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Katie Meadow

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Everything posted by Katie Meadow

  1. I just made pickled beets. First time ever! And they are really good. I suppose you would call it a quick pickle, as they were not heat sealed in any way and tasted just right the next two days. I've been eating them out of the jar by themselves, or on a plate with simple raw vegetables like kohlrabi. In North Carolina they were often served as a side in a little dish. I started craving them, and every time they were offered I thought, "I can do this." Turns out I can do them better. But what else should I do with them? Matchstick them and add to coleslaw? Add them to a potato salad? What do you like to pair them with?
  2. Totally agree about library and used book stores. One of the saddest things about the death of bookstores is how I used to buy cookbooks. More than any other type of book I might want to own, I need to peruse a cookbook thoroughly before plunking down money. My worst wastes of money on cookbooks have happened because I got excited about one and ordering it without seeing it first. My most successful purchases have been books I have looked at carefully and then found a cheap source on line (like Bookfinders.com) or used on eBay. If a cookbook is well-bound a lightly used one shouldn't be a problem.
  3. Everyone must figure out their own way toward a healthy diet, or at least a diet that works well for them. I have a couple of annoying health issues that have required me to cut back on all kinds of food that I love. I rarely eat chips any more, but when I do, I want really good ones, not a substitute. As long as I know I can have anything on the planet if only as a rare treat, I'm okay with not eating anything that tries to be something better. I would rather have my favorite chips once a month than have something not as good more often. When it comes to salty snacking (and I have cut back on salt in the last few years as well) I like organic popcorn popped on the stove, then sprinkled with a moderate amount of good quality salt. I've now discovered smoked maldon salt (super strong), so I'm using just a little bit of that with my other salt to make "campfire" popcorn. Maybe that would go partway toward a BBQ flavor. Smoked paprika on fries (chips to the op) or on potato salad also makes its own party. Before I had to cut back on cheese I liked to put a little grated parm or pecorino on my popcorn and that was pretty fun. I found salt to be the easiest thing to cut back; it's very common to develop a lower tolerance for salt over a relatively short period of time. The down side is that you become so sensitized that it's hard to eat out. Forget processed or fast foods--some really pricey restaurants use a ton of salt.
  4. World Wide Organization of Organic Farms. I think. The organization hooks up young people wanting to work on a farm with farm owners who need some help. The Wwoofers get free food and board in exchange for working on the farm. These particular kids were terrific; smart and really entertaining. They cooked the lunches and helped with dinners as well. Seems like win-win for all involved as long as they like each other. My daughter had a friend from CA who worked on a farm in NZ last year, same program I believe.
  5. On our recent travels in North Carolina we discovered that it seems more common than it used to for smaller low-key places, especially if they are out of the way, to offer dinner for a fee. We stayed at two places in the mountains that offered this; in neither would it have been very convenient to drag ourselves out for dinner after we finally located them. The first place turned out to be owned by a retired engineer and his wife, who was younger and French. She cooked us an astounding dinner for a very low price--one of the best meals I've had in years. Her breakfast was just as great. The second place was really in the middle of nowhere with a farm attached. We had a lunch and two dinners as well as included breakfasts, all using locally sourced or homegrown foods. (These people had start-of-season asparagus growing out of their ears.) They charged us almost nothing, considering the bounty. This second place happened to have three WWOOFers staying with them, and these 20-somethings cooked up a storm. In both places we ate with our hosts and it was very fun.
  6. Katie Meadow

    Potato Salad

    Shel, you and I have many of the same sources here in the east bay. My favorite potato for salad is the French fingerling, a red skin variety. Very available at the Berkeley farmers market all summer. The rest of the year I alternate between red or white waxy and YG for salads. I agree that the YG's hold up a bit less well, but I like the flavor; it's imortant not to overcook them for salads.YG's work well for hash too as long as you parboil and then chill them, so they can be cut into tiny cubes and they will then retain the shape. I've tasted almost all varieties of potatoes that are available at the farmers markets here in the east bay. Red Rose are good too. The variety I like least is the Russian Banana. The blue ones don't do much for me either. And I agree that dressing them when warm or hot is beneficial, although my method is to just dress them with vinegar and a little salt, then let them cool before putting on the oil or other dressing components. Not sure whose direx I followed for that, but I've been doing it for years.
