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Everything posted by Kerala

  1. The most proper accompaniment is appam, a fluffy rice pancake, but that's a whole 'nother thing. Bread is very commonly used in Kerala with fish molly.
  2. You're right @heidih, salmon is red, but it works fine. A more country style preparation omits tomatoes and red chilli powder so that it is a much paler, almost white dish. The heat is provided by more green chilli and more pepper. However, the red fish molly preparation is also common. The initial sear of the fish is just to remove the skin. That's what my sister does. You could skin it without this step.
  3. The last 2 pictures are out of sequence, but I'm sure you get the idea.
  4. Fish molly, molee, moilee.. Meen molly. A white fish dish with gentle spice heat prepared with coconut milk and tomatoes, it is a family favourite. It's perfectly good made mild, but can be made quite hot, too. This is how my younger sister prepares this. I'm not posting a recipe, but recording a process. No measurements in grams or cups, although I'm sure this is available elsewhere. I hope this will help guide you through the process if you wish to attempt it. Where we start. Green chillies, ginger and garlic. Red onions. Next, tomatoes. Salmon, because that's what we have. Taliapa might be a better choice, but salmon is readily available here in the UK. Add a bit of red chilli powder and turmeric, and rub into the flesh side of the fillet. Fry on a hot pan, skin side down just for a few minutes to allow you to peel off the skin. Set aside the fish. Fry the onions. My sister used a neutral vegetable oil. Add a little salt at this point. Add the chillies, garlic and ginger, then when they're golden add and fry in some garam masala, turmeric, chilli powder, salt and pepper. Add the tomatoes. Continue gentle frying. Add a handful of curry leaves. Stir in the coconut milk. Continue gentle cooking. Now we can add the sauce to the fish. Make sure to get some of the the sauce underneath the fish fillets too. Now it's ready to bung in the oven, say 180C for 30 minutes. Serve it with sliced bread. Ciabatta tonight, close to the tough bread I had as a child. Mild spice warmth, rich with coconut, a forward tomato note, underscored with turmeric. If you don't want to try cooking it yourself, do try it if you ever get to Kerala.
  5. Kerala

    Dinner 2022

    Crisp fried tempeh with a garlic and ginger glaze on stir fried noodles. My daughter cooked from something on TikTok, and I just chopped and stirred as I was told.
  6. Kerala

    Pasta Shapes

    Fileja, new to me. A Calabrian pasta that goes with a heavy sauce, apparently. Just durum wheat semolina and water, no egg. Quite toothy. Everyone loved it for dinner. I picked it up at TKMaxx, so who knows when I'll ever see it again? I would buy it again given the chance.
  7. Kerala

    Breakfast 2022

    Inspired by some of the poached eggs upthread. I'd forgotten how satisfying and simple this could be.
  8. Kerala

    Breakfast 2022

    I got a bit excited and started looking for piri piri pancreas. But, yours looks great!
  9. The scoring was deep enough, @Duvel Down to the muscle or almost there throughout.
  10. Thanks @Duvel I've had instruction from many, including friends whose greatest dish is a great cooked full English breakfast. Apparently they can whip out a roast pork with crackling without any difficulty. "Just remember to rub in the salt!" they say. Thank you. There must be something in the wrist. I think your method will work, Duvel. It's the small details that will make the difference. When you posted your technique, you didn't specify that for the second phase in the oven you drained off the liquid. Obvious from the pictures. I will try again, hopefully without oven failure. I post these failures so others may learn and avoid the same mistakes.
  11. No, I was wrong, that was directly after the first session in the oven. Just at the point,@Duvel that you scored the skin. I had the skin scored at the butcher's which might have been a part of the problem. Or it might not.
  12. Duck breast no problem! It's the popcorn crackling on the pork that I have trouble with. It's comforting to know others have difficulty with this seemingly simple goal.
  13. @Duvel that was just before the joint went in the oven the first time. It was indeed delicious and crispy, just not puffed up skin. I think if the oven had not failed, it would have worked. I will keep trying!
  14. OK, still persevering with @Duvel method. I asked the butcher to score the skin, my mistake. I sliced off the nipples because the kids don't need to see that. Unfortunately my oven malfunctioned at the last phase so I think temperature wasn't high enough. The skin was crispy and very tasty, but not puffy. Just insane that I can't get this right!
  15. Kerala

    Breakfast 2022

    The omelette turned out more like a soft centred crepe but it had gouda inside, and I was only cooking for myself.
  16. Kerala

    Lunch 2022

    Lunch for one. Chippolatas, mixed wild mushrooms and a wodge of 'nduja on ciabatta.
  17. Yer basic tarte tatin with pears. The friend who taught me years ago said you have to let the caramelisation go almost too far. Last night I took my eye off it and the sugar turned black and started to smoke. I was worried but need not have been. My wife once again proclaimed it the best she's ever had!
  18. Kerala

    Lunch 2022

    And Sunday lunch was a slow roasted leg of lamb.
  19. Kerala

    Lunch 2022

    We had a seafood vermicelli at the weekend. The sauce was based on something like a bisque, from prawn shells with a touch of saffron. There was enough left over for me to have it like a bowl of soup for lunch today, with toasted ciabatta. Satisfying.
  20. Just getting lunch on the table at the weekend. Honey, soy sauce, olive oil, pepper, mustard powder then into the oven at 200C for half an hour or so. Tasty, moist, but none of that crispness we've been celebrating on this thread.
  21. Kerala

    Breakfast 2022

    Still working my way through a pound of 'nduja on my own. Too much of a good thing?
  22. Kerala

    Dinner 2022

    Is pre-roasting the cauliflower necessary or did you have some roast cauliflower lying around? Sounds delicious..
  23. Kerala

    Dinner 2022

    Had to get dinner out without too much effort and time in the kitchen today. Cassoulet from a tin, from a trip to France before the pandemic. Insufficient for all of us so I added a couple of slow cooked duck legs as faux confit. Polish breadcrumbs to finish in a hot oven. No pics of the final product as I was too distracted, but it looked pretty much like cassoulet looks. Tasted damn close to what I've had in Paris. I'm looking forward to lunch at work on the remains tomorrow.
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