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Everything posted by psantucc

  1. I finally took a moment to dig back and figure out why I thought I could use a refractometer to make caramels. I just assumed so. No one recommended it. So maybe the reason it doesn't work for me it that it doesn't work, period. Now I have to figure out why. Since I don't really know how to use a refractometer at all, maybe I'll start by using it for something it should work for and see where we go from there. I'll see if my Thermpen gives the results I'm looking for, too. Thanks.
  2. My problem exactly. I do find the water test more helpful than temperature, but it takes so long to get a result that I don't know how one can ever get it just right. I went so far as to get a refractometer, but I've never used it. By the time I've cleaned it from test one, the answer to test two is "burnt". Anyone have a technique that works around this?
  3. Looks ace, of course! How are you panning? Hand, or mechanism?
  4. Missed you too, and the conference - it was thinking of you that finally made me get off my bum and at least post. My twin sons turn 18 in a month, and I confess I wasn't prepared for the degree to which the demands on my time and funds would increase. Whenever I squeezed in a confectionery session for most of this year I ended up without time to organize my thoughts before haring off to the next thing. Someday I shall return!
  5. Latest test model. I figured that the open sides really chilled the probe and 1/3 pan more than I thought likely, so added insulation - blue foam wrapped in foil. Heat deformed the foam somewhat, but the results were good - center temp between 1 and 4 degrees C over setpoint, depending on time in the heat/cool cycle. When set to hold, center was steady at 2 degrees over setpoint with less than 1 degree C variance. Made bourbon cordial cherries with it, still setting up. Note: moulding fondant around a small, pitted, wet cherry does not result in a better or easier piece than dipping in melted fondant. They're both pretty tedious and subject to fault, at least when I do it, but I really like the flavor better than the firm candied cherries.
  6. My favorite recent project: a precise chocolate warmer on a budget. Still in testing; this is the first attempt: Total parts cost $50.00. Note the genuine thrift shop Revere warming tray (as used by Kerry Beal!) I can't believe I found one. Water for this test as I wasn't ready to risk chocolate. Two short tests later shows it rigged for dipping. It worked, and the extra hot pad space kept my spat ready to go. Though it kept the chocolate within 1 degree C of center point, the difference between the real center and set point grew as the level of chocolate fell - and the chocolate was warmer than the probe. I nearly lost the last bit. This year's Easter production came entirely from the warmer.
  7. Torrone: and Marzipan squares: Art show opening at a beer and wine shop
  8. The usual Christmas Party spread:
  9. Beginning a post binge. These aren't exactly "lately"; my first public sale last November: Before going to the venue, clockwise from top: Irish Cream fudge, Cappuccino Truffles, Raspberry rustic truffles, white chocolate amaretto chocolate shortbread sandwiches. Candy on the sale table Wide shot. My wife makes the beautiful cookies.
  10. I'll second that. I use mine almost exclusively.
  11. Lovely work and presentation, as always, minas6907! Congratulations on candies and wedding. Extra special thanks for carrying the non-chocolate confections banner. I know chocolates are the sexy, and there's a whole lot they can do, but really well made taffy or marshmallow or fudge can be even harder to get.
  12. No starch mold for either type of cherry - I followed Grewling's method, heating the fondant to liquid in a bain-marie and dipping. Stems make that process a whole lot easier. Thanks for the marzipan compliment. I was very happy with the final product, particularly the texture, and it wasn't nearly so difficult as I feared to make them.
  13. Glad I could share ! This was a piped butter ganache, so I made them all in one go, about 3.5 hours start to finish, and the song just kept coming back, alternating with the Australian philosophy song.
  14. A bit of catch-up (not ketchup; I haven't made that ganache since workshop 2013).... Bourbon Sour Cherry Cordials: They turned out very liquid. Next time I'll wrap room-temperature fondant rather than dip in liquified; I think my layer was too thin. Also, dipping stemless is a right pain. Oktoberfest Marzipan, from scratch: I had trouble leaving fork marks on the sides of each piece. Chocolate too viscous, maybe? I also want whatever knife they used to cut the chocolates in Grewling's book. Looks like I used a cleaver! These are Lumberjacks, and they're OK: Maple and smoked sea salt ganache in semi-dark chocolate, sprinkled with turbinado.
