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Everything posted by cookingofjoy

  1. I've also recently been looking for more decaf. I picked up the new Kirkland, and it's more bitter than I prefer. The beans are very dark and smell sort of sour. I hadn't tried the old version, so I can't compare for that. We'll end up going through it, but I would not be making a regular purchase. I have been browsing Costco's online offerings for decaf, though, in case anyone has a good experience with those!
  2. For me, the advantage was not having to measure, the height ends up more even esp on the edges, and it was super convenient for make ahead, there wasn't any double wrapping or bagging required.
  3. Generally that's my feeling - I want my treats to be treats. The cookie butter and the browned butter pb cookies are great ideas! When I'd looked I'd found "soft" peanut brittle, but that seemed to be like angel food candy with peanuts. I did find some make pralines with peanuts, which I didn't think of at all since I associate pralines with pecans, and I'm thinking I'll try that, too.
  4. So maybe kind of an odd request, but my mil (86) loved peanut brittle, but recently has been having a lot of trouble with her teeth. I obviously do not want her to break a tooth enjoying a treat, but I'm having a hard time thinking of a soft treat that would have a similar flavor. I thought caramels could have a somewhat similar kind of flavor, but I don't think they would be much friendlier to her teeth. The closest I can think of now is a caramel fondant to cover a soft sugar cookie. I'd love any suggestions!
  5. This might not work for all rolled, but Dorie's espresso shortbread just has you throw all the dough in a gallon ziploc, roll it in the ziploc and chill. Then cut off the ziploc and cut the cookies. It's super helpful for make ahead! I haven't been able to find a video of Dorie, but this blog has a picture https://pudgefactor.com/espresso-chocolate-shortbread-cookies/
  6. I've not tried the Maida Heatter one but it looks really similar to one by Dorie Greenspan that we've liked a lot https://writeinplainsight.com/may-3-2014-dorie-greenspans-hot-fudge-sauce/
  7. We also have the unflavored whey protein and pea protein on hand. We usually just use them for smoothies, but my husband has had success with the migraine diet (no added sugars, gf, lower carb/higher proportion of protein), so I've tried baking with them some. He avoids legumes, so he just uses whey, and I haven't liked the baked pea protein so much when I've tried using it for myself. One of the brownie recipes we've used is from the big man's world blog, something like 1/2c almond butter, 1/2 c cocoa, 1 c pumpkin. Adding 1/4 c whey didn't seem to affect the flavor, but it did help firm the brownies a little. https://thebigmansworld.com/healthy-3-ingredient-flourless-pumpkin-brownies/ I've also used chocolate covered katie's almond flour banana bread https://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/almond-flour-banana-bread/ but instead of 2c almond flour, used 1 1/2 c almond flour, 2TB coconut flour, 1TB bob's red mill gf flour, and 2TB whey. Straight almond flour for me is too soft. I have used the buttermilk powder in wheat flour sandwich bread recipes, and though I don't recall trying to sub whey protein, it seems like it should work as a substitution.
  8. Your granddaughter's stuff probably isn't as old as mine and she probably would have noticed the smell of the flour before baking, but both my mom and I have recently had plastic containers give off a very unpleasant plastic smell. For my mom it was her click clack storage containers, and mine was an oxo salad spinner. They were both probably fifteen years old or so, and we'd also both not used the containers recently (like unused for a month or more). Just an idea!
  9. I was making the cinnamon challah braid from Breaking Breads and with the other half of the dough tried a chocolate-orange babka with nutella, callebaut 70 and candied orange peel. I diluted the syrup from candying the orange peels for glazing. It can't quite compare to the laminated babka dough, but this was pretty good! Also related to the babka - does anyone know of a reusable 9x2 3/4 x 2 loaf pan? I've only been able to find the paper ones.
  10. Very messy and embarrassing photo, but my favorite cake! Toba Garrett's Chocolate Fudge Cake, with Rosie's buttercream (from here!), and the ganache from the epicurious Double chocolate layer cake.
  11. Thanks! This is helpful. I didn't know if the enameled steel would be able to tolerate the temperature. I'm sorry about your pot, Jim, that would be frustrating.
  12. I was wondering if anyone had experience using the Dansk Kobenstyle 4qt casserole for baking bread, especially no knead? I liked the idea that it's lighter than the cast iron (and I love how they look!), but I didn't know if there would be any drawbacks to the enameled steel for bread baking in particular.
  13. Cellophane it is! Thank you for the link - it looks like one order will last me a while!
  14. My parents have always made the caramels (traditional and chocolate) for the holidays. They'd dip some in chocolate and then wraps some. This year they both have trouble with their hands, so I'm taking on the caramels. They'd always cut waxed paper squares to wrap, but I have little patience for cutting the papers. Do you think I could use the squares like this? They seem a little large, but I always would cut the papers too small when I tried in the past. https://www.amazon.com/Restaurant-Grade-Hamburger-Avant-Non-Stick-Food-Grade/dp/B07JLRVRTS/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1544817134&sr=8-2&keywords=waxed+paper+wrap+for+caramels What does everyone use for wrapping their caramels?
