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Scott Heimendinger

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  1. I've done several alcohol infusions using the whipping siphon. While I can't speak to the nutritional safety of certain extractions, I can say that the technique is both fast and potent for these type of infusions. Botanicals work well, as do spices and candies. Generally speaking, the finer something is ground or pulverized, the better the extraction will be. However, there are exceptions such as coffee: extracting from coffee grounds will yield a very bitter flavor compared to extracting from whole beans. Have a great event, and send pics!
  2. Hi Louis-Frederic, That's a great idea! We've actually included a list of the primary scientific ingredients called for in Modernist Cuisine at Home. I hope this gives you some shopping ideas: agar agaralbumin powdercalcium chloridecarrageenancitric aciddiastatic malt powderessential oilsfreeze-dried fruits and vegetablesgelatinhoney powderInsta Cure #1liquid soylecithinmalic acidsodium citratespecialty flours and starchestapioca maltodextrinvital wheatglutenwheyprotein isolateWondraxanthan gum
  3. Hi enochchoi, In our Best Bets tables in Volume 3, the times given assume a starting temperature of refrigerator temperature, approximately 36F (2.2C). To calculate an adjustment in cooking time to factor in starting from frozen, take a look at the Suggested Times tables in 2.276 and 2.277. Based on the shape and thickness of your food, you can look up the additional time it will take to go from frozen to 36F.
  4. I like to use good soy sauce, and occasionally liquid smoke, to season my steaks for sous vide cooking. I find that, when the bag is sealed, the soy sauce is forced into even contact all around the meat. It has the added benefit of "dying" the exterior of the steak a darker color, so it's not quite so gray when I remove it from the bag. However, you've got lots of options for sealing seasnoning in with your steak. The other night I cooked a skirt steak with lime juice, lime zest, salt, pepper, andliquid smoke to 52C. After a quick sear with the blowtorch, it made fantastic carne asada. Steak with salt and pepper (pre-sealing) is also wonderful on its own. For poultry, I've really enjoyed sealing the meat with a little duck fat (or olive oil), maple syrup, whole peppercorn, rosemary, corriander, and juniper berries. I find that poultry skin doesn't sear as well with the blowtorch, so I tend to give it a quick shallow-fry. In general, I find that seasoning with at least salt before cooking yields the best results for my personal taste.
  5. Hi Luke, I've got a rundown of the photo gear I use on Seattle Food Geek at http://seattlefoodgeek.com/photography/. There are also links to a two-part series I did with Ryan Matthew Smith, the MC photographer, showing the setups he uses. Behind the Scenes with Modernist Cuisine’s Food Photographer Part 1: Getting the Shot Behind the Scenes with Modernist Cuisine’s Food Photographer Part 2: Photoshop Magic The most important element for this type of photography is having the right light. Any type of off-camera flash is going to help you tremendously. I've been very happy with the AlienBees flashes as a relatively affordable solution. Best of luck, Scott
  6. Hi Ian, Can you describe the types of features that would interest you in a mobile app (tablet or phone) for MC?
  7. I cooked a goose sous vide for dinner tonight. It was my first-ever home-cooked goose and it was wonderful! I followed the "best bet" tables for goose breast and I treated the leg just as I would duck legs. I wish I had followed the book's instructions on removing much of the fat from underneath the skin and reattaching the skin with Activa - geese have quite a thick layer of fat.
  8. My (loaner) Polyscience Sonicprep just arrived and I have a few precious weeks tolearn as much as I can about the technique of ultrasonic homogenization. Does anyone have experience in thisarena, and if so, could you share your learnings? So far, I've heard that ultrasonic homogenizers (sonicators) are great for makingemulsions and quick infusions. However, I don't know anything about the water/oil ratios that I should be trying to achieve a really fantastic emulsion. In the first 10 minutes of use, I've been able to haphazardly emulsify different oils with water to achieve the texture (and look) of cream. But, I'd love to know what else is possible. BTW, I also have a rotor-stator homogenizer, and I plan to do side-by-side tests comparing the results of the two. Let the thread begin!!
  9. I'm using a refrigerated Beckman TJ-6, which only gives me about 1500 Gs. However, that is ample for every separation technique I've tried so far. Pea butter and corn butter, for example, work like a charm. However, they require longer spinning times due to the lower G forces - for example, I spin my pea butter for 3-4 hours. Considering the great deal I got on my centrifuge, and the fact that it holds 2L, I've got no complaints :-)
  10. Hi Keith_W, My plan is to run two circulator baths - one for white meat and one for dark. I also plan to seal the SV bags with an herby brine (rosemary, juniper berries, sage, sugar), which I'll freeze into ice cubes ahead of time so my FoodSaver doesn't choke on it. After the bath, my plan is to briefly deep fry the individual pieces of bird to crisp the skin. Instead of making gravy, I'm planning to make a pressure-cooked carrot, soy sauce and turkey-part demiglace. This will be my first attempt at this approach, but how bad could it be, really? :-) -Scott
  11. Thanks, Max, I'll give it a shot!
  12. The turkey is going to take a long, warm bath, if that answers your question :-)
  13. Hi Dominic, I have a FoodSaver and I'm not a huge fan of it. I briefly used the edge-style sealer sold by SousVide Supreme, and I was a bit more impressed. Note that any edge style sealer you choose will have problems when sealing liquids or wet foods. -Scott
  14. You sure can! I've done 72 hours in my original DIY sous vide machine, and it was ready to keep on going!
  15. I've never had a problem deep frying the burgers, even straight out of the sous vide machine. I like to coat my burger patties in brown sugar before frying (or even before cooking sous vide), and it helps develop a wonderful crust when you fry. I only fry at 375 for 30-60 seconds and I never have a problem with overcooking (I also make thick burgers). My best guess is that you may not have enough fat in your burger - that would explain the dryness. I prefer burgers with 15-18% fat content. They stay jucier and more tender.
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