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  1. I've never needed support so can't comment I'm afraid. Agree, you have to buy a different version for each collection type, which is a bit of a money spinner I guess, but you can get it for free through Trial Pay (needed some new ink for my printer so bought a cartridge and got Collectorz for Books for free). Readerware does look good though, I may download the trial and see how it differs...
  2. On the ReaderWare thing, I use Collectorz - does the same thing, a bit cheaper too. I use it for my vinyl LPs, CDs and, of course, cook books...http://www.collectorz.com/book/
  3. Plus 7 for me....gotta love car boot sales!
  4. Legend and Inspiration. Will be sorely missed....
  5. Onions. Sweating slowly with other veg for a great pasta sauce base, or, even better, frying gently for 20-25 minutes until you have the perfect Indian curry colour and taste - the smell is just superb. You can't really hurry Indian cooking anyway, and I love nothing more than starting at around lunch time for an Indian themed dinner party
  6. Possibly the best post I have seen on any forum anywhere.
  7. It certainly looks like they do accept bookings for one. Seems the only stipulation is that the maximum table size is 6. Their cancellation policy clearly states: "For parties of two and below we ask that customers give at least 72 hours notice... " The above taken from http://www.fatduck.co.uk/
  8. OK, first post and it seems appropriate. Just counted and I have 112 books ranging from very old to fairly new. Latest addition was yesterday, a 50p find at a car boot sale - Celebrity Cooking For You edited by Renee Hellman with a foreword by Arthur Dickson Wright, the father of Clarissa Dickson Wright of Two Fat Ladies fame. 1961 1st edition. I'm just glad there is a forum where I can share this stuff without feeling ashamed of my addiction !
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