pilgrim

  1. On 7/10/2019 at 8:29 AM, Ann_T said:
    ....butter basted farm fresh eggs.


    Reminds me of a baffling conversation I had re eggs.    A woman working with a family member was telling me of her favorite eggs, ones her mother taught her to make.   "Bastard eggs".    Boggled, I told her I had never heard of them.   "Of course you have.   You fry eggs in butter and you keep spooning the melted butter over them until they're done the way you like them.'


    Oooooookay.    I get it!

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  2. "Cold pink cucumber soup", that's what the menu said.   But I didn't expect it to be quite this pink.    Wonderfully refreshing.   I thought longingly of it one rare 100degree day and called the restaurant.    The kind and bemused chef shared the concept of his soup.    Essentially, cold borscht.


    Beets, cucumbers, beef broth, sour cream, dill.    Served with more sour cream and fresh dill.   


    One of my workhorses for hot weather lunch.


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  3. Our go-to on a scorching night in the country.     Raw tomato sauce (tomatoes, red onion, garlic, basil, herbes des Provence, balsamic, soy, evoo.)  For those who've live around here, this was stolen from the Flea Streer Cafe (Alemeda de las Pulgas, Menlo Park) in the '80s.   This is a universal sauce that is also superb on grilled bread, boiled potatoes, by the spoon...




    This hot/cold combo always pleases on even nights with little appetite.



    Usual greens





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  4. While i really don't send food back, I often leave a large portion of something i don't like.    Rather than complain, i explain that the serving is very large.   

    The only time i was crossed on this was at a horrible 1* Michelin restaurant in a French village.    I had ordered venison '3 says".    That poor deer had died in vain.   Such bad treatment for product.    I quit about a third of my way into the plate.    The head of the dining room came over and asked about my meal.   i told her that it was lovely but just too large for me.     She said, "Take your time and eat slowly and you will be able to finish your plate."    I smiled with grit teeth, not telling her that there was not time in the universe for me to finish that plate.   

    • Haha 3
  5. Back to mere mortal food, another delicious stop at our sweet taco truck, Waterloo Road, Stockton, CA.


    Same super delightful young women.    My order of Tripas made them very happy.   DH's burrito bowl (tortilla-less burrito) was huge and satisfying.  My two tacos, divine.    Huge pile of grilled sweet onions with each.    Simple pleasures.


    • Like 6
  6. 2 hours ago, HungryChris said:

    I do try to remove as much of the fat as I can as I trim up the steak for the sandwich into wide strips that are as thin as I can get them.


    No, no, it's not the edge fat that bothers me and, yes, it's easy to remove.   it is the interior fat that's a problem when cold..


    We have two wonderful butcher shops in our neighborhood.    They specialize in prime beef.    i no longer buy much from them anymore because their meat is just too rich for us.  

  7. 11 hours ago, HungryChris said:

    This is perhaps my favorite way to eat steak, sliced in a cold sandwich the next day.




    Interesting point.    I too love cold steak, which makes super marbled beef problematic.    Those dissolving points of fat that are so delicious when a steak is served hot/warm become, to me, disgusting globs of cold tallow when cold.    A happy medium, perhaps? 

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  8. Fresh mozzarella with olive and sun dried tomato, EVOO.



    They say it takes a village to raise a child.    Half a pound of greens



    to serve two people?



    The last of our stash of Lucca Delicatessen cheese ravioli.    Here  with simple butter sauce.    A sweet good-bye, maximizing their gentle flavor.


    • Like 15
  9. I remember going to lunch with an older relative.   She met me at work and we went to a nearby diner-like coffee shop.   She was wearing her full length Black Diamond mink coat.   We sat in a booth with cracked leatherette seats.   


    She ordered the Double Hot Dog.    She was served three halves of hot dogs.   She looked at it and called the waitress back and asked where the other half was.    Her plate was removed and returned with another half.


    I wincied, not out of embarrassment but in squeamish wonder over what had happened to the dog originally and where and how they had found it so fast.     I would have let well enough alone.   She survived so I guess it wasn't too bad...

    • Like 2
  10. I don't send food back because of the consequences.


    Table service it totally screwed up.  

    The kitchen, naturally defensive that their prep was correct usually overcompensates by sending back something wrong in the opposite direction, like raw liver when pink was ordered but well done was served.  

    It's only dinner.    Regardless, I'll survive.   Why ruin everyone's evening.


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  11. TAB by Coke.    It had an edge not found in original, diet, and certainly not in the "Edsel"esque new Coke.     Of course, they killed off Tab.    Diet Coke was never comparable.   

