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Everything posted by menton1

  1. Immediately came to mind, it's not a 3 star, but a fun seafood restaurant. They have 3 locations, and they have about 10 kinds of oysters, as well as crabs, cockles, whelks, and really fresh fish. Of course the name is Le Bar a Huitres They are in the 3rd, 5th and 14th. Check the website. If you have sound, put it on as you watch the photos change and your mouth starts to water! Le Bar a Huitres Website
  2. Usually the cheap ones around now are aluminum. Since it lasts you so long, why don't you get a Farberware? The 16 qt is about $50 bucks (Amazon). I think they come with a lifetime guarantee, so it would be the last one you'd ever buy!!
  3. I strongly (yet respectfully) disagree with this gross over-generalization and perpetuation of the stereotypes of these 2 great countries... France has almost 60 million people, and they are all different. As frequent travelers through France, we have more often than not been overwhelmed with the kindness, graciousness, and friendliness of French people. We have been invited into their homes after a brief encounter on the street, at a market, or in a restaurant. We have made some lifelong trans-Atlantic friendships with "strangers" in France. We have had French people go out of their way to help us, give directions, and feed us. Sure, there are some nasty folks in France. But most of the French we meet are great. The key is showing a respect for their culture and their values, IMHO. Please don't generalize about 60 million people...
  4. You might give consideration to Tomatoes in Margate, just outside of AC. An elegant place without being pretentious, serene, and ambience befitting an anniversary celebration. Really great, creative food. Reservations essential. Web Site: http://www.tomatoesmargate.com/
  5. Not even close to a bistro, but when one says "near the Louvre" my mind automatically focuses on Angelina and the must-have chocolat chaud. A very touristy experience, but a delicious one at that.
  6. Monday is a tough night to eat out in New Jersey-- here are some places in this area that are open: 973 Restaurant-- Florham Park American Grill-- Randolph Il Capriccio-- Whippany Ora-- Morristown Serenade-- Chatham The Station-- Mountain Lakes Monday is traditional day off for most restos in NJ. On a Tuesday, your choices would increase exponentially. But perhaps one of these will appeal to you...
  7. No, they can't sell any, but they usually serve free cups of wine to help wash down the samples. What did you get there?
  8. Yes, it's wonderful. White anchovies and tuna pate are some of my faves there.
  9. Big Open Warehouse sale here again, Saturday, October 14, 10AM-2PM. Go hungry, as they will be putting out a huge spread for tastings, incluing Rioja wine!!
  10. Bump!! Please let us know how your dinner went, as per your post. Thanks!
  11. White Balsamic Vinegar from Modena. Sweeter than the dark variety, and under 2 bucks a bottle! Haven't seen this vinegar anywhere else outside of Italy. Great stuff!!
  12. Aren't there any fun and figurative names in the English language either? What about toad-in-the-hole and hush puppies? If I order the former I'm not going to expect to be served a warty batracian in a cavity. I don't think anybody would expect being served an actual fireman's apron in Lyon. ← Sure! Bangers and Mash Bubble and Squeak Cock a Leekie Soup Hot Dogs That was fun, too.
  13. No, IMHO, unless you go just over the border to places like: Xaviars in Piermont, NY Citrus Grille in Airmont, NY Relish in Sparkill, NY These are all less than 2 miles over the line in NY State... Xaviars is worth a "journey" I feel. It's that good.
  14. Oh, yes. Forgot to mention that they have the revered Belly Tuna in glass jars from Italy. Great stuff.
  15. In Lyon, in the bouchons, one of the ubiquitous menu items is Tablier de Sapeur. If you were thinking "Fireman's Apron" , think again. Also, you may see Cervelle de Canut, or "Weaver's Brain". This is fun...
  16. oh, do they deliver to hoboken? ← Doubtful, but someone living in Bergen told me he goes to NYC all the time for certain types of restaurants and food, at least a 45 min drive, not including traffic and parking. Hoboken is a 7 minute PATH ride. It's not irrelevant, its just a fact. Jersey Chinese food sucks.
  17. With Manhattan (and Chinatown) just minutes away, why suffer with Jersey Chinese food?
  18. Just visited Maywood Marketplace again, and have to rave. Largest selection of cheese west of Zabar's (Fairway).!! Tastings of dozens of cheeses available, only drawback is that there is no service cheese for you to point and taste. But vast choices here. Prices are low low low as well. Nice bread section, homemade pies and pastries, service deli with huge varieties of homemade stuff and prepared entrees and salads, olive bar. New additions from my last visit are some interesting varieties of grocery items, many exotic and not found easily elsewhere. Some very exotic glassed pickled vegetables, jellies and jams, even something called "Lasagna Chips". This place is definitely worth a foodie's visit!!
  19. Hard to really know this; MSG has a variety of aliases, including "hydrolized protein" and "natural flavoring". Good old FDA allows this. So basically you will never know for sure.
  20. Interesting; however, I wonder if this product in this form bears any resemblance to the refrigerated one; the heat process cooks the salmon, therefore creating a different product. Cold-smoked salmon is silky and delicate, and it seems this product could not be that. Also, if this was a "retort" product, why did Nan report such a strong odor? I have ordered smoked salmon from Alaska, and it arrived 2nd day air packed in dry ice. It was wonderful.
  21. This sounds a little risky to me. According to the Food Safety and Inspection Service of the USDA, smoked salmon needs to be kept refrigerated below 38°F. at all times. I have never seen smoked salmon unrefrigerated anywhere, I would contact some other expert sources before consuming this product. I also believe the smell should be mild, not strong.
  22. No 9 Egullet Discussion
  23. No. 9 Restaurant in Lambertville. Wish it were closer to me...
  24. Isn't the Sodium Nitrite far more deleterious to your health than MSG? N.B. If you know the brand name, you probably can look up the ingredients on line...
  25. No MSG, but definitely has the carcinogenic Sodium Nitrite. I go to Jerry's occasionally, but I'm not thrilled with the place either. In all fairness, I don't know of many places that have the cold cut ingredients readily available. One of the big problem I have with Jerry's is the condition of the ceiling. It's it a state of disrepair, and I don't know how much debris winds up on the exposed food. I suppose not many people look up when they are there...
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