  15. I made it myself. It does some things, like this kind of frame, better than traditional rulers, but you can't use it to roll out to even thickness. It's what mould-makers call a "clinker box". I didn't even know that until after I made it B-}= It's very simple to make. I got Aluminum Angle from OnlineMetals.com https://www.onlinemetals.com/merchant.cfm?id=63&step=2&top_cat=60 6063-T52 ALUMINUM ANGLE 1-1/2 X 1-1/2 X 1/8" ALUM ANGL 6063-T52 Two Ft. (24") Length 3 piece(s) Cut it to length, cut short pieces for the clamp tabs, and fixed them in place with JB Weld metal adhesive, taking care that no adhesive spread to the food contact surface, as I don't know it's food safety.
  16. A batch of Grewling's chocolate fudge, cooling prior to agitation: I really only made it in order to do something with the fondant I need for a seed for this weekend's project... bourbon cherry cordials. The fondant turned out well, and so did the fudge seeding, Now I want a bigger marble!
  17. Many thanks for the translation. I will have a go as soon as possible; I'd really like to work some variations on the theme.
  18. Best wishes to all as you make your way to the workshop! I confess to a little wistfulness, but I truly haven't grown enough on my own to really benefit from another one just yet. I've been making a little more time for candy, so we'll see what next year brings. For now: Viva!
  19. S'mores on a stick. Vanilla bean marshmallow dipped in chocolate and graham cracker crumbs. The chocolate behaved like good temper, but took a very long time to set. I suspect oil infiltration from a prior use hand-dipping gianduja.
  20. Plated for a wine dinner: Sea Salt dark caramel, Capricious Bee, and ginger snap.
  21. I usually can't make anything in the summer, but we had a surprise break in the heat and humidity that let me do a couple projects for my Co-Op Brewpub; experiments for now, but likely to be full-on production in the fall: First, a milk chocolate bark with dark-roasted malted barley: If I can find a suitable mould, I think I'll go with batons for production Second, a new bar snack - doesn't look like much, but it's tasty. It's malted barley with a seasoned coating based loosely on Moroccan spiced almonds. I call it BarleyKorn: Now back to waiting out the weather to start my caramel experiments! Pat
  22. I'll second the Torrone (Italian Nougat) idea; relatively simple and quick to make (except for crystallization time) and traditional after dinner.
  23. Thanks! Glad you like them! The folios is from Chocolates and Confections. Specifically, the sea salt caramels use the formula that include sweetened condensed milk, and the espresso caramels use the formula that contains evaporated milk and fresh cream. For as many recipes as you've tried, I'm going to assume you have Greweling book. There's a note on each caramel recipe that the temp of 239f or so is just an estimate, and that the caramels should be tested by hand. When making caramels, I add the butter at 230f or so, then when it nears 235ish I remove the thermometer and test a little bit of the mixture in cold water every few minutes, and you'll just see what the caramel feels like as you cook it a little longer. Just make some caramels and cook them a little longer then your inclined to. They will set up firmer, and have nice sharp edges when you cut them. Let me know if you want grewelings recipe if you don't have it already. Thanks very much. I do have the Grewling book, but all of my currently in use caramels are ones I've been making since before I got it. It never occurred to me to try his formulas and technique. I shall do so as soon as convenient, and see what results I get and if I can apply them to other recipes.
  24. Part one of my wrestling with technology is over: some not very good, but possibly helpful, video is to be had here: http://www.youtube.com/user/psantucc/videos My thanks also to Kerry and all our demonstrators, including the informal ones (I'm looking at you, RoberM!) who are always worth watching work. I learned a few things: - I'd forgotten much of my moulding technique, and need to brush up! - Great technique for fondant and cordial cherries - Halvah is hard for everyone - The very cool decoration with lustre dust in alcohol on the edge of an acetate - Some caramel troubleshooting tips I'm eager to put into practice - Someday, I'm going to have a pan. And an enrober. And a pony... I didn't mange to try out my refractometer! I imagine you'll see some posts from me when I do. Thanks to Chocolat for indulging a longtime fan with an autograph for my copy of her book. Thanks to MelissaH for the challenge that led to Ketchup Ganache with bacon, everyone willing to try it, and lebowits for a straight-faced and legitimate critique: smaller pieces of bacon more evenly dispersed. Thanks to the kitchen and bar crew for a quality of dinner not to be had at any price anywhere else. Photos to come if anything worthy appeared in my very poor phone. Apologies for things I've already forgotten. Remind me at Workshop 2014!
  25. For my part, I can't get over the caramels. I have several different formulas, but none of them turn out firm enough to stand alone like those; dip or wrap in less than 10 minutes is required! Do you mind sharing a recipe? I can't decide if I should start troubleshooting my formulae or my technique.
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