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Everything posted by quattro

  1. Thanks for the tips. THe butts turned out GREAT. Cooked them the day before. On the smoker at 8AM and they were done at 8:15PM. They were juicy and delicious as I was pulling them. Dried out a little bit after reheating the next day but the meat was delicious.
  2. That's a great tip re the fat. I will make sure to do that.
  3. My daughter's first birthday is coming up in 2 weeks and I've got 17 adults (friends and family) coming over to celebrate. I'm planning on cooking a couple of 8lb pork butts in my brother's Weber Smokey Mountain Cooker. We're planning on eating around 4ish on Sunday and I'm struggling with when to put the butts into the smoker. It's going to be late November in Toronto so it will likely be cold. I've seen anywhere from 10hrs to 16hrs as ranges. I might play it safe and put them in at around 1AM the night before. If they finish early, I can just pull them and put them in a foil covered tray till it's time to eat though I'm guessing that might dry things out. Anyway, can't wait to smoke my first pork butts on this thing. I'll post pictures if I get a chance to take any. Will be buying a SMK myself next summer as well as me and my brother have smoked anything and everything we could get our hands on since he picked this up a few months back and there is simply nothing like the flavour of slow cooked smoked BBQ.
  4. La Forchetta and Terroni would be my recommendations for Italian downtown. One is in Little Italy and the other is on Adelaide west of Yonge.
  5. If you're looking for bones, the Butchers at the St. Lawrence Market all carry them as well. That's where I get mine anyway
  6. I've heard nothing but good things about Celestin's brunch although I haven't been lucky enough to try it yet (will soon be remedied). Mount Pleasant and Eglinton area.
  7. Got right back on the horse this weekend and tried again and thanks to your responses, it came out great! Moist and delicious meat. Didn't particularly like the rub I tried on it but will experiment with something different next time.
  8. Thank you all for the great replies. I'll be sure to try this again and I'm sure my results will be better the second time around.
  9. So I bought a beautiful 5lb Boston Butt roast his past weekend wanting to make pulled pork for Sunday dinner for my fiance since she loves it. I've never tried making pulled pork before in a BBQ or oven. I was following a recipe that called for ~7 hours of cooking time @ 225F that said to cook until the internal temperature hit 165. I cooked the roast for over 8 hours to get it to that temperture basting it with a mixture of white/cider vinegar, sugar and red pepper flakes every 45 minutes to "keep it moist". After it hit 165 degrees, I let it sit for 20 minutes. Results? Terrible! My "pulled pork" turned into "sliced pork"...it was dry and tough and in my estimation, pretty much inedible (my fiance slogged through and ate her portion telling me she liked it even though I'm sure she was lying). Well, I was certainly pretty upset mostly at wasting such a nice cut of meat. Any tips on what I did wrong? Should I be cooking longer/shorter at higher/lower temperature?
  10. For anyone that hasn't seen his "summer salads" episode, the beginning will have you laughing. Those of you who have seen it will know what I mean
  11. While it is not a done deal yet, the quotes in this article suggest that this Toronto institution will be moving locations at the end of 2009. http://www.nationalpost.com/todays_paper/s....html?id=302253
  12. I'm glad I found this topic. All this time, i've been making chicken broth rather than chicken stock and didn't even know there was a difference. The one time I used exclusively chicken backs and the stock came out gelatinous, I thought I had screwed it up
  13. Thanks for your replies. I am from Canada as well Derek. I will pop into Homesense and see what they have to offer. The pan I was looking at was marked down 50% at the Bay but it still is going to end up costing me around $170 after taxes.
  14. Hi all. I'm wondering whether anyone has any experience, good or bad, with using Lagostina cookware. I've searched the internet and have found very little in the way of reviews on it. I'm looking at investing in a good saute pan (my old one is a cheap $20 model that is one or two uses away from breaking apart I think ) and saw one by Lagostina that looked/felt great. Price is a little hefty but I'm slowly trying to upgrade my pots and pans piece by piece. Thanks in advance.
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