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Everything posted by Duvel

  1. That does actually raise more questions than it answers. Why would the addition of Hot Dogs imply a cassoulet-type dish ..?
  2. Could you elaborate why the addition of an Hot Dog would be considered "French" ?
  3. if you are interested in the destillates, tap water as the cooling medium will most likely insufficient. If you let me know the specs of your vacuum pump and your desired application ( reduction of water-based solutions, alcohol etc.) I can give you an definite answer ...
  4. I found Camerons relatives in the local market ...
  5. I would also go with fish, preferably coated and fried (like squirrel fish) ...
  6. I find this rather unlikely. It would not make sense for the shop to deceive a well paying clientele with something pretending to be from one's home country while come from across the border. And it is most probably the French housewive buying this product just as I would pay only a premium to get my Weisswurst that I know so well from home. So, while I admire your enthusiasm for Chinese quail exports, I strongly feel that "French quail" sold here is just that. I will try to make a picture when I am back from Vietnam ...
  7. Unfortunately, most people here (and especially the expats) do not trust in the quality produce from mainland. Its all available and at a fraction of the price of the imported material. Yet, the latter is more popular. It might be a combination of wanting to buy something "safe", from home, as well as not really being bothered with the cost of living*. ____ * Disclaimer: working in the chemical industry, which unfortunately does not keep the same salary profiles as the banking sector, the latter does not apply to me ...
  8. Huiray: a proper roast goose (from a local source) will run around 450-600 HKD. You may experience higher prices if you go to places in Central. Franci: yes, exactly like in your experience the shops catering for the affluent expat community do stock basically everything and unfortunately also charge accordingly. And people buy it. I am currently living in a golf club-type of expat enclave on one of the islands of Homg Kong and our supermarket (from a crappy chain, mind you) does carry everything from imported quails from France to Matsutake from Japan. My wife always says that they carry more Catalan items than "her" supermarket in Barcelona ...
  9. Here in Discovery Bay, Hong Kong, that would be considered a bargain ...
  10. Duvel

    Dinner 2016 (Part 3)

    The spoils of the chef ... still envious.
  11. Duvel

    Dinner 2016 (Part 3)

    Oishii! I am always very envious of your uni. What did you do with the rest of that package in the first picture ?
  12. Depending on how much she is willing to spend I would go with a high quality can of Berberechos (Galician cockles) and a small bottle of Salsa d'Espinaler to go with it.
  13. Duvel

    Dinner 2016 (Part 3)

    Do you still take dinner appointments ? It's just a 10h flight, I guess ...
  14. Had the "salty roasted garlic" ones today. Definitely some mellowed garlic flavor there. Unfortunately it did not fit at all to the bottle of Sauvignon Blanc I opened tonight. Had to augment with some dried squid and sushi ... So, no: I won't have these ones either again.
  15. My wife found two unknown varieties at the local supermarket. It seems they are manufactured in Taiwan We started with the "drumstick"-flavoured one. It reminds me of the artificial chicken taste of powdered chicken broth. There is some onion/garlic aftertaste and a hint of herbs ( can't pin them down though...). Not to be bought again ...
  16. Duvel

    Dinner 2016 (Part 2)

    Great, thanks. That'll be my weekend breakfast treat !
  17. Duvel

    Dinner 2016 (Part 2)

    Wow. Despite having lived in Japan for quite some time I haven't come across this - it sounds wonderful! Can you give some more details, please ?
  18. Yes, I know - it's the "Lay's" thread. However, I found this variety of Pringles today at my local supermarket. For those of you that neither read Katakana nor can recognize the picture: it's Eggs Benedict. It's hard to describe but it somewhat tastes like powdered egg yolk with vegetable undertones. Won't buy it again and will try to get rid of the other two rolls (was a three-for-two offer, that I have never been able to refuse )...
  19. Well, I have to admit that I regularly use my licked finger tip to get all those tiny broken pieces out of the package. So this time was no different (but elsewise I would have also followed the clear instructions on the package) ...
  20. After the usual CNY dumplings and an extra helping of sushi I decided to try the "finger licking braised pork" stacked Lay's. I liked it. It's sprinkled with something that tastes like spray-dried Lu Shui. There isn't much pork flavour to talk about but the Lu Shui comes through nicely ...
  21. I just returned from Nanjing tonight. My little cabin luggage was filled with most of the bags that Liuzhou found as well. Started off with the Cumin Lamb variety. I found it actually very tasty. Cumin, chili, lamb - all there. Already regretting that I bought Cucumber and the Yoghurt one instead of more of the Cumin Lamb stuff ...
  22. Duvel


    I remember having those in an upmarket restaurant in Dublin once. Served with a heavily smoked salmon tartar and candied lemon jam. Was weird but not bad at all ...
  23. Latest "flavor of the month" in HK. I had the one on the right; basically a riff of the Teriyaki burger with some more spices ("red cooked"). Not too bad ...
  24. Actually, Japan had severe import taxes imposed on foreign grown rice (and beef and other items as well). Not that many Japanese would eat anything else than domestic rice, preferably from their home prefecture ...
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