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You have to take these reviews with a little pinch of salt. Other than Jay Rayner, Terry Durrack, Fay Mashler and Mathew Fort, pretty much all of the rest of them don't have an effing clue as to what they are talking about and they can get so many facts wrong. We had a contrary review by the female journo of the Sunday Telegraph a couple of months back. It wasn't so much a bad article but just a terribly written piece, that came across as a complete nonsense and factual wrong. One of her gems was that she stated that the amuse she had left no impression, a carrot cappachino. I've never made one of these in my life!! Reviews are all well and good but they should at least have the decentcy to get the actual facts right. She has since cast her 'expert' view on Anthonys outpost in Leeds, which made me very angry indeed. The piece was a total insult to Anthonys. Absolutly no need for some of her very silly and amateurish comments about the place, which to me only demonstrated her complete lack of knowledge. The Flinns must have been totally pissed( for all about five minutes!) Thats all the piece deserved. One of the worst things about working at a half decent level in catering is not the long hours, the commitment etc but having to listen to total gobshites, who don't have a bloody clue!
Im struggling to understand why Ramsay hasn't even made the top 100. I realise he is taking a media hammering at the moment and I too have had alot to say about him of late etc. But is this no more than political posturing? What creditabilty does this give to the list? How can a 3 star restaurant, placed 13 in the list last year be completely dropped? Very harsh to say the least, in view of St John being placed 14th, come on, and thats from somebody who doesn't like the celeb chef movement.
Couldn't agree more. Caught about ten minutes on Sunday night, after getting in from work. Don't know if I was too knackered to watch but what a load of shite. Nothing to do with food is it, just big brother, reformatted. As for MPW, talk about difficult and patronising. And whats with his voice now? He sounds like Obe 1 Kanobi when he is addressing his chefs ( Jedi Knights!!) Anybody know of any decent food progs in the making?
For me, the problem is that the monster of the GR pr machine seems to have swollowed up the man himself. A great cooking talent, no one can argue but his reputation to my mind cannot be streched any further, with out some form of backlash. I can't really see how he can get away with saying one thing on the telly etc, then commercially doing something else and expecting everybody to say, good on er Gordo.. As Herno states, total hypocrasy. If he lives by the sword, then I suppose he'll find himself getting cut a few times. Maybe he should launch his own band aid line. 'Plasters by Gordon'! I don't think its going to stop the world turning knowing that GR has his pub food prepared off site, maybe just highlights a few more cracks along the way. I went to the Limehouse once, total shite. If you want the Gr experience stick with his high end operations.
If anybody looks like they could with decent meal, its got to be Peyton! I do wonder just how much the show is scripted, in light of the fact that the judges all seem to be in the dark as to what chef as cooked what!!! Its so blinking obvious. I also agree with ginger chefs comments.
I agree with comments on the AA guide. They are the 'weakest' of the bunch, unless it seems that the eatrie is London based or the establishment has rooms. I believe all the guides are extremely subjective but will in essense give the reader a broad outline. The GFG is probably the best of the bunch but even they can get it very wrong at times ( I got a personal phone call from the editor last year, following the guides publication but thats another story) and they do not visit every entry. Also their inspection teams are not all pro's, as it is widely believed with many being strong pillars of the local community, doctors etc. Possibly egullet members!!! There again, that may be a good thing, real people, with real views.
Gordon sells out! The decline of the celeb chefs?
food1 replied to a topic in United Kingdom & Ireland: Dining
Tall poppy syndrome? Come on! One thing I love/ hate about this site is how threads can lose the whole point so quickly and be twisted into something resembelling a level of resent -
Gordon sells out! The decline of the celeb chefs?
food1 replied to a topic in United Kingdom & Ireland: Dining
Is Gordon slowly heading back to what he does best? Being a chef. Read earlier that he has now 'handed' back restaurant number three, in as many weeks. The latest casualty, is his Paris flagship, which very recently was awarded two stars. This is interesting as G.R had banked on this restaurant being his second three star establishment in time. We are in hard times for sure but I wonder if its also the case that the G.R name has now been streched to absolute breaking point? Just how further can his name go before quality control measures etc etc are affected. I believe he's reached that point. Like many others, I would love to see G.R back manning his stoves in some capacity. As for G.R the chef, I still have alot of respect for him and think he still has alot left in the cooking tank. I've been told that this is a fantasy, but one wonders. I also wonder just how comfortable is G.R with the empire of restaurants etc he has now amassed in such a short space of time? Life can't be much fun. I imagine total stress, being pushed from pillow to post. I get the distinct impression that if his father in law hadn't played such a massive part in GRH, then G.R himself naturally would not be in the position he is now. When you listen to G.R talking about his set up after set up, it looks like he isn't quite as sure as his father in law. On the face of it, it seems RHR wouldn't have come to anything without the F.I.Law masterminding the whole deal. In the current circumstances, would it be fair to say G.R is a great chef, who has allowed his name to expand way beyond his control???? -
Gordon sells out! The decline of the celeb chefs?
