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Everything posted by minas6907

  1. minas6907


    Sure thing. And just search around the forum in general for what you would like to make. There's a wealth of information here.
  2. minas6907


    Hey there. That's a pretty open ended question, and there is so much to learn. Check out the books Chocolates and Confections and Fine Chocolates Gold. You'll find plenty of information and recipes in those books, it's a good place to start.
  3. I've kind of lost track of my bread pictures, I take pics of some, others I just send to a fellow baker on whatsapp, but I think these are ones I havent shared here. 1. Sesame Loaf and regular sourdough loaf. The wifey wanted a loaf baked in a bread pan, it came out better then I thought. 2. Bagels! Had a ton of fun making these, I made then on like 5 different occasions, I love making these and stuffing them in the freezer! 3. Fig and Aniseed 4. Jalapeno Cheddar 5. Millet Porridge 6. Oat Porridge 7. First attempt at pretzels. I didnt know at the time about the lye solution, so I was troubleshooting why they are just so pale. 8. Second attempt at pretzels. I got some food grade lye, that color is just amazing, but I really dont like the process, I'm kind of debating on if I should just get rid of the stuff or not. Thats the latest! 🙂
  4. I think others have may have better opinions then my own, but I remember it bothering me more in the past. I remember first seeing the occasional hairline scratch in my molds and being pretty annoyed. I don't like the response from the company, I feel like they are just say 'well that's what it is.' As time went on, I think I just ignored it. I still see them, and I don't like it, but that's very interesting that it's part of production. I do see the same thing on my chocolate molds from CW, but on my molds from Cabrellon, I feel like they aren't quite as common. I wouldn't be surprised if cheaper methods of manufacturing the molds came into play here, but I don't know anything about that. Now that I'm thinking about it, I do recall always using the bonbons with hairlines for Instagram pics of ones cut open, not a big loss haha. One thing that is interesting is that I've noticed it in pictures from Notters Art of the Chocolatier. On page 172, there's a picture of displayed bonbons. The triangle piece towards the center has a hairline scratch towards the top of it. This always drove me crazy because I would have thought every bonbon that appears in that book should be absolutely perfect, but there's many with flaws, like pin holes and chipped cocoa butter. Anyways, these are just thoughts that came to mind.
  5. Good find @cslas. I'm sure those who do chocolate here have this in their library, but if you don't, this is a great price. Notters books as well as the texts from the Culinary Institute have reached all times highs for physical copies. Jump on them now if you were planning on it.
  6. I made these years back, just with some peppermint oil. If I recall correctly, I believe I just thinned the fondant with an a spirit to a consistently to pipe, but still thick enough to cap, I don't recall it taking much. In these bonbons, I don't believe I used any invertase.
  7. I've done the condensed milk caramels plenty of times with coffee, I generally use the Starbucks instants and have had good results. The recipes does include water, and though I haven't tried it, I don't see why you couldn't also brew some concentrated coffee and measure that out for your water.
  8. I do understand your concerns about the titanium doixide, and I dont like it either, I suppose I view it as a necessary evil. I think its safe to say that most cocoa butter products your goign to be purchasing will have titanium dioxide in them. Again, its there to make the cocoa butter more opaque and stand out more on the bonbon. The chefrubber cocoa butter has, as well as the roxy and rich. Roxy and Rich Label I know the label isnt super clear, but I can make out e171 in the ingredients. I've heard the flower pedals mentioned (I think) mentioned here on the forums as a more natural colorant, but never looked into them, it might be something that interests you, I'm not sure on price. As far as what you asked about using the color on white shells, it will work fine, but it wont pop like the colors you purchase. Cocoa butter is more transparent then you might think, thats why titanium dioxide is added. When your learning chocolate theres so much experimentation to find what works best for you, and its a kind of a bummer sometimes since this hobby is difficult to do on the cheap.
  9. I have used the Americolor powders for cocoa butter, they work fine. I also thought you were asking about the Americolor oil colors. Like @pastrygirlsaid, you wouldnt use those for molded bonbons, they are generally for coloring confectionery coatings like @JeanneCakementioned. But I have used the Americolor powers you linked to and have had good results. Keep in mind that you need to mix a little white cocoa butter in order for the color to become opaque, and show up nicely on the bonbon. Say if your cocoa butter only has red color added to it, it will show up on the bonbon, but it can be a little transparent, it wont be as vibrant as the roxy or chef rubber cocoa butters. As for your questions about what is more economical, what I personally have done is bit the bullet and purchased chef rubbers white cocoa butter for a bright vibrant white to have on hand, so thats the only color I have purchased. Otherwise, I got a case of cocoa butter in bulk, and make my own colors, generally with food grade luster dusts, I just like them better then the plain Americolor powders, seem to have a bit more depth. Generally, when I make a cocoa butter color, I'll add the luster dust and a little bit of the chef rubber white so I can have a nice solid color on the bonbon. In the last few years, I got some food grade titanium dioxide, so more recently I'll just add a little of that instead of melting down the chef rubber white. I keep all my prepared colors in small glass jars, and reheat as needed. I dont produce bonbons all throughout the year, as if I had a product line to maintain, normally its been for weddings and showers, so I'll make a new color as I need it. Making colors as I need them suits my needs.
