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Exactly Gary! To be fair to Erica etc, if it works for you, then who am I to argue. Looking at my set up though, it just wouldn't be worth our while, even if we were full. With ref to the H & F, I just cannot understand how it will benefit their business model. After all it is a MICHELIN STARRED pub/ restaurant, slap bang in the very wealthy stock broker belt of London. On a personal note, if im visting a michelin starred restaurant, I want to see what the chef can really do. Whats the point in going to these places otherwise? To my reckoning they are competeing in a market that they don't need to be in. If all I want to spend is a tenner, then I would go to one of the zillions of cafe bars etc. I do not believe for one minute that they are struggling for trade to the extent they have to give their grub away unless somebody tells me otherwise. I don't mean to sound rude or arrogant to people who do offer these sort of deals but a michelin starred gaff, it doesn't make sense.
Well, I cannot understand why eateries of this caliber feel they have to give away their food. It sends out such mixed messages. Even if they are running it as a loss leader, and you have to think why, its selling themselves way short. What happens when they stop doing this offer? Are all these diners going to run back and pay double, treble the prices? Don't think so. Its great to be packed to the rafters but whats the point if you are making f..k all money. At ten quid ahead they can't be. They also run the risk of folk not bothering coming back on an evening, when they can dine on a lunch for such 'fantastic' prices. These sort of marketing ploys cannot last and as I say could inflict more harm than good. I completely agree with comments made by MPW, channel your energies into looking after your loyal customer base. Forget gimmicks, do what you do best.
Right, ok, must have missed that one.
Or should I say GBM!!
Didn't know he was on GMB??
Does being in 'Padstein' not make that much difference to your closed season then?
I understand what you mean, its certainly a noticeable time at the sharp end. That said, TOUCH WOOD!, our January month ending figures were better than this time last year. Still too early to see what really is/ may happen. Like everybody else though, don't know where or how this period is going to level out. Good job those in power know what they're doing! I hope all the decent places out there get through any difficulties but sadly I'm sure there will be further casualties. As for the celeb lot, couldn't give a toss. Most of them are muppets who never seem to learn, spread themselves so thinly, then wonder why their 'product name' becomes worthless.
I also read that P Rankin is facing the possibility of bankruptcy. Is the 'celeb chef' bubble on its way to bursting? As for the likes of JCN, the mans a joke. He'll be on big brother next! Like most of em, their all too fuking full of themselves, craving the next photo opportunity and most can't cook for toffee. There was a time JCN was considered a fine chef but those days are well gone. Too busy looking at himself in the mirror, instead of looking at a passe. I hope these hard times prove to chefs that cooking isn't simply a bypass to being famous and instead get on with job inhand.
Has the new dining area been in action yet? Still looks very 'showroom condition'. I still wouldn't be suprised if the 'pub' dining room gets a make over, which personally I feel it requires now. As I've said theres just too big a divide in style and comfort. One screams top end restaurant, the other bit a pub. I also wonder, if can I say, boredom possibly started to set in with their set up? Its not a dig at all, I know from first hand experience, things can sometimes get a wee bit tiring, when you've done it day in day out for a long period of time. If that is the case, then I think you have to tread carefully and really think about those people who come through your front door, as well as satisfying your own ambitions.
Sounds like a case for the FBI!!!! Don't worry, chefs are always calling people A holes etc, its part of the job. I wouldn't take it too much to heart, he'll probably give you a big kiss when he see's you!!
I would suggest its best to make a reservation, then you know where you are. Hope you enjoy.
Why not? Come on, spill the beans.... Does the winner get to spent the night with Ms Bond perhaps?!!!
I'd have thought that the GBM series has been taken as far as it can now. I may be on my own but I reckon its had its day now. Whats the ultimate upshot of the forth coming series, seems to be getting evermore obscure. God I 've got stop being so cynical!!!!!
Don't waste your time going to the Plummed Horse. F..k knows how the place got a star. I would recommend you look at Wisharts and No 1, although I don't think No 1 is open for lunch.