food1 replied to a topic in United Kingdom & Ireland: Dining
Thats right, I heard it from somebody who looked and sounded just like Rhodes. Hmm. My mistake. The hours must be getting to me. I tell you what these look alikes are getting sooooooooo much better nowadays. Phew!, thanks for that. -
Im really glad for the FD that it seems extremely busy. Just goes to show the publicity hasn't been all bad.!! Dare I ask when they next had dinner availability!? Hope you enjoy.
The restaurant world is very fickle, just as some of the people who frequent places like the Duck. It seems at the moment Heston can't do right for doing wrong. He's dammed if he does, dammed if he doesn't. This bloke deserves far more respect than he has been given. Some of things that have been banded about him are unbelieveable. It appears there are alot out there who have forgotten he is a three star chef who has worked his arse off and was voted the best restaurant in the world. As I've said before, I have never dined at the Duck but I think anybody should be able to appreciate the level of sheer talent, whether they like his style or not. I believe in years to come, it will be H.B who will ultimately be remembered for his work.
Gordon sells out! The decline of the celeb chefs?
food1 replied to a topic in United Kingdom & Ireland: Dining
I stand for a little honesty or is that unfashionable in your book? Maybe a bit pre industrial revolution? If chefs want to be mega stars or brands etc, go for it. I'm not against anybody making money BUT not everybody who wears a pair of whites wants to be the next big thing. Its got to the point now whereby it seems all style and little content. That can't be right. Maybe Im all on my lonesome on this, but cooking shouldn't merely be a stepping stone to be a tv star. Or is it? Alot of these celeb chefs just crave attention. They seem to need it like a drip. Don't remember having a rant with the inspector. Oh yes, thats probably down to my 18th century attitude. Anyway, must get back to the workhouse!!!!! -
Gordon sells out! The decline of the celeb chefs?
food1 replied to a topic in United Kingdom & Ireland: Dining
Well excuse me all over the place. Compleletly wrong? I don't think so. Who's talking about innovation? This is about chefs who have their names above the door but plainly never cook in the place. But is there any wonder with what they get away with? This thread was started off the back of G.R now handing back control of 'his' restaurant, less than a year after opening. Amongst other things, this decsion was put down to his customers complaining he was never, ever on site. The whole thing is a mockery and its now starting to show. You can't argue this. Is plainly there to be seen. G.R is now nothing more than a p.r machine and people are now starting to see right through it. If you enjoy the celeb restaurants, don't let me put you off, this is just my opinion, that plenty of others out there seem to share. For your information, I have run my own pretty decent restaurant now for nearly five years. I'm there ALL the time. I'm one of the very few people who doesn't seek fame. I do what I do as I enjoy it. Its not a calculated means to an end. This is one reason why my customers come back time and again. Also I don't need lecturing on Michelin and what they are all about. I was having this exact conversation/ argument with an inspector two weeks ago. Michelin play a massive part in fanning the celeb chef. I put this to the inspector, citing that I believe Michelin too has become nothing more than a world wide brand, which supports the various chefs brands out there. Guess what, he didn't wholely agree with me but at the same time didn't disagree either. Probably didn't do myself any favours of getting a star but so f..king what. I'd rather stand for something than sell out for anything. -
Gordon sells out! The decline of the celeb chefs?
food1 replied to a topic in United Kingdom & Ireland: Dining
Don't give me any of this Mr Armarni doesn't stich together each suit etc. Ramsay constantly spouts this line when ever he is put under pressure for never been in his kitchens. Ramsay didn't even coin this phrase, he nicked it from Gary Rhodes (another one who spreads himself as thin as the magarine he endorses!) The fact of the matter is Porsche, Armarni etc etc are done to templates. Great food is not. Food is live, thats what seperates the great from the good, the bad and the indifferent. Give an exact ingredient to two different chefs and you will get two different results. -
Gordon sells out! The decline of the celeb chefs?
food1 replied to a topic in United Kingdom & Ireland: Dining
He wouldn't have been in the kitchen to complain to!! -
Gordon sells out! The decline of the celeb chefs?
food1 replied to a topic in United Kingdom & Ireland: Dining
How are celeb chefs 'artisans'? They are the furthest thing from such a description. Artisan broadly means a craftsman who pursues a trade with some manual skills. It does not stand for 'Im a tv chef, spread ultra thin and sometimes a fleeting restauranteur. Anybody who knows me also knows 'artisan' is very close to my heart!!!!! -
Gordon sells out! The decline of the celeb chefs?
