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Everything posted by kayb

  1. I wouldn’t turn down anything I’ve seen (except maybe the spinach), but I’d settle for just a charcuterie/cheese board like that.
  2. kayb


    From one Vol to another…welcome.
  3. I said that. Several times.
  4. A couple of years ago, about this time of year, I was driving along early one morning when a big doe came out of nowhere and center punched my driver’s side, right between the front wheel and the door, then vanished. All I saw was a quick flash of gray. Got where I could pull over, couldn’t open my door. Crawled over the console, avoiding the gearshift, got out of the passenger. A guy who’d been behind me pulled over behind me to be sure I was ok. We walked around to check out the damage, and he used a crowbar to pry out the piece of door that had jammed. Still wouldn’t open. I got back in, crawled over the console again, and went on to my client’s office. I might add that I was wearing a suit with a straight skirt. I had been worried about the deer. After climbing over the console three more times, the last one at the body shop where I learned the repairs would be $8,000 (I had had the car for two weeks), I was about to the point of hoping she’d limped off into a thicket and died. But I agree. When I hunted, if I shot one and didn’t bring it down, I’d track it.
  5. Glad to have you here! Tell us a bit about yourself?
  6. kayb

    Lunch 2022

    Almost ashamed to post this in the wake of @BonVivant’s spread, but… Leftover baked beans with leftover pulled pork BBQ thrown in. Picked up the pork last Tuesday en route home from Chattanooga at a long-time favorite spot, Scott’s BBQ in Lexington, TN (noteworthy as being the home of the high school that was the only place I ever got thrown out of a basketball game). Had some left, so I chopped up half a cup of it to go with the remains of the baked beans I’d picked up to go with them. I would note a barbecue (which I got sans bun), an order of beans and the pound of pulled pork ran me less than $20. These beans, though. I had gotten them to go with something else, and still had enough in the fridge to go with a couple of barbecue plates last week. They’re Members Mark brand barbecue baked beans with brisket, and I picked them up at Sam’s. They’re a little on the overly sauced side, but it’s good sauce. A handful of chopped pork stirred into them thickened them up admirably.
  7. I have so much enjoyed this trip, particularly through the eyes of Little Duvel.
  8. kayb

    Dinner 2022

    Love that! I have some sweet potatoes left that I didn’t cook for the casserole Thanksgiving. May try this with one (they’re ginormous) of them. Very cute kitchen porter!
  9. Haven't seen that one. Will check it out.
  10. kayb

    Thanksgiving, 2022

    i thought it was wonderful — a tart and light counterpoint to a rich, heavy meal. I’m contemplating another piece of it for lunch, along with egg salad from the leftover deviled eggs. Obviously, @Smithy, it was gloppy egg day. I hot mine too thin, too.
  11. kayb

    Thanksgiving, 2022

    Cranberry salad and turkey. Dressing and sweet potatoes. Corn casserole, mac and cheese. Not shown: Gravy, rolls and deviled eggs. I did not cook the asparagus. Green stuff is overrated.
  12. kayb

    Thanksgiving, 2022

    The bird is in the oven, the dressing is ready to follow it, and I’m about to finish up the corn, Mac and cheese and make the streusel topping for the sweet potatoes. Will get to asparagus and rolls, which are on the first rise, after that. Brandied pumpkin pie and cranberry curd pie done yesterday, as was cranberry salad. Turkey was locally raised, dry-brined. He’s stuffed with a stick of butter, a quartered onion, a q uartered apple, and two sizeable sprigs of fresh thyme. We’ll eat between 4:30 and 5.
  13. kayb

    Dinner 2022

    I had forgotten about that cake. Thanks for the reminder! Indeed, happy belated birthday to that little cutie! How old is he now?
  14. kayb

    Thanksgiving, 2022

    @liamsaunt — I am so very sorry. May her memory be a blessing.
  15. That’s it. Sorry for the error.
  16. I once determined I would make Eudora Welty’s White Fruitcake, from the Jackson Junior League’s cookbook, for Christmas. iIt was awful. Gummy. Pasty. I froze the loaves, sliced them thin, and baked them again. Made damned fine biscotti.
  17. It isn’t mail order, but the best commercial grade city ham you can get is the Appleton Farms ham at Aldi.
  18. I’m telling you. Take a look at petitjeanhams.com.
  19. Excited to visit the land of my ancestors!
  20. I noticed Walmart had the Ninja Creami on for $129 the other day.
  21. Glad to know you made it through the storms! Let me know if you go to the glassware place this time!
  22. Add my sentiments to all the wishes for a speedy recovery.
  23. kayb

    Dinner 2022

    Way too much cheese!
  24. kayb

    Dinner 2022

    God help us. I will eat raw oysters with the best of them, but a Drago’s chargrilled is a thing of beauty. I have been known to eat a dozen for an entree, another dozen for a main, and split a dozen fo dessert.
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