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Everything posted by Duvel

  1. "Gourmet" by Lu Wenfu comes to mind ...
  2. I visit Korea on a semi-regular basis and - being fond of the local cuisine - have bought a couple of koren cookbooks over the years. In my opinion "The Korean Table: From Barbecue to Bibimbap" by Taekyung Chung is a nice mixture of authentic and approachable.
  3. I think the german mindset will favor rather larger burgers on offer, offering more substance for a comparably smaller invest. I am thinking Big Tasty Bacon in a Maxi Menu. But then again, it could be only me ....
  4. Duvel

    Chicken Kidneys

    Liuzhou, You will need to clean the kidneys and soak them in salted water for around 30 min (you may add a slice of ginger). After that pat dry and fry over high heat in clarified butter with garlic and persil for about two minutes. Alternatively, with ginger and finely sliced scallions in neutral oil and add a tiny bit of Zhenjiang vinegar at the end. Anything longer than two minutes will result in a rather "al dente" experience ...
  5. There was an article in the NYT a couple of months ago about cold soups spiked with spirits. They featured a cucumber soup with Hendrick's and avocado which tasted quite good. It is more like a savoury cocktail, especially if you add a pinch of salt. I thought that adding cilantro would be interesting, however the original was much better. The cold soup/cocktail worked pretty well with a batch of freshly fried shrimp croquettes ...
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