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Everything posted by Markm

  1. Has anyone purchased this book on a kindle? Curious the user experience digitally.
  2. Markm


    Dan, I've tried several single malts and surprisingly, the Dewars works best (and is cheaper). It's really an amazing drink.
  3. Markm


    Started putting my Soda Stream to use and got into highballs, which are drinks I'd never made much. Just curious to hear some recipes in this vein you've enjoyed. I've been making this: In a Collin's Glass filled with ice: 2 oz Scotch (just using Dewars) .5 oz Gran Classico Dash of Fee's Black Walnut Bitters Top with club soda, gently stir and garnish with an orange twist
  4. I have the book. I can't say I followed any one recipe to the letter. I made adjustments along the way to suit my tastes. I thought it was a great addition to my library. I also liked AJ Rathbun's book. http://www.amazon.com/Luscious-Liqueurs-Recipes-Spirited-Infusions/dp/1558323805/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1384707575&sr=1-2&keywords=liqueurs
  5. Just saw that! I have his others, the cd's don't work any longer on the new Mac OS. Frustrating.
  6. Just made my second Last Mech Art. Flavor is great! I played with dilution, but it still feels heavy and syrupy in my mouth. I'm using Chichicapa. Is this just the weight of the drink or do I need to stir a bit longer?
  7. I'm assuming this book is identical to his UK release"Drinks"?
  8. I'll try that!
  9. I made this drink. It's got the start of something good, but needs something. (Don't beat me up for using vodka, it's my wife's and its pretty delicious). Any suggestions? 1.5 oz Cherry Noir Vodka .5 Maurin Quina .25 Laphraoig Splash of simple Stir with ice. Strain into a chilled coupe.
  10. Bought a bottle the other day. I've used it to replace the Carpano Antica in a Negroni, and put 1/2 an ounce in a Basil Lemon Drop. Curious to learn of other cocktails using Maurin Quina.
  11. Not a huge fan of shots... But the ritual endures. Anyone have some recipes that raise the bar for shots?
  12. Very helpful, thanks for input. I'm thinking of groups of 20-50 mainly. What catering books would you recommend?
  13. Can anyone suggest any books on cooking for large groups? Topics like what can be prepared ahead, scaling recipes etc. I don't do this enough to know the tricks and wisdom of the trade, but enough that I need some insight in how to plan a menu and pull it off without going mad (or having it turn out like school cafeteria food). Surely someone has captured something on this? M
  14. I don't usually like the sweeter drinks of summer and I don't typically reach for vodka... But living in Texas and seeing this enticing bottle of Deep Eddy Ruby Red Vodka from Austin got me curious. So I bought a bottle and it is delicious. Here's what I made to sip on the patio... 1.5 oz Deep Eddy Ruby Red 1oz Reposado Tequila .5 oz Aperol .25oz agave nectar Muddle a slice of jalapeño in a mixing tin (optional, but recommended!). Add all ingredients. Fill with ice, shake, strain into glass with fresh ice (or into a cocktail coupe... No ice) Garnish with a jalapeño slice or grapefruit twist Cheers!
  15. I just started adding drops of a 5:1 salt solution to my drinks. I add 3-5 drops and have found it rounds things out, without any salty taste. I've not yet pushed the limit to see how far is too far in my favorite drinks, but I have found I can go pretty heavy with sours and only improve the taste.
  16. Looking forward to Tim Byres Smoke: New Firewood Cooking coming in April. http://www.amazon.com/Smoke-Firewood-Cooking-Tim-Byres/dp/0847839796/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1361050475&sr=1-4&keywords=Smoke
  17. Burger Bar by Hubert Keller is good. I hear Bobby Flay has a good one, but I haven't read it.
  18. Read through the US release of Every Grain of Rice last night. This is an incredibly practical book. Not all ingredients have a metric equivalent, but most of the items you'd weigh do. There is an improvisational aspect to this kind of cooking that makes this acceptable. Time to start cooking!
  19. Here's a link to some cookbooks slated to come out courtesy Eater http://m.eater.com/archives/2013/01/09/eaters-spring-2013-cookbook-and-food-book-preview.php
  20. I really appreciated the suggestions and anticipations shared in last year's "Cookbooks 2012" thread. I'm not "in the know" enough to be aware of what is slated to come out, but thought I'd start the topic to find out what's coming out and what you are looking forward to most this year.
  21. At Booker and Dax in NY the other night, they clarify the grapefruit juice (using a centrifuge) and use it in their Gin and Juice. It was quite exceptional.
  22. I haven't used your ingredient list, but I have infused vodka with Bazooka gum to make a wonderful liqueur. What I do is get some ice crushed or shaved like a snow cone and then pour a shot over that. The bubble gum flavor and the sno-cone-like presentation is very whimsical and great on a hot night or day.
  23. I've not tended the garden and have mint coming out of my ears. Making mint syrup for mojitos, and muddling up some juleps with Makers Mark and a splash of simple syrup. We've had some warm weather, so I tried the Reverend Palmer from PDT. Here's my ratios: 1 oz Lemon syrup (2 c sugar, 2c water for syrup. Micro plane zest of 6 med lemons and add to syrup when cool for 15 min, then strain out) .5 oz water 2.5 oz Black Tea infused Bulleit Bourbon (2tsp loose leaf black tea in 1 cup bourbon for 1 hr) Shake in an ice filled shaker, and strain over fresh ice. Mint or lemon to garnish.
  24. Made the green apple and banana hot gels today. Didn't take long, the banana was a little light on flavor, wept, and was fairly rubbery. The apple was way too tart. I tried adjusting, but was worried about throwing the ph off. I made a caramel sauce to go with them which helped balance them out. Anyone else tried these?
  25. I ditched the Carrot Lollies, but made the Whisky Sour, Red Cabbage Gazpacho, Salmon in Bourdain Sauce, Crushed Potatoes and Whisky Ice Cream. I've also made the Carmels in Edible Wrappers. Having never tasted any of these, I wasn't completely sure what I was aiming for, but they all turned out great and the guests raved about them. The whisky sour needed some doctoring to balance, and the men liked the Laphraoig Ice Cream, women not so much. For the Gazpacho (which didn't get as thick as I'd hoped it would be) I served it in testubes with a cucumber stick for a garnish and skipped the mustard ice cream. Heston's recipes scored for me, can't wait to try more. I even riffed off his pumpkin soup recipe to make a butternut squash soup that was incredible compared to other attempts.
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