  10. I do understand what you mean, and I remember thinking the same thing, but it is easy enough to find a formula that relies on infusing the cream with an ingredient, then just removing that component. When I was starting out doing chocolate, I had the same thought as like a practice ganache, but eventually figured that if I was going through the trouble of making molded shells, my bonbons might as well be flavored. That being said, I'm pretty sure with what Wybauw writes on formulating ganache, it could be figured out with reasonable ease. As for the alcohol, I dont substitute it with anything else. Don't overthink it, it's a small percentage of the formula, it's water that your not adding, it will work fine without it.
  11. Hello there and welcome to the forum, I've enjoyed reading your threads, I remember having most of the same questions when starting out doing this stuff. So you obviously have a copy of Greweling's book, on page 258 (2nd ed.) the Caramel Creams is a formula you should try. It comes out really nicely. It does take time, of course, for it to full cool, but alot of things do with confectionery. You dont need to add and alcohol, though it is nice with it, but generally I dont add it either. The resulting caramel (like he says in the book) is like a very thick fluid. Even though the recipe calls for making the chocolate lined foils cups, this is my go to caramel for a molded bonbon. This recipe is great, cheap to make, long shelf life, tastes great and wide appeal. The other I've used for probably about 10 years is the Liqueur Ganache on p. 116. Again, it comes out nicely with the liqueur added, but its not necessary. This formula minus the alcohol makes a great 'blank canvas' dark chocolate ganache, and its easy to flavor with infusing the cream beforehand with coffee or spices. Like the little note says at the bottom, it can be used to piped or slabbed centers, a great simple formula. I think others have recommended it, but you should check out Wybauw's Fine Chocolates Gold. The book is a little pricey, but it is a great reference, you'll find alot more in there. Not that one is better then another, I love both publications, but its always good to have multiple references on the subject. Fine Chocolates Gold
  12. That's very interesting, do you have a link to that interview? Recently I got the second edition on Kindle, I saw a sentence under 'Fats' on page 272 that is clearly missing spaces. I was thinking no way this is in the printed edition, and yep, it sure is.
  13. Thank you very much!
  14. I know this thread is for confections, and theres another forum for books, but I thought most who visit this thread would appreciate this. I found this book on ebay for a great price, I dont think the seller (large thrift store) knew quite what they had here. One of Notters early books, Das Ist Zucker/That's Sugar. It was a small risk purchasing, as only the title was listed, no pictures, no author, no details, but its turned our to be the real thing. Its pretty cool seeing Notters early work. When I compare it to his much more recent book, The Art of the Confectioner, theres alot of the same designs, although they are much more elaborate and refined in his new book. Anyways, just wanted to share, thought some would get a kick out of it.
  15. @GRikerThose look great, I wouldnt have thought that was your first try making them. For more uniformity, I use silicone molds. The fondant sets up fairly quickly and you can easily pop them out. I suppose it depends on the quantities that your making, but thats the first thing that comes to mind when you ask about more uniform circles. I dont recall where I got them from, I feel like it was JB Prince, but I dont see them, but I think these are the same ones: https://www.pastrychef.com/SILICONE-MOLD--WAFER_p_2245.html Additionally, about the confectionery funnel, those can get pretty expensive, depending on the brand, but I'd keep an eye out on ebay, you should be able to find a stainless funnel in the $40 range. Again, it depends on the quantities that you make, but after I got my first one (I got 2) I wish I gotten it much earlier.
  16. I'm pretty new to hunting for ebook bargains, I've recently started to make my digital library. Today I got James Peterson's Sauces 4th edition on Kindle for 4.99. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0544819829/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_HVMZ6G1Y4A9K92D9VKFC
  17. Yeah, it just depends on what the final use is for. Since they are going into baked goods, they don't need to be perfect. You could get them very smooth with a panning unit, but be sure you know what your getting yourself into haha. I've been down this road, unless you happen to be extremely handy with tools, it's probably best to purchase an attachment that is made for a stand mixer. Search for panning here on the forum, there's alot there.
