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Everything posted by Duvel

  1. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    That kid is half German, half Catalan. How much more Dadaist blood can you have in you veins 😉 ?
  2. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    Well … let me check on that. Little one is 8yo and I am sure he could have plated a at least a pirateship with that 🤗
  3. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    That’s my gold standard variety as well. Simple & perfect. As is her ragu alla bolognese (as a base for this) …
  4. Interesting … can you describe that ?
  5. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    Sous vide fillet of pork, served with zaziki and carrot phkali …
  6. Duvel

    Lunch 2022

    Georgian lamb Kharcho, with tamarind filling in for the elusive sour plum puree … still delicious !
  7. That sounds pretty awesome - it’s on my list 🙏
  8. Yeap - thanks for the link ! And truth to be told - the sake does work pretty well. None of these slightly bitter, nutmeg-y overtones if vermouth. Clean sweetness, with a bit of a starchy, rice-y touch from the sake and a straight punch from the gin. And the Hinoki bitters taste like you are on a rainy day in a temple in Kyoto. Hard to describe, but once you’ve experienced that it actually tastes like it. Good indeed and a perfect opportunity to bring my Fuji-san glas out 🤗
  9. I like those in the “sweet potato” variety, because any other method has failed me so far to get crispy sweet potato fries …
  10. Made a version of this tonight (before he goes public tomorrow): Roku Gin, nice semi-sweet Junmai Daiginjo, Hinoki bitters and a quick pickled ginger slice as garnish. Not bad … not bad at all ☺️
  11. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    What is inside of your avocados ?
  12. If you leave out the vermouth, yes !
  13. Duvel

    eG Cook-Off #88: Wings

    It’s interesting how many preparations ask for this precooking (in combination with a overnight drying step). And it seems to work …
  14. In Germany, there would be three linguistic “options”, and - because it is Germany - they are not only options, but prescribed terms by German (food) law: 1) “Gyros” (from the Greek word for “rotating”): made from stacked thin pork slices, marinated in a oil/spice/onion/vinegar marinate. What you have pictured here at least looks very, very similar. 2) “Döner” (from the Turkish word for “rotating”): made from either veal or beef, marinated in a oil/spice/garlic marinade. The meat needs to contain mostly stacked thin meat slices, but is allowed to have a small percentage of spiced minced meat to smoothen out the texture*. The meat you have pictured is too pale to be beef (from my experience), but could be veal. A subset of the “Döner” family is chicken or turkey “Döner”: still allowed to be called Döner, but with a mandatory prefix of either of the two meat employed. Here, only meat slices are stacked, no minced meat allowed. Typically, the marinade of this contains a higher percentage of paprika, so the white meat is tinted red at its surface, so it is not alike to your pictures. 3) “Drehspiess” (from the German word for “rotating”): Pretty much anything else you want to put on a rotating skewer. Naming (in the restaurant) needs to contain at least the animal, and can contain either “Gyros” or “Döner” as a reference to the expected marinade/taste profile. Usually used if your product does not qualify for the (higher quality) options 1 or 2**. “Puten Drehspiess nach Döner Art” = Rotating skewer made from turkey in the style of a Döner. —- *however, this is considered by many to be inferior. **and yet a welcome option when you return from a night of drinking, and all the quality ones have closed for hours.
  15. I like that we both come to the same conclusion 🤗 Let’s leave it at that in the certainty that craft cocktails and theoretical thermodynamics meet only in harmony if both are applied to the same person. Stat.
  16. Let me bring the wings - seems I am not so good with ice 😝
  17. You are stuck in the cocktail shaker. Let’s do the Duveltini experiment 2.0 (extreme case, just to demonstrate): Dewar vessel, temperature equilibrium, 1000 g of ice, -20 oC. We add 10 g of a suitable alcoholic drink with 20 oC. What will happen ? 1) Will the ice melt: Nope. Heat introduced into the system by the drink is not sufficient to raise the temperature above its melting point. 2) Will there be any dilution ? (Apart from some surface phenomena) Nope. Ice doesn’t melt significantly. Truth is, there will be some, but it is not significant. 3) How does the content of the Dewar vessel cool the drink ? Thermal mass transfer. Nothing magical, no phase transition, just plain heat transfer - just when you put a pot of water on a hot stove.
  18. Sorry, I do not know how to explain it any better. Please forget about his premise of all ice being at 0 oC (that is seemingly true for the bar environment, but not a law of nature). Of course the amount of ice matters, and no - unless you are in a mass transfer limited environment - there is no such thing as “sufficient ice”, because every gram of ice you add brings in additional cooling capacity*. Period. The more you put, the more cooling capacity you have. If you put really a lot and you start out cold, the ice won’t warm up sufficiently to even melt. And if you stay below the melting point of ice (think about it), how can be the phase transition enthalpy be the major (or sole) contributor to cool your drink. How can something that doesn’t melt cool via a phase transition ? —- *actually heat capacity, but that might confuse people.
  19. And how could there possibly be any argument about the above? Alright, @weinoo - you and me, outside, in 5 min …
  20. Link is correct, last paragraph. It is not a flaw per se, I‘d rather call it a limitation of his parameters: he limits (actually not specifies) the mass of ice he is using. Again, because he doesn’t have to - his focus on the volume of a cocktail shaker is self limiting. He can’t simply introduce more cooling agent, thus he has to rely on the melting and the phase transition enthalpy. I am very sorry, your statement „at any temperature“ is wrong. If your complete system (ice, shaker, drink) remains under the melting point of the ice, there is simply no cooling by melting ice. Put enough ice at low enough temperatures and you are there. It just might not fit into your shaker anymore and thus has no practical application in a bar setup.
  21. One of my childhood memories is boiled spaghetti with Maggi seasoning. Of course its supposed tobe wrong, but it is also starchy, umami and filling. No regrets …
  22. In the end of the 60‘s, when Italian food hit Germany and my parents started dating, my (paternal) grandparents enjoyed spaghetti with tomato sauce for the first time (expertly prepared by my mom (brave soul cooling exotic stuff for the furture in-laws). My grandfather insisted on having potatoes on the side. Spaghetti with tomato sauce and a side of (home fried, boiled or mashed) potatoes became a staple ih their household …
  23. True ! And don’t forget about those Japanese bartenders that spend 10 min chiseling the perfect round clear ice cube to put into your Hakushu 18. Best (and most expensive) drink drink I ever had 🙃
  24. Please forget for a second the „melting ice“ mantra. That’s for a limited amount of 0 oC bar ice. Run your head through the Duveltini experiment, which happens all below 0 oC. A simple mass transfer limited equilibrium, no phase transitions. And I guarantee you with proper ice size and agitation it will be faster that what Dave observes …
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