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Everything posted by Kerala

  1. Oh, I'll definitely give this a go!
  2. Thanks for posting this. It looks great. For a beginner like me, it is tempting and achievable. At this point that counts for a lot.
  3. This site is new to me. Beautiful videos. I've only watched the chicken fry and egg curry articles so far, but they are so strong in their sense of place, custom and character. Her technique of making pastes such as ginger/garlic on the stone slab with a stone roller makes me nostalgic. No one I know in Britain uses it anymore because 1)food processors are easier and 2)who wants to carry that in their luggage across international airports? Her in-hand chopping technique is simply fantastic, not to mention the knife she uses, but I don't think I'll be adopting these anytime soon. I also like the way she washes everything, another little detail that gets lost in the transition to a kitchen where most of the food is European. The cockerel in the background perfectly sets the soundscape.
  4. Of the preparations I can make, Jacques Pepin's deboned and stuffed chicken is king of the hill right now. The meat is moist and tender, the skin is crisp, and the vegetable stuffing is aromatic. I made this tonight with spinach, mushroom and pistachio stuffing. I used the carcass to make a stock then deglazed the pan... you know the drill! Served with Nigella's mashed potatoes. I couldn't choose a favourite if other people were preparing it... too many choices! There's a place in Nottingham called U Canteen which does a seriously hot bone-in Hunan chicken dish which I'm looking forward to grabbing when the current pandemic situation settles down. That'll do for now. I do like a hot and spicy preparation.
  5. The only time I've used the term "artisanal" in the last 10 years in real life was sarcastically while waiting to go through UK border control returning from Portugal.
  6. My family doesn't handle spice well. As a result most of my cooking is British with a French, Italian or Spanish slant. Tonight I was selfish. After serving up egg and chips, I made a fish curry for myself. I used this recipe from Mark Wiens. My sister, who is the best cook I know, says this is very, very close to her preparation. I had to substitute tamarind for pot tamarind, and a medium brown onion for shallots
  7. I'm objecting to the appropriatiion of the title of Chef by anyone who cooks and wants to be in the limelight. Not to mention that "Chef" is not a title, although usage is "literally" pushing language that way.
  8. Absolutely agree. Great cooks, not chefs. I have learnt more from these three than I have from any chef. I'm just saying the term "Chef" falls under the complaint of this thread. We don't disagree.
  9. Nigella was the first author who pointed me in the right direction. I've become snooty about some of what she says but I have no doubt she could cook me under the table. However, she's not a chef. But neither was Julia Childs nor Elizabeth David. I haven't googled so correct me if I'm wrong. However, by my understanding, none of these should be called a chef.
  10. Kerala

    The Congee Chronicles

    Just a pronunciation question. In Malayalam it's kanji, with the nj similar to the first n in Spanish manana. Congee Romanised spelling could be pronounced in different ways. Kong ghee? Kong ee? Kon jee? I avoided ordering it when I was in Chinatown (London) because I wasn't sure. Put me out of my misery!
  11. Bruce Springsteen refers to Tanqueray and wine in the song Johnny 99, on the album Nebraska. I l heard the song when I was a young boy, before I had drunk either gin or wine. I've tried the combination, and it does indeed get you drunk. However, I can't work out why Ralph is drinking this mix. Tanqueray is a fairly premium gin in the UK. Ralph is an out of work auto plant worker in Mahwah. Was Tanqueray cheap in the USA in 1982? Was Ralph just a stylish guy? What kind of wine would an unemployed auto plant worker drink in Mahwah? Is that a good match with Tanqueray? For what it's worth, Tanqeray is my default gin, undoubtedly because of this song.
  12. Kerala

    Pasta Shapes

    Linguine is my go-to but at the moment I'm in love with mafaldine. It's difficult to get guanciale here in Nottingham so I use bacon for carbonara and the shape of the pasta recalls the shape of the bacon. I can't find radiatore very easily here but I do love this, too. I can't wait to go back to Italy on holiday when the Covid settles down.
  13. This would be absolutely fine. Its how a lot of people in India do it (all wrong from my pov) and it can turn out delicious. A short braising time is OK because you'll be doing further cooking with the rice assembled, ie steaming.
  14. Like paella, lasagna and gumbo, biriyani makes people quite hot under the collar. My mother and my mother in law make quite different rice dishes they call biriyani, and I like them both, but they are both wrong. I know I'm going slightly off-topic, but if you are interested in biriyani, watch this.
  15. Wow, willing to drive 2 hours for some sausages! I salute that man and his passion! "Linguica?" I will find it, I will cook it, and I will eat it. Thanks for the tip!
  16. I think OP should only eat food he already likes. The risk of disappointment is too great. In particular I'd like him to stay away from ethnic food places, including Italian, French or Spanish places. Malice aside, I think you've missed the point of Bourdain. Please enjoy the show, but don't try his way of eating, and all will be well for you. The rant about Indian food is incredible. I've eaten andouilette in France, Florentine tripe and Keralan bitter gourd curry, and nearly vomited after each one, but I would never assume the problem was with the restaurant. I was trying something new, and it was not to my taste. In fact I know I just haven't had enough of it yet. Sometimes the palate needs the education. Just think of the first time you had whiskey. What the OP is describing is like being taken to a bar, being served a Jameson's and complaining about the establishment. I will try bitter gourd again. I might try trippa alla fiorantina. Andouilette, though... that will be my test.
  17. My lovely sister got me these for my birthday. Dishoom is a kind of deep reverie on Bombay life and history through cafe and restaurant food. Rick Stein's book is a more straightforward travel cookbook. His recipes work solidly, but it's his passion and humour that keep me coming back for more.
  18. I'm gonna dig out my tagine from the back of the cupboard.
  19. Bourdain type places, but thank the lord for choices!
  20. I can do all this stuff, but it's hard work for me. I prefer a sparkling friendly waiter, but if he's supercilious that's fine by me. It may relate to my post just above, for both the waiter and me.
  21. Working in the hospitality industry is tough. By her own description she was bad at her job. Looking through her would the politest way to respond if my waiter truly sucked. If I felt sorry for her I wouldn't know how to express it without risking being condescending. Way too much distraction if I'm treating someone to a nice meal. If the waiter is charming then of course it's easier to respond, but I would rather not compensate for both my awkwardness and hers when I'm out for a meal. From personal experience, people who are reserved are perceived as aloof. I wonder, reading this article, whether this might not be how she presents.
  22. I gave up beef 11 years ago for religious reasons. I miss it occasionally, and this choice makes Argentina less attractive as a holiday destination. I wouldn't like to eat monkeys. I've tried tripe in Florence and andouilette in Paris. The first I couldn't swallow a second fork full. The second I couldn't quite make myself pull off the fork and into my mouth before spitting it out. Looks like a turd, smells like a turd, now I know what a turd tastes like. Are chitlins this bad?
  23. Oh god I've been spending the last few years trying to do Julia Child's technique after @Shalmanese posted it on here somewhere! No Teflon, ironically.
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