  15. These are all kind of oddball, but they're ones that I crave. They're not necessarily vegan, but I think they could be adapted pretty easily. Mushroom barley soup - I love the seared mushrooms http://www.bemindfulbehuman.com/index.php/warm-winter-soups-week-2016-mushroom-barley-soup/ Butternut squash turnover (the blogger adapted it to filo) - need a vegan pastry and a sub for the saltiness of the parmesan - little turnovers could be fun. http://www.slowtrav.com/blog/marta/archives/006420.html Beets with lime butter - though this may be because of the butter....I've never tried it with oil. http://melissacooksgourmet.blogspot.com/2008/09/beets-with-lime-butter-mashed-potatoes.html And I really like the Cooks Illustrated black bean, tomato, corn salad (that's more of a summer thing, though). http://www.geniuskitchen.com/recipe/fresh-corn-black-beans-and-tomato-salad-387887
  16. For the kid-friendly, maybe pulled pork and roast chicken? Those are reliable for my kids. I'll be watching for other kid ideas - this is something that seems to always be changing. We're at the age now where everyone eats dinner at a different time, and I love the idea of having a stash of single serve healthier items. I've not tried freezing regular mashed potatoes, but I have a couple of similar potato casserole recipes from mom and aunts that use 5 lb potatoes, 8oz cream cheese and 1c sour cream that can be frozen, thawed in fridge and then baked (350 45-60min) or microwaved (10-15 min).
  17. It is hard to find decaf options. I've looked more (at random times) for just unsweetened tea or coffee. I'm sure you already googled it, too, but vitacost seems to carry it at some locations (I don't know if there is one by your FIL). They also have it for $2/bottle and free shipping with $50 purchase (though it looks out of stock right now) http://www.vitacost.com/real-beanz-iced-coffee-relax-decaffeinated It looks like it's out of stock a lot online.
  18. We have linoleum (Armstrong, I think it's marmorette) in the kitchen. It's been really nice as far as clean up and not breaking anything, and it does feel warm and soft and matte (not shiny or sticky). We had wood floors in our last kitchen, and we have wood floors in the rest of the house, but it would have been too difficult to match. It was a little tricky to find an installer here, but forbo marmoleum has click if you're a diy-er.
  19. Shelby, the lemon bars I've made are my mom's (from another relative from ....), and they're 3/4c butter, 1 1/2c flour for the base and 3 eggs for the curd in a 9x13 pan. So I'm guessing they were probably a little thinner, but just how they are. I've never made any with baking powder, though, so I don't know how the frothy part might affect the height.
  20. Thanks! I did go ahead like you suggested, and I think it turned out well. Like other Ferber recipes I've made, it's a little softer set, at least right now. I'll check again tomorrow. It tastes amazing - like I'll be able to have chocolate covered orange peel for breakfast
  21. I was trying Ferber's Orange with Chocolate, and the first step is boiling 750g of Granny Smith apples with 3 c 2ounces water for 20min, and then straining through cheesecloth overnight. While I was doing the first boiling step, I was interrupted with a phone call, and it definitely boiled longer, probably 30-35 minutes total (instead of 20). I also have a jelly bag, but no cheesecloth, so I've been draining with the jelly bag. So far I have 1c of juice, instead of the 2c 1ounce that I should. She also says to leave the sediment in the bowl, and I definitely don't have any sediment (with the jelly bag). I'm wondering how my juice looks? It's definitely not clear, but it looks pectiny. I'm thinking I'll let the jelly bag still drain for the rest of the day, since there's still definitely juice there. In the end, do you think it'd be ok to just go ahead with the recipe even if it's over-reduced, and just check for set once I'm further along? Or is this going to make it like a rock?
  22. Anna - I'm sorry they were so touchy! I didn't remember them being so crumbly, but I do remember the world peace cookies being crumbly. I thought it was the rolling that I had trouble with. I looked back at some old pictures from one of the times I'd made them (edit: the espresso shortbread), and at first I thought maybe my chocolate was smaller chunks, but looking on the side, I don't know if that's true either. I'm sorry they didn't work out!
  23. Do you have a theme in mind (other than the white)? It seems the donut, doritos and ice cream are kind of thematic, and then the rice, cocoa and sourdough&brie could be another.
  24. This is a while back now, but I believe these are the labels that Trader Joe's uses for their pound plus. Milk (I have no idea of the percentage), Dark in a brown wrapper is 54%, and Bittersweet in a red wrapper is 72-74. I've used the bittersweet for dipping candied orange peel, and I really liked that. I also made this chocolate orange cheesecake on epicurious and didn't realize til the cheesecake was baking that there really wasn't much chocolate, so I topped with bittersweet ganache instead of orange glaze. The bittersweet worked really well there, too. I'll keep reading to see if you've made your tart!
  25. Thanks, Kerry and pastrygirl! That is really helpful. I was just starting to get interested in chocolate, and then got busy for a few years. I've only tried tempering a few times, so I appreciate all the guidance! I have a few polycarbonate molds that I'll have to try to get some practice.
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