  18. That's true, sugar is hygroscopic, but the sugar on the nuts would be crystallized. Crystallized sugar won't absorb moisture the same way non-crystallized sugar would. Fudge (crystallized) left in the open air will dry out, while hard candy (non-crystallized) will become a sticky mess. Personally, I think it would be fine to leave them out, but that's part of what works well in your environment. It's probably not as big of a deal, but generally I wouldn't use a non stick pan for anything sugar related. Like it's doable in both, just like the video you linked to above, but I'd still use the stainless pan.
  19. When you make these your not having to bring the sugar up to 300f, you can get the sugar to crystalize at a much lower temp. In the video he boils the second and third portions of sugar to 255f. In Chocolates and Confections, Grewelings formula for dragees is only cooked to 230, so extreme heat isnt really needed, its the constant agitation that will crystallize the sugar. There still is a small portion of water in there, even though the sugar is crystallized, and he dries them in an oven, but personally I kind of feel like a better result is gained from air drying over a few days. What coloring do you have access to? Like @pastrygirl americolor and wilton are generally pretty easy to find, but of course thats going to vary by location. keep in mind when your coloring these, your going to have to use more color then you might be inclined to use. If you made these with no color, as you agitate the nuts in the pan, they would be white. So the amount of color you add needs to counter that for such a vibrant pink/reddish color. I think the glucose is there so the end product has a smaller crystal structure, so its just more pleasant to eat, and its is going to be a small percentage of glucose here. If you want more roasty flavors, then yes. Even though the nuts are going into a hot syrup, they arent really going to get roasted unless you melt and caramelize the sugar, then your looking at those hotter temps. You dont need to roast, but you can, just depends of the flavor your looking for. I kind of feel like your decision to remove the skins is more dependent on of your roasting them, especially the hazelnuts. I'd just try a small batch, these are pretty easy to make up. I know you said you dont have much time, but these aren't too time consuming. Really, its going to be something you have to play with, your not going to get it perfect your first try.
  20. Hey, I just wanted to ask a question here instead of making a new topic, since its close enough. Generally I keep a bag of Callebaut 811 for my wife to much on. She'll have a handful of the chips every now and then to satisfy her sweet tooth. Recently she went to Restaurant Depot for some stuff, she mean to pick up a bag of 811 for her personal stash, but they were out. Instead she picked up Callebaut Fountain Chocolate. What piqued my interest is when I googled "CHD-N811FOUNUS-U76" which was found on the back of the bag, and I saw this fluidity chart from Callebaut. It says this is 5 drops, which makes sense, but I never really realized that because there are not 5 drop on the bag, just a single drop and a plus sign next to it (see the link in the previous paragraph). Anyways, the fuidity chart says that the fountain chocolate can be used for enrobing and panning. Has anyone use this before for anything aside from a chocolate fountains? Anyways, just curious. Fluidity_Information.pdf
  21. Like @pastrygirl, I think 75 is about where I stop. When I was new to chocolate and having fun, I would do chocolate during the hot summer days in my little hot apartment, but after a few years I realized it just wasn't worth it. Sometimes I would temp the slab with the IR thermometer and it would be 85f...and I would still try to temper chocolate...I don't know what I was thinking.
  22. Thats a cool picture. Whats your setup like for photos?
  23. Thank you very much! 🙂
  24. Here some bread from the previous months. When I got back into sourdough, I thought I'd be more into sprouted grains, but I'm having fun with inclusions in the basic tartine loaf. 1. Salt Cured Olive 2. Fig and Anise 3. Focaccia 4. Caramelized Shallot and Rosemary 5. Jalapeno and Smoked Cheddar 6. Raisin and Walnut 7. Marble Rye 8. Sesame 9. Chocolate (of course) 10 and 11. Baguette I've definitely learned a few thing along the way. For example, the walnut raisin loaf was very dense, it didn't occur to me later that the raisins would suck up the moisture from the dough they are in, so shaping this one was a bit difficult. I made this one again, this time soaking the raisins overnight, it came out much better. Even so, that first loaf made for some good french toast. Something else that I've narrowed down is a schedule for producing the loaves that doesn't impede other things I need to take care of. I'll mix the leaven the night before, make the dough in the morning and give it a few stretch and folds before I leave for work. Pull it from the fridge when I get home and give it about 1.5 hr on the counter, shape and put in the basket, wrap and back in the fridge, and bake the next morning. As for the baguettes, those are the best ones I've made, but I'd like to get them a bit more defined. This was the recipe from Tartine Bread. I have a few adjustments I'll be making next time, the crumb is much tighter then I thought it would be, but I rushed the bread a little, so thats on my end.
  25. I've made them for sure, and I do know what you mean about adding the chocolate in the beginning of cooking, seems weird since the mixture will be boiling. Really, it'll be fine, it comes out nicely. You end up with a nice dark looking caramel. Theres very little in Grewelings book that I'd have a different opinion about, the chocolate caramels come out fine.
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