    • Like 2
  12. 4 hours ago, Anna N said:

     Good morning. Yet another sunny morning on Manitoulin Island although  word is that it’s going to become uncomfortably hot and humid later today.  


     I just wanted to comment on yesterday evening’s side dish of corn and bok choy.   The protein choice was a no-brainer since I was portioning and repackaging the chicken thighs we bought at Costco when we were in Sudbury.  And the cooking method was also a no brainer – – 425°F on steam bake function in the CSO for 30 to 45 minutes.


    I do try my best not to waste food and so I knew that there were 2 cobs of corn and 4 baby bok choy that were not going to be good for very much longer.  I could not recall ever seeing these two vegetables combined so I decided to Google the combination. Sure enough Food & Wine  offered a recipe that was fast, easy and did not require any ingredients that were not readily available to meet here in the condo.  The corn was caramelized in some garlic infused oil, the bok choy leaves were separated and added and then the whole was seasoned with a tablespoon of fish sauce (fortunately we had a bottle of Red Boat in the house).  The dish was finished with a squeeze of lime juice. For such a simple dish I thought it was really tasty and would certainly do it again should I ever find myself with fresh corn and baby bok choy at the same time.😯 


     To me it was one of those serendipitous discoveries that can help resuscitate a flagging cooking mojo. 


     Breakfast had great potential — Max Burt’s own pastrami, mustard and sauerkraut on toasted rye bread. 




     But the store-bought, no name brand sauerkraut was insipid.   I am sure I have had raw cabbage that has more of a bite to it and more flavour than this.


     But it did bring to mind a dish I had in a Bavarian restaurant many, many years ago which I have never been able to duplicate. It was a meatless casserole of very flavourful sauerkraut. Damned if I can remember much more about it than that but it turned my late husband from a sauerkraut hater to a sauerkraut tolerator.  So perhaps I should be trying to decide what I can do to the rest of this jar. Any ideas? 


    Anna, can you buy Bubbie's sourkraut?     Cold-packed and very fresh tasting.     Like all their products.


    • Like 1
  13. If you are talking that area, Watsonville, Aromas etc, you're talking about Blenheims, the epitome of "apricotness".    Very few have survived Silicon Valley.    You have to go east into Contra Costa County, Brentwood area, to find orchards now.    And well worth the drive.    We picked up half a box several weeks ago, ate half of them and canned the rest.    Should have bought more!


    As a kid, I remember running through the house when my mother was canning cots.    She'd have a big tub of washed, halved and pitted fruit ready to jar, and we kids would grab handfuls and dash back out to play.

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  14. 21 minutes ago, Ann_T said:

     Great photo.  So vivid.  Moe would love your dinner @Paul Bacino.


    Last night's dinner. 


    Italian Chicken with a side of Spaghetti Aglio E Olio.

    One of Moe's favourite chicken recipes I make.

    Italian Chicken July 8th, 2019.jpg


    Can you supply any details of how you prepare this chicken?     It looks fantastic and seemingly comes with great recommendation...

  15. On 5/3/2019 at 9:49 AM, rotuts said:

    @Katie Meadow


    thank you for your ideas


    i was thinking of working with TJ's Fz.


    Id cut off some of the fibrous leaves


    and go from there


    do I love A's or not ?


    I grew up not that far from the A's capital of the World : Watsonville , CA


    I used to make them for my father, late in his life when in season , w thick long stems


    which are an extension of the " Heart "


    the prep is not my Forte.   but ................


    I agree , this sort of work , when you get to a certain age


    or way before ........   but Fresh from WatsonVille ?


    I now live on the other side of the country




    My mother ,  used to buy them when we were young , and steam them


    and you peeled off the leaves , and dipped them , and pulled off the ' meat ' w your teeth


    she never grew them , which was too bad.


    but in the end


    so delicious


    I might take a try on TJ's Fz , and see If I can make something


    not unreasonable from them.


    Ahem...CASTROVILLE, not Watsonville, is the artichoke capital of the world.    Ii know of which I speak!     We grew artichokes in the back yard where I grew up.    Away from home, my mother would send me a dozen artichokes instead of chocolate eggs at Easter.    And, yes, fresh picked have a completely different flavor.     Now I satisfy my yen by eating artichoke bruschetta off a spoon, standing at the counter...



    No one else in my ignorant family likes artichokes.    Losers!    😝

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  16. Is Cosco's needling eat a local thing?   We gave up our membership several years ago, and we were never huge meat buyers there, but I've never seen their meat treated that way, and friends have often shared prime grade they bought at Costco that was so treated.  

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