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Everything posted by smokinjack

  1. Thanks Lisa, It smells heavenly and tastes fine with milk. Guess I need to make some vanilla ice cream. Thanks again. Jon
  2. Thanks..I'll give it a try.I put 1/4 tsp in my pancakes this morning and they were fine.
  3. Okay. I was at Penzeys yesterday to get some Aleppo pepper and spices. I bought an 8 oz. bottle of Pure Vanilla extract, single strength ,35% alcohol. I made some granola today and used 4 tsp of the vanilla. . Then I tasted the Vanilla..It tasted like Nyquil. It doesn't taste like vanilla at all. Is that the way it's supposed to taste? I've always bought vanilla extract ( or what ever it is) at the grocer. The Granola turned out great. After the alcohol bakes off is the vanilla flavor left? I'm getting a vanilla education.
  4. Shelby, Thanks for sharing the recipe and it's great when you have such success on the first go around. Jon
  5. We went to a Spanish tapas and wine bar and had the most incredible jamone flat bread that had a tomato spread, mesculin greens, Jamome serrano and shavings of manchego. The flat bread was beautifully baked oval with a soft, chewy texture. Does anyone have a recipe for this type of flat bread? Is this called Catalan flatbread? Jon
  6. Shelby, Those really turned out great..Love the knooks and crannies:) Could you share the recipe, please??? Thanks for sharing. Jon
  7. Thank you all for your input.I'll check those out. I never thought of making my own..Hmmm Jon
  8. Thanks Kerry. Very simple toast 1tsp veg oil,1/2 cup panko,1Tbls white sesame seeds,1tsp black sesame seeds.Pour onto a big plate to cool. mix 2Tbls softened butter with 2tsp white miso. Slather corn with miso/butter, then roll ears in panko sesame mixture. Cook direct on a 400' grill for about 8 minutes turning every two minutes.
  9. I just used up the last of my Mexican Vanilla. I'm looking for a source for good quality, reasonably priced vanilla .Doesn't have to be Mexican. Thanks in advance. Jon
  10. A Simple 4th of July Dinner for 2 on the Big Green Egg Corn slathered with white miso, and butter then rolled in toasted panko,white and black sesame seeds. Tri tip marinated in Soy sauce, fish sauce, hoisin , garlic,onion for 24 hours. Pink Beans Made great roast beef sandwiches the next day! Wife liked the corn..Me- I'm kind of a purist brought up on Ohio sweet corn..butter salt and pepper is fine.
  11. Kerry, I assume you have a large egg. If so do you have a spider from http://www.ceramicgrillstore.com/large-spider-big-green-egg.html ? With the spider legs down it raises the wok higher from the fire and holds it securely in place.Saving you from having to get your fingers burnt.See attached pics. What size is your wok?I have a 14" wok , spatula, and ladle from the www.wokshop.com. http://www.wokshop.com/store/detail.php?show=500 the handles are 18" long. The spider can be used with other eggcessories too. Are you familiiar with the adjustable rig from the ceramic grill store? It's great for multiple level cooking on the egg. Jon
  12. Kerry. Those look great.Nothing better than woking on the Egg Jon
  13. That would be great.I'd love to see them.Are you also on an Egg forum? I'm "Serial Griller" on the two egg forums. I love baking on the Egg..especially when it's hot outside and I don't want to heat up the house.
  14. I missed the whole wheat ,raisen pecan bread I used to get before work from La Baguette Bakery in Colorado Springs. Ken Forkish's 50% whole wheat bread is perfect for adding dried fruit and chopped ,toasted pecans.I used dried sweetened cranberies I added 1 cup of cranberries and 1 cup of pecans during the mix.I scaled out one loaf and then scaled rolls at 3 oz. each. All baked on the Big Green Egg.
  15. These go great with beer and can be made ahead of time and heated up if need be. They travel well too. You can do them on the grill or kitchen oven.If you prefer you can substitute crème fraiche for the sour cream. I can guarantee there won't be any left to take home. Here's the link: http://eggheadforum.com/discussion/1141456/pig-shots/p1
  16. Ashen, That burger looks great..Not over worked when forming.The link below is similar. I recently bought a 1/2 lb of sirloin and 1/2 lb chuck from a organic free range meat market that uses local beef. Ground it up and cooked like Adam Perry Lang on the Big Green Egg .We thought they were juicy and delicious. Something about cooking on a flat griddle. Here's the link. http://www.adamperrylang.com/recipes/burgers-with-griddled-onions
  17. I remember when I was much younger and the only pistachios you could get were dyed RED. When I was done eating them my fingers were red also and my tongue was sore from all the salt..
  18. Welcome Linh, I love preparing and eating Vietnamese food. We'll be looking forward to your posts . Jon
  19. Soba, Thanks ! Thanks for sharing! I was just thinking what to do with all the arugula in the garden that's about to go to seed. Tomorrow night's dinner for sure.
  20. Very nice! Just beautiful color.I rarely get bread to rise like that. Thanks for sharing. Jon
  21. Thanks for the compliment!
  22. My second post .I hope it ends up in the right place.LOL I made ciabatta with stiff biga and foccacia from Jeffery Hamelman 'Bread".Foccacia was scaled at 1lb from the ciabata recipe,baked in a 10" cake pan . Also Harvest Bread with poolish from Ken Forkish's book "Flour,Water,Salt & Yeast." Baked in a Dutch oven Ciabatta baked on the Big Green Egg ceramic charcoal cooker.
  23. Hi all, I just found this site by accident. My lucky day. I'm retired and do all our cooking. I enjoy baking bread, smoking food. We grow a lot of our food and enjoy fermenting pickles, sauerkraut, kefir, yogurt and cheese.We make almost everything from scratch. Always looking to learn new recipes and techniques . I'm amazed with all the information on this site. I'm looking forward to cruising this site and meeting other members. Jon
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