  7. I just got back from North Carolina and lots of people we stayed with have chickens. Chickens are a laugh a minute, and seem able to live up to just about any name you can think of. Our friend's heart belongs to a chicken named Fiona. All names for chickens seem equally inappropriate and excellent. My first red hen is going to be named Paprika. Or Pippi Longstocking.
  8. When is rhubarb not beautiful? Right now I can't think of any pink food that is without visual appeal, actually. Strawberry milkshake. cotton candy. taramosalata, peppermint ice cream, salmon, borsht with creme fraiche.
  9. Two beers I've never heard of or tasted before and they were both really good. (Not that it's unusual for a beer to be new to me, since I'm not really much of a beer drinker, except in very hot weather.) One was Crown Valley Black Cabin Smoked Ale. As soon as you taste it you remember what it smelled like around a campfire. So yummy. The other was a draft Boulevard Coffee Ale from MO. Serious coffee flavor, loved it. Excellent with deep fried pickles. Some experiences you just can't replicate. Or explain!
  10. Another three days in Atlanta and Decatur, so I thought it worth updating. This time we were there for Rollins School of Public Health graduation. Originally I thought to repeat my good experience at Miller Union, but my nephew, who is in the restaurant business, just came back from Atlanta raving about a new place called The Optimist, so we opted for that. The space is pretty great, although the whole ambiance is too hip by half. There were highs and lows. There are a lot of drinks based on sour and salty, and wow, they were salty. The bread was delicious, and there was lots of it. My husband had the green curry mussels (super generous portion for an app) and declared them very good. I started with a knockout she-crab soup. Really really great, not too heavy or creamy, also a good size portion, swoon-worth and served with an over-the-top sinfully greasy piece of shrimp toast--sort of fabulous and frightening at the same time. The Optimist is mainly a fish place, which might seem unusual for Atlanta, but it's welcome. They make a very big deal about the menu changing every night depending what seafood they can get that's freshest, which all sounds very politically correct, but they also were serving swordfish and some not very sustainably fished critters. I had grouper served in a tomato broth and it was excellent. Never had grouper before, and my husband had cobia, also a first. Good too. The fish is served pretty much on its own, so if you want a veggie you have to order a side. The sides were mostly excellent. We all scarfed down the bok choy and the grilled baby vidalia onions. Desserts were a bit of a let down. The cuteness factor got out of control and the dessert menu was complicated and way too "ironic." All in all though, if you want fresh fish in Atlanta and a noisy young crowd, this is a good place to go. Raw bar too, with a selection of east coast and west coast oysters. The next day, day of graduation, was complicated and we ended up starving for most of the day, then overeating for the rest of it. We spent the mid-to-late afternoon celebrating with some of my daughter's friends and their families at, of all places, a bar in Little Five Points called The Vortex, which is basically decked out like a friendly colorful goth funhouse, inside and out: Haight Ashbury meets Nascar meets Halloween. The main menu, which we didn't go for as we had plans for an early dinner, was proud-of-it heart attack food worthy of Paula Deen, burgers mainly with as much added fried and fatty things you could imagine. I had a wonderful classic bar experience with a new-to-me drink and snack: I had a draft beer called Boulevard Coffee Ale and a plate of deep fried pickles. Loved them both. Dinner was a radical switch. To meet the boyfriend's parents for some reason my daughter wanted the opposite of party atmosphere, and she seemed very concerned that the place not be expensive. I was a bit wary when I learned the place didn't serve any alcohol, so her choice we thought was pretty strange, until we saw the menu and realized this was not an ordinary hole in the wall. She chose a place called Nam Phuong, a Viet restaurant in Druid Hills among the string of ethnic restaurants on Buford Hway. Apparently the boyfriend was sick recently and my daughter brought him some take-out pho from this place. Now growing up in the east bay she's very familiar with Viet food, since it is always our go-to for inexpensive nourishing fare, but this was the boyfriend's first pho and apparently he loved it. Turns out the parents had never eaten Viet food before. The upshot is that this is a gem, so if you live in Atlanta and like Viet food it is outstanding. Best papaya salad I have ever eaten; and happily the boyfriend's mom thought it was terrific. The menu had a category called "street food" so my daughter and I shared a small plate of lemongrass quail. Amazing! After all those fried pickles and beer I didn't need much more food, so she and I also shared an order of lemongrass chicken bun, also very good. There were sauces for everything, and some new ones to me. The quail came with an excellent spicy light sauce which I have no idea what was in it, and my husband ordered a version of grilled beef on watercress which, instead of being served as a room temp salad, was served hot, over rice, with a dipping mix of salt and pepper and lemon. If I lived in Atlanta I would live at this place. I wish I had a chance to try the pho, but don't know the boyfrlend well enough to ask