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Posts posted by pastameshugana

  1. Throughout my FoodGullet lifetime, life has taken me all over. For a while we lived in India, then back to the US in a few different cities, now living in Johannesburg, South Africa.


    I'm looking for dining recommendations in any city, primarily Jo'burg and Durban.


    Or trustworthy food-bloggers, food critics, local food guides. Having a serious craving for authentic Chinese and have been eating my way through dozens of 'close but no cigar' options. 


    Does anyone have any recommendations?

    • Like 2
  2. On 12/3/2020 at 11:37 AM, weinoo said:

    The one. The only.




    The original. One of the few coal burning pizza oven pizzerias in the city.


    Don't order a small - order a large pie, still under $15. (They don't make a small.)


    Light, airy, delicious, with a fine sauce:cheese ratio.

    What kind of a monster buys NYC pizza, then only shows a picture of the box, without a picture of the pie?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 5
  3. I didn’t get pics of the food, but son #2’s girlfriend told us she wanted to cook for us a couple of days ago. She and he went shopping and made us a wonderful meal of beef enchiladas (with green Chile of course). Looks like another wedding is in our near future!

    • Like 10
  4. Tonight Mrs M made her ‘famous in our house at least’ Korean beef. 

    Our second daughter, 10 years old, announced she wanted to make dessert, and decided that cream puffs was the recipe. Not that she’s ever made them before. 

    They turned out remarkably good, filled with Nutella because we didn’t have any cream:



    And of course she left evidence behind:


    • Like 16
    • Haha 11
  5. 2 hours ago, Kim Shook said:

    I said that the hot dogs she was currently eating were also COW, she looked at me pityingly and informed me that they were the udders that fell off when the cows didn't need them anymore.  She is still the smartest and funniest young person I know.  


    This sounds like so many conversations with my youngest. As the youngest of 5 he 'always' knows something about every conversation and feels the need to add his input.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  6. I think it would be interesting to compile a separate thread collecting what the word 'barbecue' means regionally.


    For me, growing up in northern Arizona, barbecue was: The device used for grilling outdoors, the action or grilling, the event you attended at a friends house where you at (usually badly) grilled meats, and a 'style' of cooking that somewhat loosely approximated what others might also call barbecue.

    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, heidih said:

    Just don't get it. The zoo of line at the local one is beezarre with walkie talkies and traffic directors. And in a city with so much way more excellent street food. People and their odd perceptions!


    It's strange. I married a California girl, and for the life of me can't work out the In-N-Out (INO) fanaticism.


    I get that it's fast, cheap and easy. 

    I get that it is definitely NOT bad (in the way that many fast food burgers definitely ARE bad).

    It's a nice comfort item that is predictable and reliable.


    But...it's not amazing. Not the best burger - by a long shot - I've ever had. Or even had this week.


    Oh well, it's like a California cult or something.



    • Like 1
  8. 14 hours ago, liuzhou said:

    7. Bánh Mi

    I'm sorry, but bunging random ingredients into a baguette does not make a bánh mi in my book. I frequently have bacon, lettuce and tomato (BLT) sandwiches for breakfeast using baguettes, but would never call them bánh mi as some idiot did on a YouTube video I unfortunately stumbled upon recently.


    I am all for variation, but at least stick with something that may be vaguely recognisable to a passing Vietnamese person.



    • Like 1
  9. On 11/8/2020 at 7:35 PM, patti said:

    Happy days are here again!

    Pork tenderloin with balsamic fig sauce. 





    Over Gorgonzola mashed potatoes. 


    Patti this looks stunning. Gorgonzola mashed potatoes is now on my to do list for Thanksgiving. 

    • Thanks 1
  10. 4 hours ago, JoNorvelleWalker said:


    Mine was about $670.


    Wow - ok I am certainly failing in my googling. I need to try again. I was seeing in the 4 to 5,000 range. 

    I’m sure the kids will be relieved!

    • Haha 2
  11. 9 hours ago, weinoo said:
    17 hours ago, JoNorvelleWalker said:


    If you have a blast chiller there is little need for an ice bath.  Tonight's wine is in mine at the moment.



    What - you think I live in Yorktown Heights?! Or Princeton?!


    Seriously. Yikes. I've never considered them, but of course you see them on 'all the cool cooking shows' so I just went and looked at prices. 


    I'd have to sell a kid. Or a kidney. Or both.

    • Haha 5
  12. 1 hour ago, curls said:

    Ah well, kick me out now.... I like just about all forms of “low brow” Mac & cheese: Kraft blue box, Annie’s, cafeteria, BBQ joints, etc.


    That's makes at least two of us. I don't know if I can state that they are 'good' but Kraft M&C and cheap Ramen packets are something I occasionally crave. They kept me alive through my bachelor and early marriage years, and we make sure to keep them in stock (Ramen more so than Kraft, but still).

    • Like 3
  13. Yesterday Mr's M requested bread, and not being very busy at the moment I was happy to oblige - cracked out a couple of basic baguettes:



    With which she made what appeared to be a delicious alfredo which was humorously (in light of a recent pasta shapes thread) paired with farfalle. We had a spirited family discussion on the merits of the shape, and consensus is about 50/50. They turned one of my loaves into garlic bread:



    And yesterday a gift arrived that my wife ordered some time last week:


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