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Everything posted by hansjoakim

  1. Certainly! Here you go: 7 ounces flour (200 g) 1 3/4 ounces corn starch (50 g) 4 ounces butter (110 g) 5 Tbsp milk (7.5 cl) 2 whole eggs 3 tsp fresh yeast (12 g) 3 tsp sugar (12 g) 1 1/4 tsp salt (5 g) After the dough is mixed, refrigerate it for at least 1 hour before rolling it out.
  2. It turned out quite alright actually. The dough uses a bit more eggs than a pâte sucrée, so it's easier to use to line a deep pan with it (in this recipe, I used a 6 cm deep cake pan). There's not too much sugar in the dough, so with the higher hydration, it's a bit like a hybrid between brioche and a regular pâte sucrée. Not quite as sweet and crisp as a pâte sucrée, but not as buttery as a brioche. I was quite surprised as well that there was no mention of cooking the flan batter after adding the flour to thicken it. I didn't cook it, because I was hoping it would set up during baking and because I wanted to try the formula "as written" in the book before fiddling around with my own takes and twists on it. I tried one tart with the flan, as written in the recipe (i.e. not cooked), and (naturally) this turned out to be way loose and jiggly, with no real structure to it whatsoever. For the second attempt I switched it out with a vanilla pastry cream (thickened with cornstarch) and that worked.
  3. Dear Nathan, I hope you will enjoy your trip in September! This is often a wonderful time of year to visit Norway, as the temperatures are still mild and there's still plenty of sun in the evenings. One restaurant that's received a lot of praise and buzz recently is Maaemo (http://en.maaemo.no/). I've never been there myself, but heard comparisons with Noma in Copenhagen. Maaemo received two Michelin stars within 14 months of opening, and is centrally located in downtown Oslo. Dag Tjersland is the chef and owner at Baltazar in Oslo (http://www.baltazar.no/ristorante/en). Tjersland used to live and work in Tuscany in Italy, and his food is sophisticated, modern Italian. Norwegians love Italian food, and this is probably the best Italian restaurant in Oslo (perhaps even in the country). Highly recommended. There's also Bagatelle (http://www.bagatelle.no/index.php?lang=_eng), previously run by Eyvind Hellstrøm of Bocuse d'Or fame. Hellstrøm left about three years ago following a rift with the owner, but the place is now gradually getting back to its former glory.
  4. Hi everyone! Last weekend I decided to try the recipe for banana pie (tarte à la banane) from Ducasse's amazing pastry and dessert volume of «Grand Livre de Cuisine». The recipe is given on page 86 in the English edition of the book, and it looks pretty straight forward; as a matter of fact, it's probably one of the very easiest recipes in the entire book. In short, the tart consists of a yeasted pâte sucrée dough, a banana-raisin filling and a layer of vanilla flan. When I read through the instructions and compare them with photos and presentation given in the book, I have a feeling that something is missing. Looking at the cross-section of the tart, it looks like the tart has a lid on the top as well; either the tart dough is rolled out with enough overhang so this can be folded over the top to make a lid, or a separate dough is rolled out and cut to make a lid prior to baking the tart. I tried the latter for my try on this tart, but the top layer did shrink a bit, causing some of the flan to spill out and making the whole tart not very elegant (although no less delicious). Do any of you have any idea how this tart could be put together to approximate the lovely photo in the book? Also, the recipe for the flan – is there a typo there? I whipped it together, and it turned out way too liquid, so I replaced it with some vanilla-flavoured pastry cream instead... The recipe for the flan reads: 1 cup milk (25 cl) 1/2 cup heavy cream (12.5 cl) 2 egg yolks 1 egg 3 ounces sugar (85 g) 1 1/3 ounces flour (37 gr) 2 1/3 ounces egg whites (65 cl) 1 pinch salt 1/2 vanilla bean The milk and cream is brought to a boil with the vanilla bean, then cooled. Egg and yolks combined with sugar and flour, then combined with milk and cream. Egg whites whipped and folded in. Thanks for any tips!
  5. hansjoakim

    Salt Cod Diary

    Thanks, Linda, and thanks also for starting this thread in the first place! I cooked the cod in a pan over medium heat until it started to get flaky and felt cooked through - say roughly 3 mins per side. I feel that thicker slices are easier to cook by browning them quickly in a pan before finishing off in a medium hot oven for 8 - 10 mins (again until it starts to look flaky on the sides). I hope to see more of your own salt cod experiments soon, Linda Thanks for the report, EatNopales! I found the pastry + salt cod combination interesting, and after googling "bacalao en hojaldre", found a blog post with a recipe that looks quite delicious: Bacalao en hojaldre con salsa de piquillos.
  6. hansjoakim

