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Alex Black

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Everything posted by Alex Black

  1. hi all, i'm doing some food for a buffet at my friends 60th birtday party. with her being super scottish i could do with some ideas. i've got haggis sausage rolls in my scopes so far
  2. will check them out. i've got some chestnuts that i'm gonna do with brussels. i'm thinking may be cranberries with them for some reason. might of been a dream i had but i think it'll work
  3. hi folks. anyone got any good ideas for a veggie xmas? cheers
  4. not at all!! speaking of which, what other foods 'mature' over time? leftovers always seem to take on their own distinctive flavour and sometimes it can be better than when first cooked.
  5. chers everyone. there's no way i'm growing outside. i'm in the middle of england! whats your 'other way', cave?
  6. i've had a few plants now that i've bought from supermarkets and they've always died within a week or so. it only happens with coriander and flat leaf parsley. they're always indoors and get may enough sun light. anyone got any ideas? should i just start from seed? cheers
  7. might be why i like it. just adds a bit of heat without affecting the flavour. i'm a bitof a newb so i'm sure i'll get onto something else with a bit of flavour. what would you suggest chilli wise? powder form so i can quickly chuck it on sarnies, etc
  8. anyone one go through phases of being totally addicted to a certain ingredient and having to put it in everything? or having the same dish over n over? i can't stop making scrambled eggs at the moment. and i put cayenne in EVERYTHING!! such an amazing flavour. i'd put it on my cornflakes if i wasn't too busy eating scrambled eggs!!
  9. less likely to dry up this way? i've got some playing to do
  10. cheers. i've frozen them but reckon i'll do the blanching and two tray oven thing. will let you all know how it goes
  11. no pics, sorry. about 2 mm. if that. blanch for a few secs?
  12. i'm a totall newb. blanching for a few seconds?
  13. and have as a garnish? would do but i'm at the in laws and she's not on with deep frying.could it be shallow fried with with plenty of oil?
  14. hi all. doing a cod fish cake and i've got the skin left over but don't want it to go to wast. any ideas? cheers
  15. i always thought the same but then i upped the dose to two dried bay leafs in a dish and could certainly detect them -way too much. i guess they're just there for a subtle undertone for the foundation as opposed to the star role. cheers all
  16. hi all. just started making paneer and i've read a recipe where you can use the old whey from a previous batch to seperate the whey from the curds in a new batch. i used lemon juice for the first batch. i've since used that whey for a new lot and it's turned out a lot more tender (kind of like philly). anyone know how many time the old whey can be used? not sure about bacteria etc. hope this makes sense cheers
  17. that's that sorted then. cheers
  18. hi all, nice n easy one for my first post. when using a fresh bayleaf in place of a dried one in ,say, a stew, would you add it later than stated in a recipe like you would other fresh herbs or would it nlot make much difference as its quite a hardy ingredient? cheers
  19. had this problem before. i found out that the cheese can be an issue but for me i added the cheese to the bechamel to make mornay but overheated it, making it split. this can also happen in the oven from too high a temperature and cooking for too long. can also happen in lasagne. as per usual, i found out the hard way also, who the hell uses processed cheese???? is it common in the states?
  20. you can be the guinea pig
  21. great place!! it's also won awards and such amazing value!
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