I had a lango salad off the specials board. Nice lango's, salad ok. Moved on to the classic seared calves liver, which was just the job. Lovely seared pieces of liver, cut thickly. Is there anything worse than thin pieces of liver? Anyway it was cooked to a T. Misses had a platter of oysters, good and fresh. She moved onto halibut with a rarebit topping. Generous piece of fish but L said the rarebit topping got a wee bit too much and the fish was a little on the dry side. Halibut, as you know doesn't need to see a great deal of heat and quickly goes from perfect to over cooked. Never the less she enjoyed the dish, as we are not talking dry as a bone here! My daughter had the wild mushroom risotto to start. I have to say, why does Andrew keep adding bloody cream to his risotto's. It does nothing for the dish, only making to dull the flavour. I've mentioned it to him before, so I don't feel Im being underhand. Just no blinking need to add cream, if your technique is right. Drives me mad, you get this in so many places. Its the French idea of whipping cream through the rice, but what do them lot know!!! Anyway, daughter then had the classic staple of pan fried rump of beef, thick chips etc. This was a great dish. Excellent piece of meat, which of course I had to try for egullet purposes! Its heartening to sample such a simple dish, done extremely well. This is what the star is all about in my opinion. We all then shared a plate of desserts in miniture, which wasn't the best rendition of this dish I've ever had here. A bit dry and a little tired, unfortunately a bit boring to be honest. The bread was excellent and they are now serving a very good (French!) butter to. Overall, a very enjoyable bit of grub that will need further tweaking and attention, if two stars are the next target. I'm wondering as to whether the new look will be carried through out the restaurant (pub!) once the pheasent is up and running. I could imagine some people feeling hard done by if they are dining in the 'pub' section and then see the swanky new addition, which I have to say again as been carried out to a fantastic spec. I do still feel it has to be one or the other. Apparently, the new chef taking over the pheasent is Andy Burton, formerly of Swinton Park and now the black swan, helmsley. Can't see him wanting to be an 'overspill' kind of cook! Interesting!!!!
This is going to be difficult to put into words, without sounding like a dig. Visited the star the other night and I haven't a clue what the new look is supposed to be all about. There are now two very different looks and feel (one pub/ one ultra modern) under the same roof. It just doesn't gel. No one can say the new work isn't top draw BUT it just doesn't say this is the star anymore. It says we are a very swanky, cosmopolitan, up market west end RESTAURANT. The food does not fit the model. Wonder how long before the old tasting menu makes its debut. Does anybody know what has been the thinking behind the new 'London look'. Heard that the Perns have now purchased the other pub in the village, The Pheasent. Why I wonder? Really hope this is not the start of moving completely away from what has always made the star, an honest and unpretentious food led pub.
What ever you do don't waste your time or money visting the New Angel or the Seafood, Padstow. Went last year, what a disappointment. The restaurant has 'brand' slapped all over it now. You could think you were in, say knightsbridge as much as Padstow!
Call the restaurant. Whats the worse they can say!
Completely agree with Garys last comments. I to feel once a chef as got a star, then he/she seems to keep it pretty much regardless. There are several restaurants I firmly believe should not have a star but they get doled out year in, year out. Or as Gary suggests they simply seem to move with chef. I honestly don't know now what Michelin really is all about, as its obvious theres far more to it than whats on the plate. I aslo agree with Micheal Caines comments that chefs will soon lose hope of ever being able to attain star status. It seems to be almost a lottery.
Is little chef now a destination!? Christ, I've got to get on the telly!!!!!
Yes there is a Betty's in York. Get there before the Yanks do though as you may face a long wait!! Other than that, I reckon York is a little disappointing on the food front, in view of such a grand city. Theres J Bakers to go to, which can be hit or miss. Other than that its pretty much the same old stuff. pizza, pasta, curry, star bucks. If you can be arsed nip over to leeds, only half hour away. Theres the Piazza (see thread), Anthony's, Brasserie Blanc, No 3 York place etc.
Got up to the Piazza the other day. What a fabulous design and building. If anybody was to slate the place, then I really think it would be a case of 'get a life'! Nice, tasty simple fare at great prices. Enjoyed a pork chop rib and a stunningly good Bakewell muffin. Worth going for the muffins alone! Hope it gets the support it deserves. Had a good chin wag with the two Tony's about it all. Wish I had a dad like Tony senior! Chef Tony was still spitting blood that he'd been overlooked again by Michelin, which he tried to play down but obviously its bugging the shite out of him. Like his dad said, how many michelin starred chefs have what he has?. Anyway if your in or around Leeds, then go, just don't mention the little red book!
You sure about that? Can't see any restaurant in the land cutting prices in line with the huge VAT reduction! Anyone who runs a restaurant knows having to pay VAT is pisstake as food is nearly all 0 VAT rated. A 2.5% VAT reduction means absolutely nothing. A good restaurant costs a fortune to run, its not just a case of what you see on your plate. At the end of the day how much do you expect to pay at the likes of hibiscus etc. Stupid thread.
I think what we're all saying is, Michelin get a bloody grip and stop pissing about. Practice what you preach and judge whats on your plate, give stars to those who deserve it, regardless of location, style or any other bullshit. If an inspector is reading this, take note of what we are all saying, chances are our fingers (and bellies) are far better placed than yours.
Not a bad idea that! Just got to get a few opinionated people together, where we going to find them?!!!!!!!!! I also agree Michelin are now been looked on in an ever more negative view, which I for one feel is there own doing. Im more than guilty of having Michelin at the back of my mind when carrying out my duties but Im sincerely thinking whats the point in it all, I really am. What I encountered in France recently enforced this. Eating at L'Astrance, which I enjoyed, I still have to say, would it be awarded three stars in the UK. I honestly would say not a chance. Says it all.