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  1. We were to go to our family's house. However, I contracted a URI and the family gathering includes some elderly persons. We decided to stay home. Our contribution for the potluck was to be a dish of eggplant, tomato sauce, and feta that we had eaten in Greece and Serious Eats scalloped potatoes. My wife's SIL insists on a smoked turkey from a local purveyor for the main. So, the two of us had chicken barg, eggplant, and scalloped potatoes on Thanksgiving. Store-bought carrot cake for dessert. We would have preferred to see our family but the food was good.
  2. https://www.seriouseats.com/does-pre-salting-eggs-make-them-tough
  3. Many thanks for all of the ideas. I went with a red-wine sauce recipe I found on the NYT website. It was delicious.
  4. It is just my wife and me for Christmas (thanks Covid). I'm doing pan-roasted duck breasts (thanks D'Artagnan). My wife does not like the usual sweet (port-based), fruity (cherry, berry, orange) sauces used in Western cuisine. The rest of the menu is western so I'm not looking for anything asian. Any suggestions for a good sauce under that constraint? Thank you!
  5. robie

    Dinner 2018

    mm84321, is that restaurant food or home-made? We had the best borscht ever in Krakow. I've been trying to recreate it but no joy. It looked just like that though.
  6. That looks good!
  7. robie

    Dinner 2018

    Bon Vivant, is that a verson of Koenigsberger Klopse? The meatballs look bigger than I'm used to.
  8. By "egg-only method" I mean the standard preparations of eggs (scrambled hard, soft, medium, poached, over-easy, sunny side up, shirred, etc.). I do not mean egg-containing dishes like frittata, tortilla, quiche, souffle etc. My favorite is over-easy soft. My least favorite is scrambled hard/dry.
  9. Spam musubi
  10. robie

    Pulled / Shredded Beef

    Isn't this just a variation of pot roast?
  11. I ran across this story in the BBC. It's impossible for me to believe that Adria and Robuchon are wrong but her paella sounds a little bit too simple and one note for my taste. Has anyone ever had Josefa Navarro's paella? http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/20160510-the-humblest-paella-beloved-by-chefs
  12. RRO, I guess I could figger this out via Google but your post made me wonder. Is the Australian cold and flu season May through October or something "upside-down" to what we experience in the Northern Hemisphere?
  13. Thanks all. It looks like I have many options. I'm thinking about throwing some toasted pistachios on there too.
  14. Thanks all. I remove the beet chunks after 48 hours. Everything looks fine. I will give everything a test prior to exposing others.
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