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Suvir Saran

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Everything posted by Suvir Saran

  1. And for those that are vegetarians, I want to add that the vegetarian option will be just as fabulous and special, and I shall be vegtarian that night, so please do not feel for a minute that you will have any lesser a meal. It just happens to be that I am thinking of a chef that is a genius with meats cooked in Indian style.
  2. Macrosan, I would reccomend being non-vegetarian. I will try my best to create something exciting in the menu for the vegetarians. But I think the restaurants that I am thinking of, are not the type that are serving great vegetarian meals. I would be dishonest in leading you astray. In fact their meat preparations are what they would be most known for. So, re-think and let me know. I would strongly suggest being open to meat. But that is my humble opinion alone.
  3. Probably just me Nina. Why do you ask? Because as OFFICIAL BOOZE COORDINATOR for this event (heheheh), I thought I'd try to make sure we have enough booze, and not way too much, either. Make sense? Surely, surely...
  4. But you are reputed to give people beautiful jars with some tasty home made stuff as gifts... Most reputed home-makers cannot even do that... You are certainly more than you make yourself out to be.
  5. Have you ever invented brownie recipes? ? ? ? ? ?
  6. And was that charachter famous for their brownies?
  7. So I just finished making the brownies. They look nice. Very different in color from the "Best ever brownies" I have become used to. They are sitting in a ice-water bath (thanks Heyjude!) and seem to be doing well and do smell very nice. But I am still wondering who these brownies are named after. Any clue? Anyone?
  8. I have been sworn to never give out this Brownie recipe I have in my desk. The recipe is called Judith Beasley's Brownies. Does anyone know what the origin of this recipe could be? Also it has nuts and coconut in it. Two things I have never liked in brownies. I am going to try the recipe now. Was wondering if anyone knew anything about this recipe? Or even if they are remotely known.
  9. Location??? Do online things need a physical location? I thought this was all done to add more posts to each of our handles....hmmmm Did I understand differently?
  10. They are just not my favorite type of beer.. but if you like them.. bring them along... I am sure others will share what they have... and so we can have a taste comparison.
  11. That is what I often serve. In fact some served in my humble abode have made it into magazines and dailies as good choices. But I have sommelier friends to thank for that introduction.
  12. Nina I am waiting for someone else to educate both of us on this one.
  13. I was at a gathering with some of the best Indian chefs around the world last night. One gentleman was a sommelier that has been quoted by the NY Times and other publications in their quest to pair wines with Indian food. He was explaining to me how he has found an amazing array of wines that work very well. All it takes in his mind is a thoughtful sommelier and a caring diner. So, I think with so many of eGullets fine attending this dinner, we should all be ready to be dazzled. I never say never. And yet, lassi and chilled water are often sating enough for me. But I am always open to learn.....
  14. I will go buy one of those pans. I have been making them in a 8x8 inch glass pan. They are thick and so need extra time to cook. Thanks for the quick response.
  15. Lesley, What kind of pan do you bake "best ever brownies" in? What size pan are you using? What material is it made of? And do you remember how long you are baking them for? Hope I am not troubling you with too many questions. Thanks!
  16. Moustache in West Village (Bedford Street) makes it perfectly. I love it. But again, it is an acquired taste. It also is most amazing in the summer. It is a great restorative and also a drink that will liven up a tired and exhausted palate.
  17. I love Belgian beers with Indian food. Some of them are fruity enough to handle it. In fact are better than Indian beers in my book. But what do I know about food and alcohol...
  18. What do you like at Rajbhog? What farsan items are your favorite there? What are your favorites at Dimple?
  19. Nina has volunteered to be coordinator for this task.
  20. Can we add Matt Zito to the list of confirmed guests and have me not be a part of the list Suzanne? I will stand and cook and chat as I enjoy with you all. I am sure I will find some place to sit easily... And we will then have another vegetarian.. how fun. (Makes it cakewalk, Matt Zito and myself).
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