food1 replied to a topic in United Kingdom & Ireland: Dining
I can't believe some of the coments here. The celeb chef culture is about as cynical as it gets and its starting to show. How can it not matter if the chef with his name above the door is NEVER in residence? What an earth does that suggest? Give me strength. All the restaurants are sold off the back of his name. As for Keller, it is well known he divides his time (cooking) between his two restaurants, with a video uplink in each restaurant. Food is still his passion not just a vehicle to make tons of cash. These chefs can't be 'the' passionate chef one minute and a commercial brand the next. As for Aiden Byrne wanting to be the next big thing, christ, he looks a lamb to the slaughter. -
Just read that G.R is to sell his west hollywood restaurant, The London, less than one year after opening. The wheels seem to be coming ever more loose. Apparently the reason for the sale has been citied as very slow business. What does the man expect? He is NEVER anywhere near the place, like pretty much all the other places that bear his 'name'. His (ex)customers are saying that they became fed up of the man never, ever being in the kitchen. ABOUT bloody time. There has to be a point, which I think we've reached, when people say enough is enough. I hope dinners are now beginning to see they are been taken for a ride. These celeb chefs have been for along time taking the piss. Charging mega bucks for food they merely consult on. Pretending to be chefs as and when it suits may be coming to an end. They spend more bloody time in tv studios it seems, than in their restaurants. How has it been allowed to get to this stage? Is it merely the power of telly and that folk are taken in on the whole celeb thing? I for one think its about time these chefs come back down to earth, get their whites back on and get back where they belong. When chefs start winning tv awards instead of stars then someting to my mind is a little wrong. I mean for god sake, AWT even endorses toilet cleaner. Pretty apt, I know!! I was talking to the three star chef of L'Astrance back in January about how things are here with the celeb chef culture. He just could'nt get his head round it. His take was that he is here to cook. Thats what he does. He didn't expect his customers to pay large summs of money for food that was nothing to do with him. He felt (thank god) he had an obligation to his customers. The French wouldn't tolerate it he felt. Shame its not like that here. If these hard times do anything, I really hope it brings back a little honesty to the restaurant trade.
I think the whole sorry episode is pretty sickening. Now 400 hundred people suddenly fallling ill, via FD?. I don't believe it for a minute. Is this the ultimate price HB has to pay for daring to be successful? Its usually the British way isn't it, anything more than mediocre simply won't do. Any excuse to jump on the f..king bad wagon, lets do it. Sure there will be people telling the truth etc but 400!!!!! I geninuely feel sorry for the bloke, all the losers and down right spiteful shits that he now has to put up with
I also remember Pat McDonald doing the first rendition of 'kitchen nightmares' back in the mid ninties, way before Mr R claimed it as his own. Didn't he also have a restaurant in Pershore (or somewhere sounding!)?
You may well be right. They may have ditched the carte altogether. Im going on a visit last June, when there was a small carte and tasting menu. Hope you enjoy your visit. Go well monied up!!!!
Olicollett, I think you missed my point slightly. Geniueness stated they would only be able to dine on a tasting menu, if they went on a weekend. Sat runs two menu's which includes a small carte. I think its wrong that his customers are forced to eat off a tasting menu, just because its Saturday night. Customers are the life blood of any business and just because the chef has been on the telly, doesn't give them right to all of a sudden act the big I am. Its almost like the customers don't matter. I remember this restaurant before the chef had a bit of tv fame
This thread as gone way off! Can I just say, in the middle of this listeria talk, I for one Im glad to see the Fat Duck has been given the green light to reopen. Its still a place I have never visited, doesn't appeal for some reason. No not food scares!!
You could only have the tasting menu?? Thats NOT on. Sat has got no excuse for this. This is pure profiteering. I operate a place that does HALF the covers he does and offer a small carte and tasting menu. There is no way on earth I would be so disrespectful to my customers, that I insist they can only have one menu. A lot these chefs I find, once they have been on the telly, develop a real arrogance and seem to think they can treat their customers how ever they choose. That said alot these customers seem to be cannon fodder, don't seem to mind how they are treated because chefs been on the telly This to me is another case of chef who got that awful condition, celebrityitous! P.s Did anybody else see 'rise of the superchef'? I was shocked to see Aiden Byrne openly admitting wanting to be the next big t.v thing. Jesus. Somethings gone very wrong along the line.
What a dickhead. He's milking the situation for all he can. I think he should be ashamed of himself, sounds like a spoilt brat