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Posts posted by hildi

  1. The books just keep piling up,seemingly on their own accord,I feel helpless :raz:


    The Cook's Companion - Stephanie Alexander (was excited to get this one in an updated edition,with a very funky cover),

    The River Cottage Meat Book - Hugh Fearnley-Whttingstall,

    Bill's Sydney Food - Bill Granger,

    Les Halles Cookbook - Anthony Bourdain,

    Stir - Christine Manfield,

    The Instant Cook - Donna Hay,

    The Africa Café Experience - Portia & Jason de Smidt (a restaurant I visited in Cape Town),

    It must've been something I ate - Jeffrey Steingarten

  2. Haven´t found the ultimate knife for myself yet,but will be adding a Kershaw Shun 8" chef's knife to my collection of Wusthof,Henckels and cheaper varieties. Am looking forward to seeing how I like it. This search for the "right" knife sounds like the search for a soul mate :raz:

  3. When you are helping out with dinner at your mother’s and are irked that she doesn’t have sea salt,just plain table salt or ground pepper (the horror) instead of a pepper mill.

    When you cronically scan bookstores for new magazines or books.

    If you are willing to travel long distance weighed down with assorted cooking equipment and ingredients,like let’s say 2 kg of nuts.

    When you speed by clothing stores in the mall,daunted by the horrors of the changing room and instead check out that Le Creuset oven you’ve already checked out 10 times.

    When your wish list for Christmas and birthdays revolves around “foodie items”

    When preparing for cooking,you realize that you need to shop for a certein item,say ajowan seeds, and are peeved “on the outside” but looking forward to visiting the Asian grocer on the inside.

  4. Sesame chicken salad from a Food & Wine recipe. Combined cooked chicken breasts with vermicelli,spicy sesame sauce,cucumbers,bell pepper,spring onions and coriander.Just what I needed.

  5. Grilled beef fillet,which had been marinated in soy sauce,lime juice,garlic and ginger. Mixed salad,grilled potatoes and mango salsa. Minor grab of bittersweet chocolate for dessert.

  6. monday: roasted chicken with rosemary, thyme, lemon, and garlic. roasted fingerlings, sweet potatoes, red onions, and baby vidalia onions. haricot verts, mixed greens. red wine pan sauce.

    Seriously good looking chicken skin I must say.

  7. Saturday.

    An afternoon of baking and cooking a family meal with my 7 year old brother. Hence the choice of tagliatelle with meatballs,very suitable for a 7 year old,both in making and eating. Accompanied by a mixed salad,garlic bread and Australian shiraz/soda. For dessert we had chocolate fudge cake,whipped cream and coffee. I was especially grateful for my dishwasher at the end of the night.

  8. Great piece,it's interesting to get some background info on Ted's segment on the show and see how ambitious and enthusiastic he is. His view that his segment shouldn't be breakdown inducing rang true. I've only seen a couple of shows,on one of them the straight guy made sushi on his own and piled on the wasabi (although Ted had walked him through it earlier)-one of the guests was in for a minor shock:)

  9. My count is 37, most of them accumulated over the past 12 months.

    Recent acquisitions,which I couldn't resist at 75% off at my local bookstore are : Jamie's Kitchen (Jamie Oliver), New Wave Asian (Sri Owen), Vatch's Thai Street Food (Vatcharin Bhumichitr), The minimalist cooks at home (Mark Bittman) and A Cook's Guide to Grains (Jenni Muir).

    Speaking of Donnay Hay,I recently bought her Modern Classics 2 as a Christmas present,proving the rule of buying for other people what you not-so-secretly want yourself. It looks very scrumptious. I've also ordered back issues of her magazine and would recommend it.

  10. Hi,I'm wondering if I should increase the amount of lemongrass/galangal if

    they've been frozen? I made the Massaman Curry in the article and missed the

    'citrusy undertones' that I find so appealing in Thai food - the same goes for

    a red curry paste I've made from Hot Sour Salty Sweet. Then again that could

    be my personal preference speaking;)

    I was unable to find cardamom leaves from my Asian grocery or at an online store,looks like a rare find.

    Thanks for a great article,next up Pad Thai!

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