him to pass along his bowl. His parents seemed pretty happy, and no one but me was concerned there wasn't even a beer to be had. Dinner was split and I think it came to around $110 for the six of us. I'd kill for this place in Oakland. And amazingly, the portions were enormous. The kids were thrilled to take home the leftovers. The next moring we met my daughter and a girlfriend for breakfast at Cakes & Ale, which I didn't get to my first trip. Coffee was lovely and expertly baristed (is that a word?) and I had the plain croissant, which was really good. I almost never eat this type of breakfast pastry, and there are only two croissants I've ever had that were better: one was from a wood-fired oven in France and the other was at Tartine in the Mission. I try to limit wheat and butter, so having a croissant is a really special treat--so it better be good, is how I look at it. This was a sweet place with very relaxed vibe. The breads came out of the oven and looked delicious just as we were leaving. Just a cranky aside, but the ATL airport is hands-down the worst place for airport food in the US. Basically the concourse consisted of vending machines and chain fast food counters with little seating. Not that I would tout any airport for its food. Here's an unsubstantiated fact told to me by the person next to me in the endless cattle shute of a security line: twice as many people go through ATL on a daily basis as through JFK.
  11. Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away the best tasting fish was Chilean sea bass. Once upon a time the best tasting fish was bluefin tuna. Two weeks ago the best tasting fish was skate, especially because it was the first time I ever cooked it. And yesterday, in the chilly drizzly mountains of NC at a very modest roadside restaurant with outdoor tables on a stream the best tasting fish was a thick fresh slab of lightly breaded catfish that was served piping hot on a puddle of grits.
  12. Lexington on a Sunday evening--no BBQ joint was open except for Smileys. Totally loved the waitress!
  13. Turned out we had very little time in Asheville, so we needed to find something open mid-afternoon near downtown. We had a very good lunch at Tupelo Honey cafe. Unpretentions but very friendly. Very good biscuits, knockout grits w/feta (gettin' a bit sick of cheddar grits) good quick saute greens and excellent house made pickled beets. Highlights of the trip have been at places we stayed. Fantastic meal at a B&B cooked by a French woman near the Blue Ridge Hway, and I mean like four stars provencal meal: salad with home made canned pickled beets, fresh spinach from her garden and chevre, local rabbit with shitakes grown on her own log, home grown radishes, roast potatoes. For dessert she served a pear almond tarte tatin, ice cream and espresso. Next morning for breakfast she baked orange glazed brioche, served fresh strawbs and granola with Greek yogurt, toasted nuts and a little topping of whipped cream. I'm not ordinarily a granola person, but this was outstanding; looked like an ice cream sunday. Then there were the best smoked salmon and local eggs I ever tasted, and I've had a lot of that. It was totally amazing. Oh, I don't know what white wine she served at dinner, but it was great too. Next highlights were two days of farm food in a very remote area near the Appalachian border. We had dessert the first night, which was home grown rhubarb and strawberry tart. The next morning was an enormous spread of johnny cakes with warm sorghum and honey mixed,biscuits just out of the oven, a fabulous fruit salad made from their apples and other fruits, and of all things, roast asparagus from their farm. Asparagus appeared the next morning as well, along with cheesy heirloom grits and delicious baked apple slices. Dinner was local farmed trout and a delicious pasta dish with carrots and guess what, more asparagus. Best asparagus I ever tasted. Wow, stay on a farm! We are working our way down to Atlanta, where I am guessing we will be mostly eating in restaurants. It seems that B&B's (been awhile since we did this kind of trip) that are in out of the way places routinely offer dinner, for an additional charge. At the farm we would have had to drive on gravel roads and windy dark paved roads for almost an hour to get to a restaurant, so who wants to do that? We got lost going to three of the places we have stayed, even with GPS, which is often wrong when it comes to country roads, so once we found these places I would have rather starved than get in the car again. But as you can see, starving was not in the cards. We had some North Carolina BBQ at a well known place in Lexington, chunks of pork with a vinegar tang that needed hot sauce, which we spritzed on, and hush puppies and some not very distinctive sides. Never had hush puppies before, but these tasted like a corn dog without the dog, not that that is necessarily a bad thing. Jury is out, not enough info. We also stopped for lunch today at an old historic inn with a restaurant where I had country ham for the first time. It was good, strong flavored, but again nothing to compare it too. Best thing about it was that it was served with more baked apples. I've had warm applesauce, but the baked sliced apple thing that seems to be a common side in several parts of NC is really yummy (I can do that at home, right? Well not the ham.) You got your salt, you got your sugar. My husband and I have gotten into the habit of ordering one sweet tea and one unsweetened, then mixing them for a not so sweet drink. Good, but the waiters usually look at as funny when we do it.