    Salt Cod Diary

    I've been cooking quite a bit with salt cod lately; today a delicious salt cod loin with lentils, salt pork and cauliflower.
  7. Hi JAZ, I'm not sure what quality of wrap you've got access to, but here (in Norway) I find that even the cheapest grocery store plastic wrap does the job nicely, without melting. I've been using this method ever since I read about it in Friberg's books, a couple of years ago. Minimal shrinking and no hassle.
  8. Hi JAZ, Have you tried using plastic wrap/cling film instead of foil? This is a technique described by Friberg in his books, and works very well for both small and large pastry cases. Instead of using foil, place one, two or three layers of plastic wrap inside the pastry before blindbaking. I usually put some beans in there to serve as weights. The film shrinks somewhat during baking, but it's usually a breeze to lift the whole thing out (including the beans) once it's done blindbaking.
  9. Thanks for all the replies! The reason I started wondering about this in the first place, was the "Stock clarifications" post on M. Ruhlman's blog: Direct link to post.
  10. Hi all, I usually make homemade stock three or four times a year (usually veal, chicken and vegetable stocks). To store them, I usually reduce them by somewhere between 50% and 75%, and freeze them in small plastic containers. The other day, I started wondering about food safety issues with homemade, frozen stock. Whenever I need stock, I thaw the amount that I expect I'll be needing. Sometimes I end up with leftover, thawed stock. Is it safe to this thawed, leftover stock to a boil, chill quickly and re-freeze? Other times I might poach meat or fish in stock. Is it safe to re-use this poaching liquid? Could I for instance simply strain it, chill and re-freeze it?
  11. hansjoakim


    You're right, Blether, I was a bit quick in the salt % calculation... I do like SI units. I'd also prefer a weaker brine (2% - 3%) prior to roasting. An option would be to use Grigson's recipe for glazed salted pork: Boil first in plenty of water until nearly done (to flush out much of the excess salt from the brine), then glaze and finish in the oven. Grigson has several recipes along the same lines in "Charcuterie and French pork cookery" as well.
  12. hansjoakim


    The brine-curing technique is covered also in another book by Grigson, titled "Good Things". A preview is available via Google Books (link here). The chapter is titled "Salting meat", starting on page 67. Here, a 20% brine is used, and suggested curing times range from 36 hours for ducks and up to 10 days for pork, beef and lamb. Grigson also writes that joints can be kept in the brine for two to three weeks, as long as the brine is kept cool, below 60F.
  13. I second that! Sliceshots, please
  14. hansjoakim


    I am sorry for bumping this old thread, but I just received "Nose to tail" and "Beyond nose to tail", and I got a beautiful slab of pork belly curing in Henderson's brine as we speak. I'd like to have a stab at his boiled pork belly and lentils this weekend, and this thread got my attention. Henderson's brine is a 15% brine, and by the looks of it, is quite similar to the saumure anglaise described in Grigson's "Charcuterie and French pork cookery". Grigson's brine is approximately 10% if I'm not mistaken. Grigson writes that pork joints could spend anywhere from 3 to 30 days in the brine. I'm not certain if she operates with refrigerator temperatures, so since curing takes longer in colder temperatures, I bet it could be left in there even longer if the curing bucket is kept in the fridge. When it's time to cook it, she suggests simmering it in unsalted water for 5 - 10 minutes. If the simmering liquid is too salty, drain it and start over. A piece of pork belly, prepared along these lines (i.e. Henderson/Grigson), would make a piece of petit salé, correct? As such, I think it would be a good idea to rinse the meat thoroughly after removing it from the brine, and either soak it in cold water a couple of hours (suggested in "The Complete Robuchon" recipe for salt pork), or give it the simmer-and-taste treatment suggested by Grigson. Then proceed as usual for salt pork. Without having tried either yet (although I'll have tried Henderson's recipe by the coming weekend), I get a feeling that Henderson's and Grigson's brines are the wet-cure equivalents of Ruhlman & Polcyn's and Fearnley-Whittingstall's salt pork dry cures. I'm no brine expert, but I think the purpose of the Henderson/Grigson brine is to conserve (i.e. produce salt pork) rather than to season and produce more juicy meat (as you would with, say Ruhlman & Polcyn's brine recipes or similar 2 - 3% brines). Has anyone else had any luck with Henderson's pork belly recipes, by the way? There is an account of both roasted (link here) and boiled (link here) pork belly recipes at nosetotailathome.com.
  15. hansjoakim

    Confit jelly

    Hi ...tm..., Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. It's just that as I've been reading up on the technique, the wildly differing storing times (not to mention the different cooking times; Robuchon cooks his duck legs under 2 hours, while Ruhlman wants them simmered for 6 hours) have confused me. Regarding storage capabilities, some say a week (I believe that's the case with Keller in Ad-hoc at home), some say up to a year, some stress the importance of carefully removing the jelly while others again don't even mention the jelly in the first place. I guess common sense never goes out of style, and thanks for reminding me!
  16. hansjoakim

