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Everything posted by kayb

  1. I'd love to have it as well, @Kerry Beal. Never made a yorkie. Should try it.
  2. Sweet pickle relish. Brine of 4 cups vinegar, 2 cups sugar, 4 tbsp. pickling spice. In addition to cucumbers, a couple of big onions and a healthy double handful of Cubanelle sweet peppers shredded up in there. An experiment, as I attempt to deal with the continuing onslaught of the cucumbers. Of course, I still have about half the last harvest, which I tried my best to give away. And I picked about twice that many today. I can't win. Tuesday I am going to a friend's house to pick figs. There is fig jam in my future.
  3. What was going to be a pastrami and cheese sandwich, but I decided to forego the bread, sandwich the pastrami with cheese, and use the mustard as a dip. With tomatoes, cottage cheese, some of this year's bread and butter pickles, and a bowl of watermelon chunks.
  4. My everyday dinnerware is Pfaltzgraff, a white on white pattern I picked up at a Big Lots outlet store...two four-place sets, $50 each. Dinner plates, salad/dessert plates, soup/salad/pasta bowls, mugs. No serving pieces, no cereal bowls. You can order the matching or complementary serving pieces. Highly recommend outlet shopping if they're accessible to you.
  5. Y'all excuse me. I think I'll betake myself to the ER, so I'll already be there for the onset of the diabetic coma. Lord, this looks astounding.
  6. How are you baking with it this damn hot? I can't do it. Unless it goes in the CSO.
  7. Cell phone app, "Out of Milk." Free. You can sign in, create an account, and then anyone in the household (or that you want to have the login info) can add to it from any device. It separates into produce, dairy, pantry, etc., but sometimes it doesn't recognize my names for stuff. You can also organize different lists for different stores; I typically shop at four different ones, occasionally a fifth, though not all at a regular interval. And even though I work at home and mostly set my own schedule, I still find myself doing my grocery shopping on Saturday morning, for some reason.
  8. Two slices of Muenster cheese. No crackers, no bread, just cheese. Because I had an English muffin with blackberry jam for breakfast, and needed something salty.
  9. There is nothing worse than bad sushi.
  10. This one is what I have. It's showing on Amazon Prime right now for $15.56. I'm happy with it; I like the ease of being able to dump the yogurt in, snap the top on, and stash it in the fridge. I never have room for my big colander in the fridge. It holds a half-gallon, but it fills it completely.
  11. Thanks for taking us along. A completely new set of sights for me.
  12. Have placed my Prime order; nothing significant in the Prime category for the kitchen, though I did buy a set of stainless steel mixing bowls, being that one of my plastic ones sprang a leak when it was on the counter with new potatoes soaking in water. Figured I'd just retire all of them. Best deal of the night for me was 30 percent off a pair of Merrell hiking boots I've been lusting after.
  13. No. We're getting into the low, mid-90s daily, but haven't hit three digits. Yet.
  14. A question, for you tomato-growers out there. I have a variety of different kinds of tomatoes in my garden -- Romas, cherries, hybrids, heirlooms. I've been getting four or five tomatoes every two or three days, along with a dozen or more cherry tomatoes, in the past few weeks. My plants are pretty well populated with green tomatoes. But for some reason, the ripening seems to have gone on hold, and in the last week, I'd say my tomato take is down to maybe one every three days, and a small handful of cherries. The plants look no different. The green tomatoes seem to be thriving. There's just a ripening hiatus going on, apparently. Anyone have any thoughts on this? On the other hand, the cubanelle sweet banana peppers are producing prodigiously. They're a key ingredient in my tomato relish. And of course, there are the cucumbers. Which, thank all the saints, seem to have slowed down to a manageable pace. I'm getting a couple of zucchini every couple of days, but the yellow squash is slow.
  15. Haven't seen any advance prices that tweak me. Only thing I'm in the market for is a pressure canner, but will certainly scan things to see what other widgets there might be to catch my eye.
  16. kayb

    Dinner 2017 (Part 6)

    I believe they use Velveeta; I do for the knockoff Pancho's dip I make, which includes Ro-Tel tomatoes, cumin and garlic powder. I suspect white American would work, too. I've always thought their shrimp Vera Cruz was done with cheese dip, and that, in fact, really sounds good about now. We intended to get down there over the holiday weekend, but didn't.
  17. I read restaurant reviews constantly from places I've never been and am not likely to go. Started that in the food section of the NYT years and years ago, and continue to do it across all sorts of sites.
  18. Very cool. I'm planning on pulling the trigger on a pressure canner during Prime Day. We're all a bunch of Amazon junkies, aren't we?
  19. kayb

    Dinner 2017 (Part 6)

    I do love Pancho's dressing. I can buy the 1-cup tubs of it locally, but I rarely use it all before it goes bad. I've seen this recipe but never tried it; how close does it get to the real thing? Some Pancho's, some pico de gallo, some shredded iceberg lettuce and a crispy corn tortilla covered in melted cheese -- Bliss! It's also a great taco sauce, at least in the Ark-Mex world.
  20. A wonderful vacation. I hope to get out on the Cape when I'm back in Boston this fall.
  21. When I was a kid and we "put up" almost all the veggies we ate all winter, there were certain things one froze and certain things one canned, because...there just were. One froze okra (cut up, breaded in cornmeal, frozen on a cookie sheet and then transferred to a big bag), purple hulled peas, lima beans, brown butterbeans, and peaches. One canned, in addition to pickles, jams and jellies, green beans and shelled pinto beans and butterpeas (something like a chickpea). They just tasted better that way.
  22. kayb


    You sent me to Google for that one. Interesting. I may have to try it.
  23. First, the structure of a proper PB&J: Soft white sandwich bread. Peanut butter, about 4 tbsp worth, spread on one slice Fruit jam or preserves (jelly only if no jams or preserves are available) spread on the other, maybe 2.5 tbsp max. My personal favorite was always blackberry jam, though strawberry is good as well) on the other Put together, and always, always consumed with the jelly side on top. I do not know why this is so, but it has been so for 60-odd years. I commend to you Nut Butter Nation peanut butter. It's available on Amazon. It's also made by my kids. In the "About" section, they're the cute couple you see. (And can I just tell you the salted caramel, used as a dip for Granny Smith apple slices, is a food for the gods? I am not partial to the brown sugar cinnamon, though it's my daughter's favorite.)
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