  14. After a very long day and only one pour of this stuff I'm not about to scroll through this thread to see what anyone has to say. We are in North Carolina and stopped at a pub in Highlands. The bartender recommended the Thomas Handy Sazerac 120 or 128 proof, can'ty remember. It was delicious and very strong. One drink neat was relatively inexpensive--at least according to the bartender-- compared to some of the other ryes they had: about $10 or $11. I never drink 120 proof anything, I don't think.
  15. No one plays with ice tea here in the south. Sweet tea is like a religion married to a survival technique. I'm in North Carolina this week, where sweet tea rules. It is often just sitting around in a giant pitcher at room temp, and some people add ice and it seems some don't. If you are lucky you get some mint in it. And I think it is usually Liptons. However we stayed at a B & B last night owned by a transplant from the south of France and her sweet tea was just perfect: at least half the sugar that is typical for the area. Delicious. She also made us local rabbit for dinner, and a pear almond tarte tatin. Knockout.
  16. So sorry you had a bad experience there. And after what you say I'm just glad we stopped at drinks and bar food. Although it's hard to imagine even wanting dinner after eating a slab of that cheese toast. I'm in North Carolina now--in the Great Smokies. Where a tuna melt isn't made with bonito flakes. Actually I don't think they even have tuna melts in NC. What they do have is unlimited quantities of bacon and fresh farm eggs. And lots of grits. Everyone had a garden and almost everyone has some chickens.
  17. They were served room temp with a minty dressing with folds of prosciutto on top. And there were lots of peas! Otto must have a porch with old rockers on the back side of 5th ave where the staff sits around shelling peas and gossiping.
  18. Highlights of the week so far. We made a couple of meals at the apt after trips to Citarella, which I just can't resist. One night we had steamers--super nostalgic food for me, and one night we cooked Skate wings. Skate is cheap and delicious, and this was my first time cooking it. I probably could use a lesson in skate prep, like how to get that cartiledge out, but we just sauteed it very briefly in butter, than made a little brown butter caper lemon sauce to pour over. Sorry to miss Shad season by a few days, but thrilled to arrive just in time for early soft shell crabs. Had them at Great NY Noodletown, best ever. I think it's my favorite food on earth. Drinks and bar food one night at Ma Peche. It's right down the block from my mom's apt and I've never been. After looking at the menu and reading some reviews I decided I could live without a having a formal dinner there. Drinks are good, snacks are great. Had the ubiquitous pork buns, some kind of wildly yummy crispy shrimp balls and the best of all was what they simply refer to as "cheese toast," which for my money is like the more glorified tuna melt ever: buttery crispy edged thick toast, melted cheese and then a flurry of shaved bonito. We ordered a second one immediately. Did a comparison of papaya juice. Papaya King wins. Going back for juice and a hot dog tomorrow. It will be my first hot dog in years! Also at Papaya King my husband found a metro card with unlimited rides, so that must be a sign that the gods favor PK over Gray's, or that someone was so blissed out on their juice they forgot their card. Brunch in chelsea w/my oldest friend from 4th grade at Tipsy Parson. They have a very good fruit bowl with ginger and mint, and a nice selection of breakfast food. Then across the street to La Bergamote for some takeaway pastry. Pistachio creme brulee is amazing! And so was the layered torte--senior moment can't remember what it was called. Dollar oysters and fabulous hot gooey spinach artichoke dip at Mermaid Inn in the neighborhood where I grew up. It wasn't there then, too bad. Lunch at Otto. Nice pizzas but what knocked me out was the fresh English peas served with prosciutto. So so good. Also delicious wine, but didn't write down what it was. Dinner last night at Rouge et Blanc with an old friend. Never been before. The atmosphere is totally sweet, it's relatively quiet and they don't rush you. You can talk! It's adorable! Best dish was a total knockout--we were in heaven: cured arctic char sort of like gravlax, only not salmon) with house-made pickles and a creamy spicy bed of....who knows what, but it was basically a very refined French-Viet version of tartar sauce. Best of all the plates. Also good was crispy broccoli and kale, and I'm a confirmed broccoli hater, but it was great. Three of us shared two desserts, both trance inducing: the gateau chocolate w/marshmallow fluff and chocolate sauce, and the biscuit with macerated fruit with berry sorbet w/ crushed nuts under it. Two days left, but not sure how much eating out we will do.
