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Everything posted by Duvel

  1. Duvel

    Dinner 2017 (Part 6)

    Nice, @Ann_T! If I may: what is a "Greek potato" topping made of ?
  2. Duvel

    A sandwich to go

    Thanks for the encouragement - it takes a lot of dedication sometimes. But I have been assured that even if I fail to reach a biblical age using this methodology, I certainly look like it already ...
  3. Duvel

    A sandwich to go

    That is why for the last 20+ years I have made significant progress in systematically lowering the water content of my beverages. After an ill-fated attempt with smoothies I have discovered a class of drinks that contain only 60% of water, even less if taken as shots without ice cubes added. The effects are mostly positive - I feel much more alive while consuming these beverages ...
  4. Duvel

    A sandwich to go

    I think @Kasia refers to the "on the go", as the opposite of sitting down and taking your meal in a relaxed atmosphere. At least I can relate to that, as I find rushed meals somewhat stressful... (and of course sandwiches per se are unhealthy, too. In human history, everyone who has ever eaten at least one sandwich has either died or will do so in a general 1-100 year timeframe)
  5. Duvel

    Dinner 2017 (Part 6)

    Tonight Flammkuchen (kind of) ... 35% rye, rest strong wheat. Poolish, 75% hydration. Topped with sour cream, egg yolk and Tetris de Moines mixture as well as various combinations. Bacon & mushrooms was good, as was chicken, tomato and pesto. Irvins Fried fish skins with salted egg yolk as starters and "Blutsbrüder" (cuvée, Rheinhessen) as the moistening agent ... Made my parents happy, my son happy and me drunk - triple win
  6. Duvel

    Dinner 2017 (Part 6)

    That's where Knoedel come in handy ...
  7. Being the father of a four-year old I can assure you they still do. Sure, they now report back to the First Order rather than a German military organization, but rest assure they still would be delighted by your pizza. As would I (and being German is only part of it ) ...
  8. Duvel

    Dinner 2017 (Part 6)

    Well noted and of course I am aware where you live ... Though shipping white powders from Hong Kong is not that unusual, I see the potential issues. You still have about four weeks to think it through
  9. Duvel

    Dinner 2017 (Part 6)

    Actually ... I'll be on business trip to the States next month for the first time in years. I have that mix on my shopping list. PM me your address and I'll send you one pack
  10. Duvel

    Dinner 2017 (Part 6)

    I really, really need to make those biscuits !!!
  11. Duvel

    Dinner 2017 (Part 6)

    So ... been a long day. I have my parents visiting which makes me really happy. Took them out for excellent sushi dinner, put my son in the bath and did all my household duties. Now, with two Old Fashioned's done and a potential one accompanying me for the latest episode of "Discovery" on Netflix I have to admit I get the munchies ... "Emergency Reuben": Modernist Bread's Lean French bread, pastrami, Hengstenberg's mild Sauerkraut and Tete de Moine filling in for the Swiss. Mix of Kewpie mayo, Heinz ketchup and Löwensenf hot mustard instead for moistening. Served on the ever so popular IKEA blue plastic plate (as it one the only clean dish in the house) ...
  12. I gave the recipe a try today. The poolish was fermented for close to 10h only. Flour was 90% strong wheat and 10% rye flour (type 1050) for a slightly more robust flavour. To accommodate for the rye I upped the hydration to 70%. Bulk ferment w/ folding was done in 5h, proofing after shaping took about 2 h (my house is 26 oC, and 60% humidity - controlled by air con and dehumidifier). Baked at 250 oC preheated oven in an equally preheated Le Creuset for 25 min, then for 15 min more without ("venting"). The resulting loaf is satisfactory. Decent oven spring, maybe a bit overproofed but definitely correct hydration. Taste is pretty good. Fresh from the oven (please disregard the lousy slashing). Crumb shot. The second half of the batch made a decent pizza dough.
  13. Duvel

    Lasagna Wars

    Thanks again for your insight. I think I answered the OPs question and I leave it to the reading eGulleteer to make a concise decision whether to use it and to whom to serve. I personally find it a bit unnecessary to issue a warning when we discuss single ingredients. BTW: I do carry the yellow epipen (0.3 mg) - which color is yours ?
  14. Duvel

    Lasagna Wars

    Thanks, but that would defy the purpose. I usually serve scallop carpaccio with caramelized nuts and a sprinkling of wheat to catch all the allergics, then weed out the rest with my lasagna ...
  15. Duvel

    Lasagna Wars

    I pulverize dried ceps and dried shrimps/scallops and add that during the long simmer to the meat sauce. Adds an incredible depth without any notes to either mushroom or seafood.
  16. You never learned how to properly fold pizza before consumption ?
  17. Duvel

    Dinner 2017 (Part 6)

    That looks great, @shain! I seem to recall you are vegetarian - what do you use in lieu of the fish sauce ? Is that the reason to have "a lightly smoky" flavor ?
  18. Aaaand much cheaper & easier to find ...
  19. Not sure where you get the substandard from ... It's vile. It has far too much bite for too little taste. The regular one is fine and actually my go to option, if available here. But for a hot mustard I want far more body (because at the end you use less). Adding a bit of Japanese mustard to the regular one is a far better option imho. But your milage may vary ...
  20. Being of German decent I need to clarify that that stuff is vile (allowing for sentimental value, of course) ...
  21. Duvel

    Dinner 2017 (Part 6)

    A welcome diet break: business trip to Tokyo. Last night went out to the district of Ebisu (close to Shibuya), which is getting popular again for it's cheap down-to-earth comfort food eateries. "Indoor" streets like this are getting crowded as the temperatures drop. But even at 15 oC, it was packed. I picked a beef place - a bit out of guilt I aimed at a low carb dinner - which of course was not sabotages by beer and sake. Everything gets grilled up while you sit on a counter ... Harami (the cut below the diaphragm): Salt grilled tongue: Beef & tofu stew (this was fantastic): "Shamo" - a tiny seasonal river fish, eaten whole: Sake - "Autumn" suggestion of the owner: I like diet breaks
  22. Duvel

    Dinner 2017 (Part 6)

    Right now I am on diet (at least during non-travelling days). Which does not contribute to my general well-being. Luckily though, tonight I tried "cauliflower pizza"; and while clearly not a pizza it does hit a couple of spots and loaded with tons of chicken breast gyros and some garlic yoghurt was actually quite yummy. My son got salami and bacon and was happy, too ... (Typical crumb shots included, though actually there was no such thing)
  23. Duvel

    Methode Rotuts

    Partly it might be a budget issue. But I like the idea to carbonate wines that usually would not be developed into sparkling wine. Finding a good sparkling Riesling is a pain, finding a good Riesling and carbonating it rather easy. Damn. I just put one kitchen tool more on my next home leave shopping list. Thanks Rotuts ...
  24. Looks great, nice color ! Are those cauliflower "steaks" coated / dusted with something or just plain fried (in butter ?)?
  25. Please try dry-curing it for a day or two with pink salt. Gives it a gammon-ny touch and improves the "flat" flavour of non-heritage pork by a mile ...
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