    Confit jelly

    Thanks for your reply, Chef Hermes! Is it essential that the container with meat is completely jelly-free? I guess I won't be keeping the belly pieces for longer than about a month in the fridge. Would it be an idea to remove the meat to another container and then top with clean fat, or would that make "matters worse" by lifting them out of the fat? Thanks again!
  17. Hi all, Inspired by the chapter about confits in Ruhlman & Polcyn's "Charcuterie", I've prepared confits of both duck legs, lamb shoulder and pork belly a couple of times at home. Results have been great, and the confits have never had the chance to hang around in the fridge for very long before it's all eaten up. I have a question regarding the confit jelly, the dark juices that collect on the bottom of the pan after cooking. Ruhlman & Polcyn, and also Robuchon in "The Complete Robuchon", write that care should be taken not get any of these juices into your storage jar if you want to store the confit for any length of time. Ruhlman & Polcyn write that the jelly can go sour over time. I've consulted some other cookbooks, including Fearnley-Whittingstall's "River Cottage Meat Book" and Henderson's "Nose to tail eating", and they don't make any particular mention of the jelly and the need for removing it. The jelly is amazing in sauces and stocks, but how important is it really to get it out of the confit storage container? And, what's the easiest way of separating the jelly from the duck fat before pouring the fat over the cooked meat? I made some rillons this weekend, and I would like to have them around for a couple of weeks at least, to see if I can pick up "aging"/ripening qualities in the confit. I ladled fat over the cooked belly, trying not to get any of the jelly juices into the storage container, but I'm pretty sure some jelly snook it's way in there.
  18. Hi Linda, The lamb confit was really delicious; the flavour of lamb paired remarkably well with that of the duck fat. My guests really enjoyed having both the "cheap" cut of lamb shoulder and the more luxurious cut of filet of lamb on the same plate. When poshed up like that, the shoulder was every bit as tasty and delicate as the filet. I'm actually planning on making the lamb confit once again this weekend. It can be a bit intense on its own, so I'm thinking about what I should pair it with... There's no lamb breast to be found around here this time of year (not until late July/early August according to my friendly local butcher), so I'm thinking perhaps putting together a plate with lamb confit, slices of rolled, braised lamb shoulder, some oven roasted tomatoes, potato puree and round slices of celeriac (cooked in the braising liquid).
  19. I was browsing Elizabeth David's fantastic "French Provincial Cooking" last night, and noticed what looks to be a very interesting recipe for braised and grilled breast of lamb. I guess a shoulder of lamb would work equally well for this dish. The recipe is called Poitrine d'agneau Sainte Ménéhould, and I am wondering if anyone has tried it? The recipe is here (courtesy of Google Books).
  20. Hi Jon, Thanks for your reply! You wrote interesting thoughts on the book already in the TDG thread. I've browsed and read chapters here and there the last couple of days, and I'm quite impressed as well.
  21. I just borrowed a copy of James Peterson's "Glorious French Food" from my local library, and I'm pretty excited about the range of recipes and the bits of kitchen science sprinkled throughout the pages of the book. I believe it was first published back in 2002, and I am wondering if fellow eGullet'ers have tried any of the recipes in the book? If you've read it, what do you think of it? There's an old thread about the book here TDG: Is Glorious French Food Glorious? that's quite interesting to read. I would very much like to read the book review by Suzanne Fass, but I haven't located it online yet. Perhaps someone can point me in the right direction? Thanks all!
  22. As for Nordic cooking, I would suggest taking a look at Andreas Viestad's book Kitchen of Light. I'm Norwegian myself, so I haven't read "Kitchen of Light" myself, but Viestad has a quite solid standing in the Norwegian food literature scene. He has published several books in Norwegian, and I think his style might be what you're looking for (contemporary home cooking - perhaps not so much on the more traditional dishes). Perhaps also worth a look: The Scandinavian Cookbook or Aquavit?
  23. Thanks so much for all the helpful replies! I made my first batch of fresh sausage on saturday, and they turned out delicious! I used the fresh garlic sausage recipe from Ruhlman's and Polcyn's book, and me and my dinner guests found them very tasty indeed. I followed the metric measurements, used about 1.8 kg of pork shoulder butt and 400 gr of additional fat, and we found the sausages juicy and flavourful. Simple, but that was exactly what I was looking for in my first batch of sausges. I had dinner guests over, and served the sausages together with braised pork belly, potato puree and spring vegetables. A true celebration of the pig. Thanks again guys!
  24. Food Man Chews, I had the impression that one should avoid freezing casings, as that could cause small tears in the casings themselves. You haven't had any problems with that?
  25. Thanks, guys! Really helpful advice there, thanks dougal. When I think of brines, I understand e.g. a 5% brine to be 5 parts salt per 100 parts water (50 grams salt per liter water). Perhaps I'm wrong? Should a 5% brine technically be 5 parts salt and 95 parts water? Ah, the confusion. And don't get me started on baker's math
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