  19. I haven't been to NY Noodletown in several years, but I'm in NY this week and went for a 3pm lunch. That must be the quietest time of day, since that's when lots of kitchen staff were eating. Spectacular early season salt baked soft shell crabs! Big BIG juicy, perfect. The staff were all eating piles of garlicky pea shoots, so that's what we ordered. Love them. Roast duck also very good. Two big crabs for $18. I'm not used to quite so much salt, but then we're talking about eating Chinese food. Walk carefully, I think they wash the floors with duck fat.
  20. I'm not a fan of non-fat yogurt, nor do I buy yogurt with fruit or flavor in it. My only exception to that is a local east bay yogurt called Saint Benoit. They make a full fat lemon yogurt that is pretty nice. Their product comes in a recyclable ceramic jar, is sold at some farmers' markets and several local groceries as well. I have no idea how widely this is available. For old-fashioned Euro-style yogurt I still think Pavel's full fat is great, and the 2% is okay. I do very much like the Bellwether sheeps milk yogurt but don't buy it very often. That actually tastes a bit like the yogurt I had in Crete many years ago, which I am almost sure was sheep's milk. My favorite Greek-style yogurt is still Fage, and I prefer the 2%; it seems richer that any other 2% yogurt. It's easy to come by and it's versatile. The Chobani selection everywhere seems limited to non-fat, and mostly flavored. I did find some non-fat plain and tried that, but didn't think it was anything special. My TJ's sells the Fage, so I buy it there. I suppose it would be worth trying the TJ Greek. Next time.
  21. Shel, I rarely eat out, and when I do eat out I don't go for steak. I've been disappointed enough times so that I'm pretty reluctant to order a high priced steak at a restaurant. Truly, when I do get a craving for juicy rare steak I do best by just buying a good quality rib-eye, giving it a nice cowboy rub, and grilling it in the back yard. I generally don't like the atmosphere or vibe of "steak houses" and have found that the better steaks I've eaten out have been at bistro type places. A Cote on College has a pretty good hanger steak, although it has been at least two years since I was there, so no guarantee. There must be some bistro type places in SF where you can get a good steak frites, but it may not be so easy to find. The last time I had a steak at a restaurant in SF it was very pricey and it was so oversalted I couldn't eat most of it. Several years ago I did have a great steak at Jardiniere, but I really don't have a clue what the food is like now, and it likely is break-the-bank expensive. To me, steak is one of those foods where the labor is so minimal that I would rather pay top dollar for the best meat than pay for someone else to throw it on a grill. Check out the Local Butcher Shop in north Berkeley. They might have suggestions, and if not, they certainly can sell you a quality hunk of meat.
  22. Actually I had very good soft shell crabs last spring at Xi'an Famous foods in Chinatown, and that was rock bottom price.
  23. Don't know where you live, but if you don't live on the east coast one of best treats in late spring/early summer is fresh soft shell crabs. They are often on the "specials" menus at a wide variety of restaurants--Italian, Chinese, Japanese, etc. I think it's my favorite seasonal food on earth. Well, not including vegetables and fruits.
  24. Yup. We came home from a seder with a LOT of hardboiled eggs that no one wanted, for some reason. Lately I have been making my egg salad like this: chopped egg, minced celery, tiny amount of minced red onion, generous amount of fresh dill and then a light dressing of approx 2:1 mayo to creme fraiche. Then salt, pepper, dash of paprika. I've also make egg salad by mixing a bit of romesco sauce into the mayo.
  25. So I used plain matzoh and toasted it. It does crisp up. I learned two things: it toasts very quickly (in other words some went directly from the toaster into the garbage) and never to put the raggedy side of broken matzoh down in the toaster because it gets stuck and things get ugly. I did not attempt to wet the matzoh before toasting, as that seems likely to make an even worse mess. There was a slight improvement over untoasted matzoh in the final product, but matzoh brei is going to have that wonderful slightly rubbery slightly cardboardy texture no matter what. That's what makes it good. Once or twice a year.
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