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  1. Adapting a sous-vide application to Paula Wolfert's Foie Gras Terrine (The Cooking of Southwestern France works out well for me. I cook the livers at 125ºF for 45 minutes. By cooking sous-vide I get less significantly less loss as compared to cooking in oven bain-marie.
  2. Just made Paula Wolfert's Rabbit Compote with Prunes sous-vide. The first time I made it, I cooked it in the traditional manner. it was delicious but picking all the little bones was a thankless task, and not 100% successful. Paula's recipe calls for cutting up the rabbit into 7 or 8 pieces, which breaks the spine where all the little bones are. For my second go at the recipe, I decided to cook the whole rabbit sous-vide to avoid having to pick out any little bones. I have a chamber vacuum (VacMaster VP112) but it was too shallow to hold the rabbit and liquid without making a mess, so I put the bagged rabbit and liquid in the freezer for a while, to stiffen it up. It worked well. I cooked the rabbit 167º for 8 hours in the water bath. After cooking I iced down and refrigerated overnight. The next day I followed the recipe from step 8 to the end. It was really easy to pull the meat off the bones as the skeleton remained whole. What a super dish.. I love Paula Wolfert!!!
  3. My first go at Rabbit Compote with Prunes was delicious, but picking out all the little bones was no fun. And, I was not 100% successful. Paula's recipe calls for cutting up the rabbit into 7 or 8 pieces, which breaks the spine where all the little bones are. For my second go at the recipe, I decided to cook the whole rabbit sous-vide to so that the little bones would be attached to the skeleton and not floating around in the meat. I have a chamber vacuum (VacMaster VP112) but it was too shallow to hold the rabbit and liquid without making a mess, so I put the bag with rabbit and liquid in the freezer for a while, to stiffen it up. It worked well. I browned the meat, and vegetables, brought the mixture to a boil and then let it cool, bagged it and put it in the freezer for 6 hours or so. Then sealed the bag, cooked the rabbit at 167º for 8 hours, iced down and refrigerated overnight. The next day I followed the recipe from step 8 to the end. It was really easy to pull the meat off the bones as the skeleton remained whole. What a super dish.. I love Paula Wolfert!!!
  4. These gluten free madeleines are yummy!
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