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Suzi Edwards

eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by Suzi Edwards

  1. But the use of the term egregious affectation is. Sorry, couldn't resist.
  2. Won't the finger kow-tow (light tap of the (middle) finger on tabletop) be sufficient and appropriate as a gesture of gratitude? Or is that not done at the "Drum"? ← What's the finger tap thing? This is new to me and I'd like to know more.
  3. I wouldn't recommend Nobu Berkeley unless you have a supermodel or two in your group. It's noisy, very scene and the food went downhill after a not bad sushi/sashimi intro. What about Sushi Ikeda on Brook Street? Much more traditional, very high quality fish, good tempura.
  4. Am compiling my list of must eat places in Sydney and this place keeps coming up in reviews. Has anyone been? Any experiences to share?
  5. This is superb stuff and I shall be printing out this thread for reference. At the moment I just keep checking out the appartment that my company has organised in Kirribilli for when we get there on google earth and pinching myself! Next question. Are there any choclatiers that you'd recommend in Sydney?
  6. Bum. I've just booked there for lunch next week. Can you give more details about what was wrong?
  7. I'm moving to Sydney in March and we're still unsure of where to live. We're going to be spending four weeks in corporate accomodation before we decide where to rent (in the short term) I was wondering if people could help me narrow down my search... Proximity to the CBD is really important to us and we've already ruled out Manley (an early favourite) because of the commute. Balmain is currently a front runner because of the frequent ferry service. Glebe, Cremoyne and Kirribilli I think are going to be worth a look too. What my guidebooks don't tell me is what the food purchasing options are like in these areas. I currently live in Islington, chosen mainly because there are two very good butchers, one great fishmonger (and one less good one), a branch of the best cheese shop in London and a weekly farmers market. I'm not a big fan of supermarkets and prefer to buy local produce frequently, rather than do a weekly supermarket run. Are there any areas that you would especially recommend as being good locations to procure good produce? Any shops, markets or stores you'd recommend? Is there one especially food-oriented suburb that sticks out for you? Would really love any advice and look forward to sharing my experiences of moving to Sydney with you.
  8. I just spoke to Anthony Demetre regarding the booking policy at Arbutus without even mentioning Suzi. It is, as I thought it would be, a quality control issue. He said "If a large table comes in its sods law that they order 8 or 9 different dishes and we can't plate them up quickly enough to get them all out at the same time and hot. We'd love to have larger tables but its not feasible, there are only 5 of us cooking in the kitchen and we can't have 3 or 4 people at a time plating food" When I then told him about Suzi Anthony said that it should only apply to tables of 8 or more, he wasn't sure why they tried to limit the menu for 7 of you. If you ring back you should be offered the full menu. Matthew Grant (The Max Clifford of Arbutus) ← Matt ought to have a go at Jade Goody next. Everything is sorted and Arbutus have dealt with this nicely.
  9. Here's another to add to the hate list... Arbutus. I want to book a table for seven people for my final dinner with my best friends before I leave for Oz. Money is tight for a couple of them so we want something reasonable, central and with good food. I reject Anchor and Hope on account of the complete lack of a booking policy and decide on Arbutus inspite of the mixed reviews. First off, if we book at table at 8.00pm they have to have it back by 10.00pm. But if we move the table to 8.30pm we can have it all night. OK, I can just about put up with that. Then we have the whole credit card to confirm the booking thing. I understand why they do that. I am then told that we can only have a reduced menu as our group is too large. We will have four starters, four mains and two deserts to choose from. I'm sorry, but I am giving you six weeks notice of my plan to eat with you and you can only offer me four mains? I could rustle that up myself matey. Bugger off.
  10. I think you were closest Ravelda. Now tell me, who'll win the Grand National this year and any ideas for next week's lottery numbers?
  11. Given that this is the UK and Ireland thread, it's perhaps not *that* surprising that people are talking about meals in London.... I'm sure there'll be a thread somewhere on the site for people who want to catalogue their travels/restaurants outside of the UK. ← I shan't be responding to this directly since your comments are aimed at a straw man of your own creation. If you're looking for a scrap I'm sure you could provoke one far more easily somewhere else. ← Touchy. Some people just don't like to be told...
