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  1. Zeke

    Beef Cheeks

    I love cheeks! I usually make barbacoa with them. Put the cheeks in a slow cooker with a little water and let them ride for a day or two. It takes a while but eventually you will have the richest most tender potroast. Pull it with forks and eat it with tortillas and lime.
  2. What about the 'Cowboy Cocksucker,' bowdlerized as a 'cement mixer?' One shot of lime juice and a seperate shot of bailey's are placed in the mouth and the head shaken. It curdles pretty well. More of a prank than a drink really.
  3. misducky hit the nail on the head. My favorite thing to braise in a crock pot is beef cheek meat. It takes 20-30 hours but is worth it. It's very rich and falls apart. I like it on hot tortillas with lime and maybe some salsa verde.
  4. That is how my grandmother used to pickle her beets, and its ruined me for the more common pickled beets that aren't sweet. I remember the first time I saw pickled beets at a salad bar. My eyes lit up and I grabbed a nice big helping of them. I spit it out as soon as it hit my tastebuds. So if you're pickling beets, I say make 'em nice and sweet.
  5. Good Lord, me either Zeke. It kills me too. Is there a video tutorial somewhere about how to do this? Also? I can't cook rice to save my life. I think I just have a mental block about it. I need to just bite it off and buy a good rice steamer. Or keep buying the Whole Foods 365 brand frozen rice. I feel like such a cheater...oh the shame. ← If you make alot of rice I would get a rice cooker. I did and haven't looked back. 30 buck megamart rice cookers cook ok rice but are difficult to clean. I used to have one of those. Now I have a Zojirushi NP-HBC10. I absolutely love it. If I could I would marry it.
  6. Are you having trouble with the yolk leaking, or with getting the white to set? Or something else? I can never get the last stranghold of white around the yolk to set without cooking the whole thing to death or going over easy. I've tried water instead of oil, spooning hot oil onto the egg (this kinda worked but the egg was soooo greasy and nasty), tight lid, no lids. I just can't get the hang of it.
  7. I can't fry a sunny side up egg to save my life.
  8. I've decided that I shall try this recipe. I'm going to buy some fresh peanuts and fresh butter and try this. I will take pictures and let everyone know how it went.
  9. How about a poke cake made with cola gelatin?
  10. Interesting. It's been years and years since I had any Japanese peanut butter, but a quick search for Japanese recipes indicates that most call for butter/margarine and sugar, but not yolks. Literally, peanuts + butter = (Japanese) peanut butter. It makes me wonder if Japanese peanut butter morphed into a butter-based paste due to a transliteration issue. Although the recipe may seem "weird," it isn't necessarily bad if the results taste good. ← Who said bad? I didn't say bad. It's just that after years of conditioning, I didn't expect peanut butter to actually contain butter. I'm much more open minded than I sound.
  11. Zeke

    The McRib is back!

    I think expecting a McRib to taste like ribs is about the same as expecting soymilk to taste like actual cow milk.
  12. I bought a single auger juicer recently. It came with a book of recipes in engrish. One of them is for peanut butter. I always thought peanut butter was made with peanuts, and possibly some unnecessary chemicals. This recipe calls for peanuts, butter, and eggyolk. Roasted peanuts and ground up, then mixed into the butter and egg yolk which is then cooked on the stove. This recipe is totally weird to me. Is this normal peanut butter in Japan?
  13. I saw Alton Brown make beef broth with a PC on Good Eats. Apparently it's just as good and saves time. I rarely make my own stock or broth so I haven't tried it.
  14. According to Alton Brown, adding a little lemon juice to beef broth brightens the flavors. This might be what your broth is missing, Tadaki. Here in south Texas we put lime juice in our menudo, which is basically beef broth with tripe and hominy, and it really seems to enliven the dish. I hope this helps.
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