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Posts posted by cyalexa

  1. I have an abundance of fresh figs and would like to experiment with a fig upside-down chocolate cake. I make pineapple upside-down cake frequently. Can I sub cocoa powder for some of the flour? If yes, how much? I think a less sweet dark chocolate cake would be a good foil for the figs but the only 2 dark chocolate cakes I am familiar with are very moist and I am not sure how they would flip out of my cast iron skillet. Any ideas out there?  

  2. please give an update as to how you like it I was thinking about getting one for each garden ..the chickens ducks and now the pig are destroying all my attempts at building compost and while it is ok to shovel it back up for the garden I would prefer to have a neater system ….I want to designate WHERE the compost is used right now it is a free for all out there ..this looks neat and unobtrusive. 

    So far so good. 

  3. fall is giving us a big variety of pumpkins, tonight: baked patisson, filled with talleggio and walnuts, served with some pomegranate syrup


    I must try that! Can you tell me a bit more? Winter squash are plentiful here as well. Taleggio is my very favorite cheese and I have and like using pomegranate molasses. Thanks in advance.

  4. Pizza. A slightly modified Tartine country dough. Thin crust, rosemary oil, prosciutto, parm, and figs for me. Standard crust, Italian sausage for my husband. Salads not pictured - standard dinner salad with 1000 island for Joe, arugula very lightly dressed with champagne pear vinaigrette eaten on top of my pizza for me.




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  5. attachicon.gifJPHam bone.jpg


    this looks to me like a femur, not a humerus.  it has a trochanter ( shaved off, difficult to see ), and a bit of socket from the pelvis.


    but Im not so experienced w Pig Anatomy.  




    Can't tell for sure from your pic but if I had to guess I would call it the shoulder joint. The humerus has a structure called the greater tubercle which is sort of where the trochanter is on a femur. The socket is the glenoid cavity of the scapula. The acetabular fossa of the pelvis would, I think, be deeper and incomplete in the center. An educated guess but keep in mind that the education occured many, many years ago!

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  6. Okanagancook, that is a great job you did on the spreadsheet. If only I had a CSO. ......




    I may start shopping and watching sales. I have a crappy convection/toaster oven that is not great at either and has a broken knob to boot. I keep a pair of hemostats near the oven to turn the stem that used to hold the knob. I get a raised eyebrow every now and then.  

  7. My favorite rendition actually is just fries, cheese, and bacon. Specifically, Eskimo Joe's "world-famous" cheese fries, bacon version. They have a version with chili but I have not had it. The fries are fairly thick, made from skin-on fresh potatoes, thoroughly cooked so many are crunchy. The cheese is a generous layer of melted grated real cheese. The bacon is a sweet peppered style. I think Lisa was accurate and eloquent in her description of why the combo is so good. Although the owner is a friend, I rarely visit this restaurant as it is generally full of college students. On the rare occasion I go, generally with an out-of-town friend that has heard of the place, I get a plate of aforementioned fries and a real, made from ice cream, chocolate shake as my meal. A true indulgence.

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  8. cut it all back to the first set of leaves loosen the roots and and put it where you have it with lots of light then pretend that is how life is and it will grow I do it every year and harvest it all winter ..the leaves do get smaller and as time goes by it looses it flavor ..but most years I have either cuttings rooted from the stuff I cut or the plant to put back out in the springtime 

    I'll give it a try, thanks.


    That little brown, crispy triangle sticking up in the center where it popped at the slash due to great oven spring looks like cook's treat to me. :-)


    Are those carroway seeds I spy in the photo? To me, they just make a rye bread.





     It was all I could do to not break that off that ear and eat it! There are 4 tsp caraway seeds in the bread which contains 120g rye flour and 540g bread flour (sorry to those who dislike the combination of weight and volume but it's what I do in this recipe). I don't bother putting seeds on the outside because it seems wasteful.

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  10. It looks like that bread has a good structure for sandwiches, cyalexa. Are you using light rye flour? Sourdough or yeast? There's a marble rye next on my list of lessons.


    Thanks, yes, it is good sandwich bread. I use Bob's Red Mill dark organic because that is what I keep on hand. That loaf is made with conventional yeast. I've made sourdough rye a couple times but didn't like the flavor as much for bacon and tomato or ham and swiss sandwiches. A marble rye would be fun. Good luck and I hope to also learn from your lessons!

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