  12. Given that this is the UK and Ireland thread, it's perhaps not *that* surprising that people are talking about meals in London.... I'm sure there'll be a thread somewhere on the site for people who want to catalogue their travels/restaurants outside of the UK.
  13. The pho broth is great at Viet Garden on Liverpool Road.
  14. I find that it can be quite useful in salad dressings. Try mixing with oil. It's also very good to get rid of hiccups.
  15. Not at all, actually. Paul's freezer has arrived and the ice-cream is here. You get a scoop of ice cream and then molten chocolate poured over the top. Didn't try any as it is teeming with rain and I couldn't eat ice cream and struggle with my brolly at the same time. However, I did try the lime truffle. Just perfect for popping into your mouth while traversing the water logged streets of Islington. Forget Paul's salted caramel. The lime has it. Possibly the best chocolate I have ever eaten.
  16. Paul starts his range of icecream in the next few days. He'd just finished churning some double chocolate brownie when I popped by begging for treats. He's also going to do raspberry and white chocolate, salted caramel and griotte cherries. All will be served in small balls, coated in chocolate. I said "like posh choc ices" and he insisted it would be "like Ice Magic".
  17. I'll second that blimey. Fi and I went on Tuesday and ordered enough for a small army. Spotty beancurd, fish fragrant pork slivers, dry friend beans, dan dan noodles, dumplings, gung bao chicken, hot and fragrant crab and pickled vegetables. And some rice. I don't know what posessed us because we didn't eat a mouthful of it. Anyway, I wonder if we could have ordered a more balanced meal (rather than our strategy of just ordering everything that looked delicious- I swear Fi would have ordered more...) because other than the pickled veggies, you could level the critisism that all of the food is protein + spice. However, we wanted to try lots of things and balance was far from our minds. Best dishes for me were the fish fragrant pork slivers and the spotty beancurd, although I do think the spotty beancurd at red chilli is better. It's more savory and several notches spicer. That said, the texture was just amazing- this is probably my ultimate comfort food. Strikes me that I don't really have the vocabulary to talk about the nuances of this meal. Certainly the fish fragrant pork slivers were a wonderful mixture of sweet, crunchy, spicy and umami but I know I'm not doing it justice. Overall I am very excited about this place. They were busy on a Tuesday with a mainly Chinese crowd. Service is sweet and good natured and they radioed the kitchen to find out which seafood was freshest that day (we couldn't decide between crab and prawns, they recommended the crab, we ordered both, it was that kind of night) If you want hot pot after 7.00pm you have to call in advance, but it looked amazing. I think it would be a good thing to have in a group. PM me if you fancy doing this with me one night. Pricewise, it's not inexpensive. Ignoring the banqueting menu, mains go up to £22 but the quality of the crab was high, so we had no complaints. I'd go back tonight for the fish-fragrant pork you know.
  18. Opposite side to Moro. A few doors to the East of Cafe Kick. That should be accurate enough - what are you planning? An air strike? ← LOL. No, I live near there and I was trying to work out which restaurant it had replaced. Without actually having to get up off my fat arse and go there.
  19. Am intrigued by the Ambassadors. What did it used to be? What's it next to?
  20. I'm well John. Just back from Oz and off to Vegas. But (getting back on topic) the most important thing in my life at the moment is getting to Paul's shop. You should give me a call next time you're there. I live just round the corner!
  21. I don't post for months and then start a scurrilous rumour...
  22. Could I get some suggestions for steak in Vegas? I've seen a couple of votes for Delmonicos, would anyone push anywhere else? Thanks in advance for advice!
  23. I feel blessed, having done some private tuition with Paul and now he opens a shop on my doorstep. Won't do much for the bikini diet, but then neither did the packet of Cheese and Onion McCoys I just finished... Talking of the lack of good patisseries, I was shocked to hear that Sketch Parlour is closing to be replaced with a VIP lounge. Am I the last person in London to know this?
  24. I feel the need to misquote Dr Johnson. It may be expensive but you are suprised to find it done at all...
  25. I really enjoyed it. Came across it in Oz last week and read it in an hour or two. It's a really easy read, but very hard to put down. I found myself trying to navigate across Sydney with a map in one hand reading passages whenever we were on a reasonably long straight bit.
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