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Everything posted by MatthewB

  1. There's a saying in these parts: "Ya ain't much if ya ain't Dutch."
  2. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Details to be worked out on this thread & vital info via PM. So help work out the details!
  3. MatthewB

    Smoking Meat

    I've found the WSM pan to be adequate. I don't fill it every 2-3 hours. (More like every 4-6, if that.) I have a plastic gasoline jug--that I prominently marked as WATER. Just pull out the spout, open the fuel door, & carefully fill the water pan. Pretty simple.
  4. But the thief wasn't redeemed until just before his last breathe.
  5. You can share it with us, or we can steal it. If you share it, at least you'll get a taste . Note to self: Designate one room for storing valuables October 17-19. Keep said room locked at all times.
  6. I think a terrine would be a good possibility. Those Sauternes bottles are staying put!
  7. Since the smoker will be going maybe I'll make some smoked scallops? Yeah! And fresco, you're going to need to do some clothes shopping if you expect to fit in.
  8. MatthewB

    Smoking Meat

    Strong odor? I wouldn't chance it. I doubt that I'd die but one would probably end up with the shits for a day or two. Not a fun holiday weekend.
  9. MatthewB

    Smoking Meat

    And it's an understatement to refer to that pork as divine.
  10. Awhile back, I picked up the hardcover of Complete Techniques on a bargain closeout. It's about to come off the shelf.
  11. Where's the :zipped lips: emoticon?
  12. Attendee list so far . . . MatthewB & SO Guajolote & Flaca (plus the kids & G's parents) Maggie & Mr. Handsome Alex & spouse fresco & spouse (& ?) NeroW (possible) herbacidal (on a whim) Michael Laiskonis (possibly on Sunday) tommy (wateva) Who's RVSP'd that I'm missing?
  13. Yesterday afternoon I picked up Culinary Artistry, Cooking by Hand, & Pepin's memoir. The first two fit the bill as far as improvisation. (Thanks for the recommendations! Helenas--Bertolli's book is a gem!) And Pepin's cheese souffle from mama gets a try this weekend.
  14. MatthewB

    The Terrine Topic

    I picked up mine during a sale. The standard everyday price is $100. If you're in the market, you might consider trying Le Creuset outlets.
  15. This deserves its own thread. Then again, maybe not. At least right now. Folks might demand it & we'd end up with AOOTT (Another One Of Those Threads).
  16. Without question. Korean as well. And Thai. But classical Japanese cuisine is at least on a par with French as far as subtlety and nuance go as well as bold and full flavours. The French have never really understood fish. The Japanese have never really understood dairy and meat. Knowledge of both cuisines can deepen everything else one does. I can cook Vietnamese, Thai, Korean, & other nearby cuisines. (Don't tell anyone but I'd give up French food before I gave up Southeast Asian food.) But I've never cooked any Japanese to speak of. And no one's followed up on my mention of Indian. Replace Indian with Japanese on my working list?
  17. I'm convinced! Japanese cuisine might be worth delving into, too.
  18. I need to work on deep-frying. From the looks of my fall/winter cooking plans, I'm going to need to invest in new (bigger) pants.
  19. MatthewB

    The Terrine Topic

    Thanks everyone. This helps much. I found a source for "Terrines, Pates & Galantines." I'll be ordering today.
  20. Lots of literature. But more importantly, lots of solutions.
  21. Well, we were going to get obliterated one way or another.
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